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Showing posts from August, 2013

Alone With Zombies Episode 12 of Me VS Zombies    Episode 12 of Me VS Zombies  Plus a Bonus story Zombie Relocation Center Find all 11 Episodes of Me VS Zombies in Zombies Invaded My World Zombie This....Get all your Zombie tee shirts at Coming soon....Tee Shirts with my book Covers on them

Zombies Zombies Zombies

Connor has lost the will to live.  To Bad for him, he is Immortal.  Connor hates Zombies.  To bad Zombies out number Humans.  Connor needs a change in his life.  What he got was Amber.  She gives him a reason to live. WELCOME TO ZOMBIE ZOO   E-Book Print Book Summer Morgan wants to have a romantic weekend?  Is that too much to ask?  Her Weekend is ruined by a Zombie Outbreak.  How is a girl to find love and romance, while she is trying not to be eaten by a Zombie? ZOMBIES INVADED MY WORLD   E-Book Print Book: ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES Find all your tee shirt needs at Not sure what to say?  Loss for words?  Wear this Tee Shirt  It says it all
New Book Covers for the Next Episodes..... What do you think?????


Don't know what to say?  Loss for words. Wear this Tee-Shirt and tell people what you really think....Show people how you really feel GET YOUR TEE SHIRT OR COFFEE MUG AT: Want This Zombie on a Tee Shirt? I am also putting my Book Covers on tee shirts and coffee mugs  Check out my new online store at ZOMBIE THIS!

Zombie Books

Welcome To Zombie Zoo   E-Book Print 100 years after the first outbreak, Connor is still alive.  He had become immortal, after Zombie blood mixrd with his blood.  He escaped being experimented on, now living in a zoo.  Once house animals for Humans amusement,  Now it housed Zombies, till there is a cure. Connor accepted his fate, a life alone.  Till the day Amber broke into the zoo, looking for any signs that animals have been saved before they all died.  That day, Connor's life changed.  He found hope in the future through Amber.  Could the two of them be the hope for mankind?  All the short stories are combined in Welcome To Zombie Zoo  from the Zombie Zoo Series Zombies Invaded My World: All 9 Episodes plus 2 bonus Episodes are in Zombies Invaded My world    E-Book Print ...

Zombies Invaded My World

Who says one can't have romance while killing Zombies?  Not Summer Morgan. Now Available! Print Version All 9 Episodes of Me VS Zombies  Plus 2 Episodes Never Before Published

Just Published Zombies Invaded My World ORDER TODAY

Zombies Invaded My World

Just uploaded it on Kindle...It will be a few hours before it is on Amazon.  I will let you know when I get the URL I just wanted a fun time with my boyfriend, Benny.  Was that to much to ask? Guess so 'cos after we boarded the fishing oat everyone turned into Zombies Except me. So there I was covered in blood and brain matter after killing a zombie, with Benny giving me directions to finding "the bunker."  What the-? Poor Benny, I had to kill him before he turned. So what's my problem you ask?  Well, I am a city girl, adrift at sea, with no sense of direction.  Join me as I struggle my way to the bunker, sure of only one thing-that I will encounter Zombies and Humans as I do my best to survive in this new world! This is a collection of 11 short stories about me, Summer Morgan, from the ME VS ZOMBIES SERIES with 2 bonus stories never before published. If we survive the Zombies, it will be together.  Unless, of course you start to turn..... ...

Formatting To Kindle

I have been learning to format on Kindle. I urge alll of you indie writers to download the free pdf version of Building Your book To Kindle  it is free and found on Kindle  or as an e-book It is so easy..........If I can do can you my book Zombies Invaded My World is coming out in a week....I have formatted it myself Do Not pay someone to format your book to an E-Book....You can do it yourself....If you have any questions please ask.....If I can help I will All the Episodes are here  All Episodes are 99 Cents Take Charge of your writing career today... Learn to format to kindle  It is easier than you think

Zombie Tee Shirts

WANT THIS DESIGN ON A TEE SHIRT???? Want this on a coffee mug?

Zombies, Undead, Corpse, Reality

So soryy I have not posted.  Reality smacked me in the face.  One never knows what is going to happen.  I am back, hopefully.  Check out my new Cover ZOMBIES INVADED MY WORLD  COMING IN SEPTEMBER  ON KINDLE ALL 9 EPISODES OF ME VS ZOMBIES PLUS 2 BONUS STORIES NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED Want a Print Version??/    Only 8.99 Episode # 12 coming in September also.  then an Episode every month

Kindle and Formatting

I am so sorry that I have not blogged.  Time is my enemy.  I have been learning to format my file to upload to Kindle. Now I do not have to pay someone to format my file. Now I don't have to rely on someone's schedule to decide when I publish another story.  It took some time but it is easier than you think.  If you go to  they have an e-book that you can download.  It is easier than you think. I thought I wouldn't be able to do the Table of  Contents  (TOC)  That was so easy. So before you pay someone or doubt yourself....give it a try.  Don't get upset if you need to go back and redo it.  Take your time.  You can do this. I went to my dash board and did a trial run to see if Kindle would accept it.  I didn't do anything but load of up the book.  Play with it.  It is well worth it.  I also openen a store at    I am going to sell my boo...

Ideas Flowing

I write everyday.  I am always thinking of my books, stories and what is next.  I am thinking of the futrue and future books. 1.  I have Zombies Invaded My World  Coming out September 1st 2.  I have Episode 12 & 13 Written   Waiting for book cover  Will publish #12 in September #13 October # 14 In November. 3.  I am working on My Date With a Zombie  That will be out the around March of Next Year What do you think of the Cover?????? I like it! 4.  I am also working on a non fiction book on how I am able to do all of this and work a full time job  It is not easy. What are you working on??? Are your ideas flowing???? Let them flow,  Take notes,  Don't ignore those voices in your head.  That is your characters screaming to have their story told.   ZOMBIE THIS!

Writing VS Reality

I would love to sit and write.  I would love not to worry about reality.  The problem is that reality gets in the way of writing. happens to everyone.  No way to avoid it.  So what does a writer do? 1.  Keep Writing.  I am sitting at the computer, doing my best to make my words count and page count. 2.  Can't hide from reality.  Reality is always there.  3.  Sleep.  What is that?  I long for my bed, but I want to get my word count.  Then I have to promote my books on line.  4.  I just sent my file for Zombies Invaded My World.  It will be out in September 1st.  I am looking forward to that.  5.  I am working on Episde 12 & 13 of Me VS Zombies.  That will be published in September also. The key to writing when reality gets in the way is to keep writing, no matter what. Push on till you get that story out. A Paranormal Romance www...

Word Count

Coming September 1st I have 15,000 words on my next novel.  I wrote 10 pages today.  My goal is to finish the rough draft this month.  I have a good start.
I wrote 3 pages today. Now in Paperback Coming To Kindle September 1st All 9 Episodes in one book  PLUS EPISODE 10 & 11  Not published anywhere else

Goal For August

My goal for this month is to write 50.000 words or more.  I want to write the rough draft of My Date With A Zombie  I have 10.000 words already written and will try to finish it this month....I will post my progress for this month. August 1st :  Wrote 5 pages while at work, came home and put hand written pages into computer August 2nd :  Wrote 3 pages at work, came home and put hand written pages into computer