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Showing posts from June, 2010

More Than Just Writing

Writing is what I do.  Writing is what I am.  But there is so much more than just writing.  One thing I need to know how to use a computer.  I know nothing.  I am blogging and not sure how I am doing it.  I need a website.  Have no idea how to do that.  I have written an e-book, and want to sell it on my website, have no idea how to set it up with pay pal and links to get them to download my book. I can write 24/7 but now days if one does not know how to put it on the web, what is the point??? I have just spent three hours trying to improve my blog and didn't change a thing.  So I decided to do what I do best, I write. How do you survive this computer age, when you have no idea what to do??? I don't even know how to add pictures to my bog??? Any suggestions???? We are all in this together.  I will get published, one way or another, either by a New Yourk Publisher or by e-book.  So please join me on my quest to get publ...

No excuses

It is to hot. Summer is here. There is no excuse not to write. I have no excuses for not writing, but I do work nights, so when I get home I am tired and then I do get up four hours before I go to work to write, and then I find myself lying on the couch watching tv. I have no excuses. What are your excuses??? I would like to hear them

Back Up

Back up your writing. I know that you have heard that before, but you may need to hear it again. I was typing about six pages, and then something happened. My word processer locked up and had no idea how to fix it. I turned the computer off and lost what I had typed in. I reytped the pages and saved it half way through , so you might want to think about it, when you are typing

Lessons Learned

I finished my writing class and started another one. I have learned so much from these classes and now I have to get busy and write my story. I am in the process of writing my synopsis and chapter eight. I have learned and now I am going to work on my nove. What are you doing this week???

Writing Onward

I am moving forward with my writing. My writing classes has helped me center my story. It has more conflict and I like it more than ever. So I need to move forward and write the story, not matter what. That is my goal. It is not easy to write, I would rather be laying on the couch with a bag of chips, watching tv, but I need to write. So my writing classes are almost over and I have no excues not to write. I am still trying to write a chapter a week. I have been doing good but when I worked on my Prologue it was harder than I thought, so I need to get busy writing the next chapter. Writing Onward, that is all I can do. What are your writing goals????


Prologue Good Or Bad. I am not published yet. I like Prologues. I just wrote one for the novel that I am working on. Editors may not like them and I may have to toss it out, but I am leaving it there for now. Took me 4 days to write it. didn't think it would be that hard. So I am using Prologue good or bad. What do you think about Prologue?????

Finding One's Voice

I have been taking writng courses for the past six months. I have gotten good feedback on my lessons. On theing that has kept coming up in her comments was, HUMOR. Remarks like, I like the hint of humor, shows that they have a fun history. I like the remark about him rolling his eyes. So I was thinking, maybe I should be writing romantic comdies, instead of trying to be so serious in my writing and so deep. So I am going to just write and see if I am funny. I have asked a couple of people if I was funny, and they said, sometimes. I do not see myself as a funny person, but I do make people laugh. So maybe these writing courses are working. Finding one's voice is not always an easy thing, but you have to keep writing to discover it. Let someone else read your work. they might see something that you don't

Word Count

I have been up for a few hours and have written 1,500 words and now working on my lessons. I am making daily goals everyday and will see how that works. I need to turn the tv off and try to stay off the internet so I can write. how many words have you written today?


I am still writing. doing my writing lessons and I am on track. I feel that goals are a good thing, but the main thing is that you have to believe yourself. If you don't believe in your self, who will? I know that is a hard for one. I am trying to find more self confience. It is not easy, but I need to write and get this book published. Keep Writing