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Showing posts from April, 2011

The Next Book

I have finished one book, will send it off, for she can put it on line for me. I started the second book and the third book.  One is fiction....One is Non-Fiction I am going to attempt to have the next two books done next year so then I will have three books on line.  That would make me HAPPY. I am still getting up early.  That is the only way I can get the writing done.  If I do not get up early I will never write and I will not be a published writer.  This is my dream and what I want to do.  It does not effect anyone if I do not presue my dream. So I write, cause that is what I do. Get up early and write. Check out my other blog:   Write Something today

Book Blurb

I am getting closer to getting my book published. It is my testimony to God, and how he changed my life. Book Blurb: I am an alcolic.  I am anerixic.  I was sexually abused.  How could anyone ever love me?  Why was I even born?  Could I be even more messed up? Took me 45 five years to read my BIBLE.  That was the day GOD talked to me and I listened.  That was the day my life changed, in ways I never thought was possible. This is my testimony of how GOD changed my heart and my life. GOD IS ALWAYS WITH ME-EVEN WHEN I IGNORE HIM So if you are working on a book, don't forget the book blurb. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today MY book should be released next month.  I will keep you posted.

When to Let the Book Go

I have re-read and re-read my book.  How do I know when I am finished editing it?? I am going with my gut feeling.  I need to re read it a couple of times and then I will let it go. This has been so exciting.  I am going to see my dream come true.  There is nothing wrong with self publishing.  There are options out there and you need to decide how you want to be published. I am now working on an inspirital Novel.  Since I wrote my testimony to GOD.  I am now going to honor God and change my novel a bit. It is funny how my writing has changed.  You will know when you are ready to let your book go.  Hopefully I will know.  I don't want to just publish something just to be published. So I am taking this sersiously, and am doing my best. Write your book and get it published. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Self Publishing

Who knew there was so much to do, to self publish. This is what I have to do this weekend. 1.  Need a picture of myself for the book and website 2.  Come up with a price for the book 3.  Size of book...I am thinking of a trade paperback size 4. Work on copywrite page 5 Title Page 6.  Dedication Page 7.  Acknowledgment Page 8.  About the Author Page 9.  Reread the book again....Looking for mistakes. 10.  Enjoy the process Check out my other blog: Write Something Today


I am very excited.  I found someone to recommend my book, with a book blurb on the front cover.  I am so excited. I have the cover of my book.  I have the book blurb for the back cover. I have someone to upload my book onto Kindle and  So I am thinking next month it will be for sale.  I am very excited. This weekend I will be having my picture  take for the back cover of the book and for my website. Now I have to figure out the size of the book I want along with the price.....I will be working on that this weekend.  My dream is becoming a reality.  If I can do this.....You can too........... Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

4 hours of Editing

The spring storms woke me up early.  I watched The Housewives of Orange County and then what was I going to do? I re read my book. took notes and then went to the computer and put the changes into the computer. I know that this is not fun.  It is time consuming, and boring.  I know that some people might enjoy from going from line to line and deciding where to put a comma.  I am not that person, but I had to do it, or it would not get done. The question is:  How bad do you want it?  I am going to put this book on line one way or another and it is up to me.  So that is what I did. I like how it is so hopefully next month I will start to put it on line.. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writng In Longhand

I have started back on my novel.  I started writing in longhand, I can not write on the computer, since it is stormy out for the past three days and will have storms for the next three days, so I am afraid to plug my computer in.  I am using the battery for the moment but it won't last long. So I am editing my book, and writing in longhand on my novel. So even though the storms are keeping my time limited on the computer I am still writing and editing. Everyone stay safe during the storms and listing to the weather warnings. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Don't Just Let Anyone Read Your Book

I was thinking of telling my co-workers about my book.  Then I decided not to.  I decided to let my close friends read it and then once it is on line, I will tell everyone.  If I told people at work, they would all want a free copy.  If I give one a copy, then everyone else would want one.  So I think that would be a mistake.  So I am keeping my mouth shut till it is on lline.  don't let others read it, that will not surpport it, unless you are willing to accept their advice.  I am following my heart and not really listening to anyone, except GOD.  He is guiding me. So, you need someone to read your book, to make sure you are on the right track, but just be careful who you let read it. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today 

Let Your Book Go

I finally let someone read my book..........I figured it out how to send an attachment and let someone read it. I know that it is not easy, but sooner or later you have to let your book go and let someone read it. I have the book done...I have to go over it about 20,000 more times for grammer and spelling but I like what I have written.  I had a page in the book where I mentioned my ex-husband.....I told him what I have written and he said it was okay what I had written.  He thought it was funny what I wrote...So I feel better about that. So you need to get some feedback, you need to get support and let your book go.    Even though it is not always easy. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

2 Hours Editing

I just spent two hours editing my book.  It is finished .  I like it.  But grammer and spelling needs work. I turned televison off  and sat in silence and reread my book.  I know that I will have to reead in about fifty more times. Writing is more fun than editing.  This is something that needs to be done. The book is a testimony to my walk with GOD.  I will put it on I know that I am putting myself out there, but I need to do this. Do you enjoy editing? Let me know Check out my other blog: Write Something Today


