I have finished one book, will send it off, for she can put it on line for me. I started the second book and the third book. One is fiction....One is Non-Fiction I am going to attempt to have the next two books done next year so then I will have three books on line. That would make me HAPPY. I am still getting up early. That is the only way I can get the writing done. If I do not get up early I will never write and I will not be a published writer. This is my dream and what I want to do. It does not effect anyone if I do not presue my dream. So I write, cause that is what I do. Get up early and write. Check out my other blog: http://iamwalkingwithgod.blogspot.com/ Write Something today
I am a writer. I have to live to write. Writing is part of me. I have over 50 E-Books and print books on Amazon. I am a self-publisher. I do it myself with out being in debt. This is my life, A Writers, Life. Welcome to my World.