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Showing posts from November, 2009


Hope everything had a great Thanksgiving. I have rewritten the first chapter of my novel, since my writing class. I learned a lot and now have more conflict in my book. I am excited about my rewrite. I have a new calendar for the new year. I am going to keep it next to the computer and write in it each day, on what I did for writing, whether it is blogging, reading writing or typing. Everyday I will do something to do with writing. I am working on two books and will do that each day. I am looking forward to the new year and to see my book finished. That begins rewriting. I will do a lot of rewriting and that is okay. It will only make my book better.. Are you writing today?????

Somthing Always Goes Wrong

I got up and was ready to write. As I was typing my hand written pages into the computer, I did something and it locked up. I couldn't do anything. So I had to turn my computer off and hope for the best. I turned it back on and all is well. Then I went on the internet and then I could only check my e-mail and not go to any websites, so I turned off my computer two different times and now all is well. that is how my day is going. Something is always going wrong, I just went with the flow and went on...............

Course Complete

I did my finally lesson this morning. My writing course is complete and now I have no excuse to start writing my rewrite. I got really good feed back and I think I am a better writer than I think I am. So I am setting a goal of ten pages a day, no matter what. Not sure I will reach that goal everyday, but I am going to try. I am going to take another writing course in February. So I will have two months to get busy and to write.

Get Up Early

I get up three hours early to write, before I have to go to work. It the only time of the day, that I am fresh, awake and my mind is clear I just did my two lessons for my class. I have three more lessons to do. So you do what you have to do. Others are at the key board, why not you? So this is what I do. I write and if I have to get up early to write, then I will. I do feel better after I write and when I get to work, I feel that I did what I really do and my job is just to pay the bills


I have been doing my writing class, and I now am deciding to start another rewrite. I have already done an outline for the first six chapters. I have 5 more lessons and then I am done and have learned alot already. So I guess this is a good thing. when I finish the class I will start rewriting and my goal is ten pages a day...I am determined to finish this novel.....

Movie: 2012

I went and saw 2012. If you like diaster movies, you will love this movie. It is about 2 1/2 hours long. Three hours with previews. I have nothing but praise for this movie. You have to see it on the big screen. Don't wait till it comes out on dvd. I forgot how much I liked going to the movies. I just don't like paying for the movie and popcorn. The popcorn and soda was more than the cost of getting in. It is well worth the price. Go see it!!!! I didn't write Sunday. I went to work and then to the movies. I did get up at midnight and did two writing assigments on my course. Needless to say, I have a whole lot of rewriting to do. The class is on Conflict which my book is lacking, so this is really helping. I am so glad that I took the class. Don't be afraid to learn or take a class on the internet. It is well worth it and though I will now have to rework my book, it will have more conflict and depth than ever and it will be publishable.

Never stop

Wow! I have a follower!! Thank you. I do try to blog once a day or every other day and that is not always easy. Thanks for following me. I was writing in long hand and was stuck. I then moved onto another manuscript that I am working on, and right before I had to go to work, I figured out how to fix my problem in my other manuscript. So when I got to work, I jotted down my ideas,so I am now good to go and get busy on that scene. So you never know where or when the idea would come from. I told my boyfriend that I think about my writing before I fall asleep, and then when I wake up, I have ideas to work on. I think he thought I was a bit nutty, but it does work. I am always thinking about my manuscript. So never stop! Never give up! One never knows where or when the ideas will come......

Put it in Writing

Wow! Someone left me a commet on my blog, here. I was excited. That is a good thing. Now I put my writing goals on line, I will now have to follow through. So I think that it is a good idea to write down your goals, etiher on-line for the whole world to read or just in a notebook for yourself. It will keep you on track.. I believe in journaling. I do it all the time. Write it down and get it out of your system So good luck with your goals............

Feed Back

We all need feed back, either good or bad. I am taking this writing course on line and the feed back has been positive with some good advice. So I now know that I am a good writer, not as bad as I thought I was. I am still writing in long hand. I will always do that, even though it will take longer to get into the computer, but this is my method and I accept it. So I am writing ten pages aday. After my writing course, the month of December and January I will finish the second draft of The Perfect Christmas and will start the major rewrite. I am commited to this and will finish the book. It is good to get advice from someone that does not know you. My friends and family think I am brillant. Then someone else reads it and shows me what I need to do. So this is good. We all need to learn. I am so glad I took this course. is who is doing the writing class.

Working & Writing

It is not easy, writing and working. Checking e-mails, blogging, how does one find time to write. Carry a notebook with you. Get up earlier. write on breaks and lunches. Those are a few ways. I get up early. I get up at about two hours early. I am at my best, right when I get up. I go to work and think about writing. My job is more physical than mental. Remember that no one cares if you write or not. It won't effect their lives. It is all up to you. You need to do it for yourself. Myself, I have to write. I would love to ly on the couch and eat chips and di, but I hear voices and have to put them on paper. I have to write. so I write and don't really care what people think of me in the break room when I am writing down a thought. You can do it. You need to do it for you and you will be better for it. Keep writing

Write no matter what

I am still doing my writing course and I think I need to get over my self doubt. I am getting good feedback. I am doing my lessons and am applying the lessons to my WIP. I am very excited about this, cause I feel that I am going in the right direction and will be able to finish my novel. So no matter what, you need to keep writing and have faith in yourself. I know that it is not always easy, but you need to just keep writing.


I am getting some good feed back from my writing course. Maybe I am not a bad writer after all. I guess no one really knows if they are good or not. I am not giving up, even if I never get published. But I do know that I will, cause I will not give up. I write everyday, no matter what. The writing course is going well and I am waiting for my third lesson.


I got up early, before I went to work, thinking my next lesson would be on line....I was wrong. I am excited about this writing course. Keeps me focused on my writing throughout the day. I was real nervous when I did my first assignment, but the response was good. I do hope you all are writing.....

Writing course

Today is the first day of my on line writing course. Yes I did figure out how to sign up sign in and I did my first writing assigment this morning and e-mailed it. Maybe I am not as stupid as I feel sometimes. I do think this will be a good writing course. The first lesson made me think. She has a few courses and it doesn't cost that much. I know that I do need some help and I do hope this will help. All I can do is keep writing, cause that is what I do...