I know it may seem that I am all over the map with my writing.  I have a rough draft of a 400 page novel.  Needs to be edited.. I just finished a 50 page book, on my testimony with my walk with GOD.  I now to reread it and edit it for grammar and spelling.  I know this is going to take a couple of months to get it right. I have someone  to put in on for me, so I am excited about that. So now I am in edit mode.  This book is all I think about.  I think about it at work and have no problem or guilt when I work on the book.  So this is new to me, and I am excited to get it on line and see what happens. Are you in the editing mode yet?? How do you go about editing???? Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Turn the Televison Off

What is keeping you from writing????? Mine is the television.  Like I said before I am obessed by the housewives of........ on Bravo TV. Yesterday I turned the tv off after watching Betthany Got Married.....I wrote for two hours in silence.  I never would of gotten those words written if I was watching tv or flippping channels. Stop checking your e-mail...If it is important they will call you.. I know that I am the worse at watching the news, watching the stock market, checking my e-mail So if you want to get those words written, you need to stop worrying about things are not that important.  Write and then play Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Eight Hours At the Computer

When the writing is good.  Time flies by.  Yesterday I spent 8 hours at the computer.  Yes, 8 hours.  I got a lot done.  I am so pleases with myself.  So I know that I can do this if Iput my mind to it. I have just written a 50 page book on my walk with GOD.  I need to edit it and do some rewriting.  So my novel is put aside for the moment, but not out of mind. This is the cover of my book titled, My Bible-My God.  I have someone  to upload it on So if you are passionate about something, there is a way to get it done.  I am proof of that.  I did write this in long hand and then put it in the computer, so I have been going back and forth writing on the computer and then in longhand. Start writing and get that book finished.   If I can do it.............So can you Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Time Slips By

I have been sitting at the computer for the past three hours and I am not finished yet.  Where does the time go.  I had a page quota and was not going to quit till I finished and then three hours has past.  I made my page quota.  So I don't think you can say that you will write for an hour, cause in that hour, you might not write anything.  Then when it is time to reread your work or edit, all the time goes out the window, cause it takes longer than you think. I don't have an answer for how set goals, cause there is never enough time in the day to write.  I get up early and try to set a goal before I go onto the computer.  An hour here and there, just slips by.  Where does the time go.  We can't get it back. So don't look at the clock, just write and meet your goal for that moment. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

E Publishing

I have decided how I want to get publish.  I am going to self publishing.  The publishing world is changing fast and I feel that you need to decide while you are writing how you want to publish. Remember that an agent takes the first 15% of what you make.  They get paid first. I write everyday, and it is a lot of work to get a book finished.  So you need to decide what you are going to do once the book is finished.  There are e-publishers out there.  You need to do your homework. Decide how you want to publish and get that book written. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

I Am Not Smarter Than My Computer/Printer

I do try to learn new things on the computer and printer.  I had my ditigal camera.  I could not transfer it onto the computer, so I thought I would print the picture on the printer.  I couldn't figure it out.      I learned that I have a paper tray and a photo tray.  Who knew?  Now it took me about thirty minutes, and finally got out the manual on the printer.  So I know have the cover of the book I am working on.  This is all a learning process.  I didn't get mad, but I am learning as I go along, cause I am not always smarter than the computer. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Let Someone Read Your Work

At sometime you are going to have to let someone read your work.  I know that it is not easy, to let someone read your work, and here what they sink.  We need to know what others think, but I am always a bit nervous. I gave a manuscript to a friend to read and I am nervous to see what she has to say.  I trust her to read it, but I am still nervous.  It is the only way to move on and get in published. Sooner or later you will have to let someone read it.  Beta Reader is a new thing to me.  Finding a reader to read your work, someone you don't know and they will tell you what they think.  I think that is a good idea.  It is best if someone reads it that you don't know to get some honest feedback. I was a beta reader once and it was good to see what others are working on, but it took up some of my time.  If you could find a beta reader, or someone who would read your work and you would read their work. Whatever you decide to do, you ne...

Writing In Longhand

Old habits die hard.  I am back writing in longhand.  I am still writing on the computer but I found myself writing in long hand for the past two weeks.  Nothing wrong with that, I think it depends on my moods and how I feel.  If I am tired, I write in longhand. I sent off  a rough draft of an e-book I am working on.  It is not finished by any means, but I wanted to see if I am on the right track.  So I sent it to my girlfriend who I trust. I think it is a good idea for someone to read what I write, jsut to see if I am on the right track. So I am still busy writing and working toward my goal of getting something on Keep writing check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing an E-book

