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Showing posts from January, 2016

Opening Scene

I have rewritten the opening scene about 8 times.  I finally found the opening scene and it made sense.  I now know that I can move forward.  I felt like I was stuck and was never going to be able to move forward. The point is that I didn't give up.  I kept rewriting till I found the scene.  I know that I am going to have to rewrite the book after the first draft is written.  So I am very excited. What are you working on???? I have 1 short Non-Fiction book that is ready to publish.  I received it back from the Editor.  I have over 50 E-Books on Amazon Get Published this Year without going into debt.  It is easier than you think. career @Dogbone61 Twitter

DIY Writing Career

New year, New Book. Want to Write, Edit, Publish and Sell your book this book.  I have over 50 E-Books and 5 Books in Print.  It is easier than you think.  I have written 5 Writing Books. Write 12 E-books in 1 year How to Brand Your Writing Career The Truth of Self Publishing Write & Publish Quickly 50 Things I learned Puvlishing over 50 E-Books COMING SOON!!!! All 5 Books in 1 E-Book and Print Book Follow me as I start a new book and explain how I am doing it every step of the way. If I can do this so can you. leave a comment and tell me about your book.  Let's Write together and Lets get Publish together.