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Showing posts from December, 2009

A New Year

Sorry I have been MIA....Been busy at work...and my writing has suffered, but I am back on track....I have three manuscripts that I need to rewrite and get published, so this year I am hoping to focus on my writing and nothing else. I just want to start submitting and write. I think I am more sane when I write. I need to focus...So I hope everyone had a great holiday and can now sit down and get busy. This could be your year!!!!

Set Goals

The new year is approaching and will be before we know it. The holidays will be over and the cold dreary winter will be upon us. Set goals now, so when the snow and cold comes you will be prepared. While shopping for others, buy yourself something.. a for your printer,, stock up and be prepared and excited about the new year...Set goals get an extra calendar to mark your progress.... You can do it................

Do what you love

I just watched Julia & Julie...What a great movie!!!! I found it so motivating and inspirational. It is more than a cooking show. Julia Child didn't sart cooking till in her forties. So that says you are never to old to do what you want to do... Follow your dreams. Julie decided to cook 564 recipes in 365 days...Who would do that??? She started a blog and kept blogging even though she knew no one is reading it....Kinda like what I am doing...She did what she wanted to do...She followed her love and passion........Need to watch this movie it is great to get you motivated................. I can not wait to the new year and hopefully I will be able to keep up with my writing goals. I hope you all have a Merry Christams and remember that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.

Where's My Muse????

I have hit a wall. I have only written about a page a day. That is so not acceptable to me. I have no energy. I know the holidays are here, and I am twice busy at work. I have no excuse I haven't been writing this week and am tired. Is it the new year yet?????/

Setting Goals

The new year is around the corner. Have you made your goals for the new year. I make daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals. though I don't always make my goals I do think it is a good idea to make goals, whether in writing or other personal goals....


I just finished a book. I layed in bed and read a book....very relaxing. I am starting to reading more. In my writing class, I was asked to find some conflict in a book that I have read...I haven't read that much since I am working, writing or on the internet or before I start my class in Feb. I am going to read more and be ready. I like to read, but If I am reading...I am not writing...A delimma....I am working on two books and have big plans for the year2010. I need to get busy...What are your goals for the new year????

Write no matter where you are at

I write in my car. I write in bed. I write at work. I have ideas in my head and needs to get it out. So that is what I do. I get up early before I get to work. I write in the car before I go into work. Not sure if this is normal, but the words just flow out of me, no matter if the words make sense or not. So let me know if you have this sam problem

Writing In Longhand

I write in longhand. I came up with a new story idea. It is not a romance, not sure what it is, maybe a sci fi or horror, with a romantic element. I am writing it in long hand in a spiral notebook. I have 20 pages so far. It is just spilling out of me. I am still working on my contemporary novel, so I have been busy writing, in longhand.

Writing is Hard

Why do I write? I would rather be lying on the couch eating chips and dip than sitting at the computer typing in my hand written pages, but I do. I will never say that it is easy. It is hard and I do it even when I am tired or don't feel good. I get up three hours before I go to work so I can write. Why? I have no real answer for that except that is what I do. I write. it is not easy, but it is what and who I am


I have been averaging about 6 pages a day. My goal is 10 pages a day. I know that I have missed my goal but I strive for 10 pages but am happy for what I get. It is good to have goals no matter how small or large. Keeps me focused. I think that it keeps me sane also. I have someting to think about, during the day. What is your goals for the day, week month or the new year????/