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Showing posts from April, 2010

New Goals

I was at work yesterday and I had an idea. There are 28 weeks left in the year. My WIP has 20 chapters. I am going to write 1 chapter a week and by the end of the year my WIP will be done. Sure I will have to do some rewrite and edit, but it will bew 400 pages printed out and in the computer. I have been up since midnght and have been writing. I am going to get up 3 hours earlier, before I have to go to work. If not now? When? This is my time and nothing is going to stop me. What is your writing Goal? What do you want to do this year? Leave me a comment.

Never Give Up

I write cause that is what I do. Am I published. Not yet. That has nothing to do with it. I wake up wanting to go to the computer and write. I carry a notebook with me, everywhere I go. I write cause that is who I am. I will never give up, cause I know that I will be published some day. You are reading my blog, so I am published. Blogging is my start to publication. Do you have a blog? Makes you write everyday and people will read what you write. Something to think about. I write everyday. I set goals. I never give up. What are you working on? Leave a comment and let me know.


Not writing enough. Set daily goals. Word count. Page count. It will help you keep track of how much you are writing. Writing is not my problem. It is the editing that gets me tied now, and then I start rewriting the thing over and I am back at the beginning. I am not going to do it this time. I am going to finish my book and get it published. I have a handle on where it is going and how it is going to end. So I write every day, no matter what. My goal is to finish it by the end of the year. I do think that is a doable goal What is your goal?

Write Everyday

it is hard to write every day. I wake up and have a terrible headache. Have to go to work. Run errands and just want to go back to bed. When am I going to have time to write? I make time. Even if it is for five minutes here and there. There are people who want it worst then I do. I think of those people out there, typing away. So I write everyday, trying to keep up with the others who are sending out there manuscripts while I am still rewriting. The competion is feirce, so I need to write everyday. What motivates you to write????


I am so sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. Not sure that I have a good excuse. spring is finally here and I am so happy about that. Right now I am taking two on line writing workshops and have hundreds of e-mails to sift through. I am still plugging away on my 2 WIP. My Goal is to have them finished by the first of the year. Are you still writing??? Let me know what you are working on.....