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Showing posts from January, 2010

Snowy Writing Day

I hate winter. Right now it is freezing rain for the past eight hours and waiting for the snow to fall. So today is a good day to write or keep looking out the window for the snow. I am lucky not to have to work today and am going no where, so I am going to write and wait for summer. What do you do when you are snowed in?????

Stopped Writing?

Where did the week go? I didn't write this past week. I didn't blog. What did I do? I was glued to the tv, watching the news on Hati. That is no excuse. I don't have one. But I am back. I typed in ten pages into the computer on my WIP. I am working on a non fiction book about being anorexic. It is hard to stay focus with work and just being tired. So I am sorry I haven't blogged this week. I didn't even go on line. Guess it was a lazy week. My writing class starts in Feb and looking forward to that. I need to stay on track. How are you doing? Keep writing!!!!


I am writing rewriting and writing again. I guess that is the writing process. I have just typed in ten pages into the computer that I had written in longhand. I do like my story but it is a long process. I am not reaching my writing goal. Work makes me tired and when I am ready to write, it seems that something comes up and I don't write, but I am not giving up. So all I can do is to keep writing. Hope all your writing is going well

Keep Writing

Even though I didn't do well with my writing class, it didn't stop me from writing. I just typed in a chapter of pages that I wrote in longhand. This will never change. I will always write and have self doubt. I do hope you all will nver stop writing. It is a gift and this is what I do.

Writing is hard!!!!

Who knew that writing could be so hard and complicated. You put words on paper and you have a story. Not so true.. I am taking an on line writing class and have no clue what is being discussed. I think that I am doing it, but have no example to post cause I am not sure what she wants. Thought about it at work all morning and decided that I should stop thinking about it. I printed out everything so I can re read later and get on with life. Why do I even bother???/ Cause I am a writer and that is what I do.


I just recieved my Golden Heart entries, from Romance Writer's of America. I had 7 to read and judge. I laid in bed, ate chips and read, all morning....It is good to see what others are writing and know that I have to step but....Others are more serious than I am. I need to kick it up a notch. I also signed up for a writing on line course for Feb and March. I am so ready. I want to move forward with my writing and I feel that I am in the right direction... What are you doing to move your writing in the right direction?????

Always Time to Write

There is always time to write. It is below freezing and snowing. What else is there to do? Write. Get your notebook and pen out, snuggle under the covers and write. Plot out a novel, write down your radom thoughts. Reread what you already written. There is no excuse not to write. I just read reread my four chapters and took notes. Writing is not an easy process. There is a lot of rewriting and rewriting. so never give up. I am taking an online class that starts Sunday and I am looking forward to that. I will keep you updated. In the meantime keep writing and it will all lead to something

Snow Snow Snow

First week of January and two major snowstorms hit my town..My truck is stuck in the snow and had to walk part of the way to work, till a co-worker picked me up,,,so I haven't been writing that much this week. I am trying to get through the week with this snow and make it to work......Life has gotten in the way of my writing......

It's A New Year

Well, it is already the 5th. The year is already flying by. I am writing everyday, but not making my daily goals. I am working on it. I am a judge for the Golden Heart Contest that Romance Writer's of America has. I am waiting for the entries. I can not wait to read the entries. I also signed up for a writing class on line this month. I am trying and that is all I can do. Keep writing!!!!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! I hope you all had a great holiday season, but I for one is glad that it is over and that a new year begins. So what are your goals for the new year??? Here is mine. 1. complete my manuscript 2. Write a killer synopsis & Query letter. 3. Take my writing classes 4. Write Every Day 8 pages a day 5. Try to be a better person and put others first.