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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Cataylst

  I am starting my rewrite and I am going to start with the Cataylst....The moment when something major happens to your Hero.....that she has to decide to ignore it or do something about it.  I have Multi View Points in this book, so this will be one chapter...all the View Points will encounter something that brings them all together as they step into Act 2...I am writing thisbook out of order so in the important Plot Points. the View Points will all be on the same page....I will let you know howit goes......

One Word At A Time

June 1st. half way mark of the year.  Where did the time go?  did. yoy finish the book?  Did you start the book you want to write?   NO PROBLEM!  June is a new month, a new day.  dont beat yourself up.  Grab your comuter or paper and pen......Write one sentence.  Look!  You are writing, one word at a sentence at a time. it is all about putting pen to paper and letting your characters have a voice  

Plotting With Save The Cat!

  Save The I have been using the Save The Cat Beat Sheet Workbook and it is awesome.   I have filled out all 15 Beat sheets.  I wrote each beat on an index card.  I seperated the single beats from the multi beats and put them on a small bullitine board or poster board would work also, just tape them on.  Using the workbook, every beat was done in the workbook, took be about a week to do the workbook, but I did have the rough draft finished, but this is way better,  I had no fun and games in rough draft and the ending was vague.  So I am ready to wrire, I have writen 12 pages in 2 days.  I decid3d to write the Single Beat Scenes first.  I have all that in my head now, then I can spend time on the Multi Beat Scenes.  I have a road map now.  so I would suggest you. check out   I make no money for talking about this.  So happy writing and leave a mesage and tell me how you are writing.

The Sagging Middle

I am still plotting with Save the Cat.  I talked about it in my last post. Let me tell you, i am thinking and coming uo with new ideas.  It probably will take me about another week to plot it all out.   I have the 1st scene and last scene plotted out and now I am in act 2. and this is where I have no good ideas and where I am struggling.  I have the beginning and end figured out but the midde where I am going to really put some effort in. I will let you know how the weekend goes, hopefully I will have Act 2 plotted out  

Save The Cat

 Save The Cat Beat Sheet Workbook if you have not heard about Save The Cat By Blake Snyder, then you need to go to savethe It will change the way you plot and everything else. Jamie Nash wrote a workbook using SaveThe Cat.  I bought it onAmazon. and is is GREAT I am plotting out my Biblical Fantasy, and the story is better and sois my characters If you are a need this.  I have every book of Save The Cat series 15 beats in every story, movie sitcom or commerical Check it out SaveThe Cat

Write In Longhand.

  I am going old school I am going old school.  I am writing in longhand. I am writing in Longhand.  Pen to Paper.  I am tired of my computer messing up. Ink is expensive and I am having a hard time keeping up with technology.   I am writing a Biblical Fantasty and want to write a 100,000 word Novel.  I am a bit out of my league.  I usually write a 200 page novel I i feel I write more freely in longhand.  What do you think?  Do you write in Longhand?  Leave a comment Happy Writing

Zombie This!

When i first started writing i wanted to beca Romance Writer.   wrote Forever And Always... then i was at work and we were talking about Zombies and then i wrote Zombie Zoo and then the Series Me VS Zombies.  Then I felt the need to Write my Testimony of meeting Jesus.  My Bible My God.  Now i Believe from the core of my being that thesw are the last days. Jesus is coming...So i wrote The Way series.  Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life I wrote. That Lady. Prepare for the Rapture.  The Cross and my favorite. based on my life today That Crazy Chicken Lady I haven't stayed with the same type of story.  I write what i want to and not what the market or social media says I have 81 Books on Amazon. just type my name in. Sharon Lee Johnson if i can do this, so can you What are you writing? Leave a comment  

Dating in a Zombie Outbreak

  This is This is my favorite zombie that started off the series Me Vs Zombies on how it all began Zombie Date is a full length novel a out dating during aZombie Outbreak     All my books are on Amazon Zombie On