Do you have business cards to hand out for your latest book, blog or website? vista print Today you can get 500 business cards for $9,99..... They have other promotional items that are not sale. I just bought a coffee mug with the cover of The Cross I also bought a stationary pad with the cover on it. I must admit that I get carried away when I am the website of vistaprint. I carry the business cards with me and hand them out to friends, family anyone that I think might be interested in my writing or leave them with the tip. You need to start thinking like a business person. Business cards are a must. If you go to a writer's conference you will need business cards. Start the year out write go to Vista Print and start 2019 out right. You are a writer. Start acting like one and let others know.
I am a writer. I have to live to write. Writing is part of me. I have over 50 E-Books and print books on Amazon. I am a self-publisher. I do it myself with out being in debt. This is my life, A Writers, Life. Welcome to my World.