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Showing posts from June, 2023

Where Do You Write?

 I have a desk.....I have an office..... where do you think I spend most of my timewriting????   My Desk?????   My office????   Nope.........I write in my bedroom, either on the floor,   when. I had Lucky, my one legged chicken living in my bedroom,  she liked being next to I sat on the floor and she laid next to me.......I sit in bed and write....Why not?  i read in bed.....When I sit at the desk....I feel like i have to productive.....I write where I want and it is notca desk...Where do you write?????? June 29th 2023 through July 3rd. 2    Zombie ebooks free Soundss of Zombies Zombie Blood Check out myvother blog All My Books On Amazon.  

Music In Your Writing

 i like the 50's and 60's music....I am writing a Biblical Fantasy taken place in near future.....I found a song that would fitin he story and included in a scene.... I see my story as a movie....and see this song playing on the jutebox or the Theme Song......I know...What about Copyrights?  I am not worried about that right now because I am only on the 1st rewrite......I am just letting my creative side have some fun.....When I sell the Script....I will then worry about Copyrights......When I am writing in longhand.....I am letting my creative have free range....My scenes and ideas are better and it is just fun....So think about what type of music you want in your story......What type of music is your Chatacters listening to, singing in the shower or humming to......Have fun writng...

Why I Write

 I don' write because I want to...I write because I have to.....I don't have a choice....Writing keeps me focus....I have a lot going on in my head.....I think differently than others.  I have to write to get the voices out of my head.  I have alot of book ideas and characters are always talkingto me, so I have to write...I am sureI suffer from depression and have thought about sucide.....I beieve most people think about sucide once in there lives......Writing is my way of coping.....I have to write.......Also God gave !e the Gift of Writing....I have good ideas.....I am a writer and being a writer, makes me think differently.....doesn't mean I am "Crazy" because my characters talk to me.  God is giving me these ideas and words to write.  I have over 80 E-Books and Print Books Self-Published onAmazon.........I did not do this on my own......Jesus did......It is God's will that I am a Writer and Blogger.  We all write for diferent reasons......We all have is...

How Many Pages Do You Write A Day?

 I no longer worry about my word count.  I now just count my page count. I want to write at least 6 pages a day,  For me that is doable.  I don't always write 6 pages a day, but least I have a goal everyday. Yesterday I wrote 12 pages!  i know 12 pages a day is doable, but it takes a bit more effort than 6 pages. What is your writing goal for each day? Could be 1page or could be 20 pages. Whatever your goal is, s long as you are writing one word at a time. Check out my other blog....

Free E-Books

 Free E-Books.  This Weekend-----June 17th-21st Undead rising Me Vs Zombies Take Nothing For Granted Write Your Zombie Book Go to for all my books Check out my other blog:

Looking For Something To Read?


Writing Update

 Where does the time go? How has your writing been going this week?  Been writing everyday? I have written 22 Pages this week. I know that I could do better. I am keeping track of my pages instead of word count.  I is easier for me My goal for each day is 6 pages a day.  I know I can do.   Using the Save The Cat Beat sheets: I have written: Opening Image.......Theme Stated......Catylst....... Now I am working on the Set Up If you don' know about the Save The Cat is .....plotting book. ......go to.....          It is a different way of plotting and a whole lot easier.  I bought the workbook and now my entire book is plotted out.  beginning to end and can write because I know where I am going......Leave a comment about your writing update also go to my other blog

First Book I Self-Published

I Self-Published this book back 1n 2011,when I knew nothing about computers.  I didn't even know how to send an e-mail.  I learned and have more than80 e-book and print books on Amazon.  If I can learn, so can you.  check out my books at also check out my other blog  

Best Time To Write

When is the best time to write?  There is no perfect time to write.  That is something you will have to figure out yourself.  I write in the morning,  I read the Holy Bible first,  I pray and then I write, blog, journal or work on my book and then at night..I find that I like tbe quiet at night.  Last night...I wrote 8 pages before goin to bed.  We are all different.  Write when you can and where you can.  You Are a Writer, so Write!  

You Are A Writer!

 If you write....You are a writer.  Being a writer does not mean you have to have a publisher,           3 &     contract or an agent....You can Self-Publish.....I have 81 E-Books5( and Print Books onvAmazon.  .... Right now I am Writing Biblical Fantasy .......Shooting for at least 1,000 pages...5 Viewpoints....A Dragon...13th Century Knight....An Ancient Scroll....I have a lot going on in thebook and in my head... The woman who write Frankenstien...wrote that book in a drafty cold castle...She had no money and owned nothing yet she wrote a now classic book. by candle light. and then her husband got it published under his name.    So don't think you are not a writer...if you write...then you are a writer.......remember that when an artist or writer dies...they become well known.....So write...self are a don't need a computer or wi fi......all you need is pen and paper.....S...

New Month....New Goals

 I have been writing. my Catalyst scene.  for each viewpoint.  I have 5 viewpoints.  which is alot.  Over the weekend I wrote 10 pages.  I am getting back in the writing groove.  I have a bullitine board with pictures of my characters...maps I have drawn....though not good at map drawing.  I am constantly thinking about my characters and the book......I am writing in longhand. I do not have a computer or laptop.  What have you been up to????Leave a comment.  let me know what country you are from.... thank all of you for visiting my sight....Happy awriting!!!!