I am working on a 50 page e-book.  I know that it may seem that I am all over the place with my writing.  I do want a book on kindle.  So I am working on that.  I haven't been working on my story this week.  I have been writing in longhand, and working on the e-book. I am writing and will have something on by the end of the year. It is already the middle of April.  Time is flying by.  I got up five hours before I have to go to work.  I must me crazy but it is the only way I can get the writing done. So what if I am tired at work, least I am writing and that is what is important to me. check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing Is A Good Thing

I think writing is very good thing.  If you write for a hobby or for money or just to get your feelings out on paper.  It is a good thing.  I do journal.  Not as much as I use to.  It is a good way to get your feelings out on paper.  I would rather put it on paper than say things that I will regret. Writing no matter what the reason is will help you in ways that will surprise you. We all have something to say.  Whether we know it or not. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Remember What Is Important

I know that writing is important to me.  I get up early to blog and to write.  That is what is important to me. I know that some people garden or quilt.  I can not do either of those two.  I can only write.  I have always written, but don't forget what is important in life.  People. I was at work yesterday.  I was at work on break, and one of my co-workers stopped and sat with me.  Then he was going home, early.  An hour later he passed away.   He was in his twenties.  and had a one year old girl.   That was a shocker.  One never knows what is going to happen.  So while you are sitting at the computer writing about your characters, take time out and tell the ones around you that you love them.  I feel that this was a wake up call and one never knows.  So hug the ones you love, even if they think you are a bit nutty.  Life is short.  Put more passion in your writing and your li...

I Live to Write

I wake up in the morning wanting to write.  I come home from work and write before I go to bed.  While I am at work, I am thinking about writing. How often do you think about your writing?  I got my newest issue of Writer's Digest.  They have two new contest coming out.  Popular Fiction Awards   Deadline:  October 1, 2011 Short Short Story Competition    Deadline  November 15, 2011 Something to think about  You will meet a deadline and have a story finished. I write everyday and come up with new ideas. So start thinking and start writing. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Page Quota/Word Quota

Do you set Page Quotas?  OR Word Qqotas? I need to start to doing that.  I have been slacking this week, since  have been reading more than writing. My new page quota is 10 pages a day.  Now that I am rewriting I think Ican do that.  I need to do something. Word quota is good, but I don't want to count my words.  I think it would be easier to count my pages. The important thing is to write. I am off to write my ten pages check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Moving Forward

Winter is over. YEA!!!! I finished the book I was reading, Indinity, by Sherrilyn Kenyon One of my favorite Authors.  It was worth the extra money.  I purchased it in the trade format. Now I am moving forward and still working on the rewrite.  I came up with a a couple new ideas that will give more depth to the characters.  I thought of it while I was at work, so I am moving forward. I think it is good to read and see what others are writing, but it is easy to get off track.  it would be alot easier to be a reader and not a writer.  To mad my characters keep talking to me, to get their story written. So I am off to work on my rewrite. check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Reading VS Writing

I bought Sherrilyn Kenyon's book Infinity.  I can't stop reading it.  I didn't think I would like it cause the main character was in high school.  But I can't stop reading it. So I am reading instead of writing.  I am sure that we all this problem.  Should Iwrite or read the book.  I have to finish this book.  That is why I don't read as much as I should cause I can't put the books down, and I also bought Sherrilyn Kenyon's book No Mercy.  I haven't started that one.  I need to keep on track with my rewrite but I do need to read this book. What are you reading??? Does reading get in the way of your writing? Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Where Do You Write?

Do you have a special place to write? Do you write when and where you can? I don't have a special place to write.  I have a desk, but I like to write in bed or on the floor.  Good thing I have a laptop where I can write anywhere anytime and I can take my laptop anywhere. I know it is not the best way to write.  My arm and neck hurts sometimes, cause the way I sit.  That is okay.  I just learned to live with the pain.  It is hard for me to sit at a desk and write. Let me know where and when you write. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Working On Two Books/Same Time

How does one go about writing two books at the same time.  I am trying that, and it is not going well.  I don't think I have enough time to write two books at the same time.  Other authors do that.  how do they do that? So I still am rewriting and writing everyday.  I bought two new books by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  I am a huge fan of hers.  Not sure when I am going to find the time to read them, but least I have aplan Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Summer Is Coming

Does summer get you off track in your writing goals? Vacations, long hot lazy days, one doesn't want to write, while everyone else is out playing in the sun.  You need to start setting goals and planning for those lazy days of summer.  Life gets in the way and who doesn't want to go on vacation? I have set my goals for the summer, but things come up, but I am planning on sticking to the schedule. Set your goals for the summer and let me know what your plans are for the summer. Check out my other blog: Write Something today

Write From Your Heart

It doesn't matter what others think when you write.  You need to write from your heart and what you want to write.  No one should tell you what to write.  when you are sitting at your computer it is you and just you.  You are the one that have to stand behind your writing, so write from your heart and write what you want. That is what I am doing.  I am more productive and it is more fun.  I am not writing by some formula or following the trends. I don't care what New York is publishing.  I am going to self publish so it will be the readers that will tell me if I am any good. So write from the heart and what you want and see where it will take you. check out my other blog:   Write Something Today