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Showing posts from September, 2010


I am a firm believer in vitamins.  I know working full time and writing before going to work, makes me tired.  Now the weather is changing and I am taking extra vitamin C .  I woke up and my throat is swollen and I am all stuffy.  I do hope it is not a cold, it could be sinus.  So I am a firm beleiver in vitamins.  ansnd taking extra vitaminC.  I do not feel like writing at all.  Project Runway is on and I want to curl up on the couch and do nothing, but that will not get my book written.  So I am blogging first and then going to write. Yesterday I was tired when I got up, I looked at my calendar and thought, I must of been getting up early for at least a month, it has only been three weeks, and I am already tired and feeling sick.  This is not an excuse, but I do believe that we all go through this, the struggle to write when we don't feel good, so take extra vitamins and take care of yourself, cause we need to follow our dream no mat...

Positive Thinking

Failure is not an option.  I have to make myself think positive.  I have to make myself turn the computer on and write.  I am only on week three of getting up early and write.  It is already becoming an effort to get up.  Once I am up, it is an effort to turn the computer on and write.  I do it anyway.  I want to be a writer, it is all up to me.  Not sure how other writer's do it.  This past week, I haven't met my page quota, but I have been writing everyday.  That is what is important.  While I am at work, I repeat. I am a writer.  I have an agent.  I am published.  If I do not do that, then I start doubting myself and that gets me nowhere.  So I have to stay postive and it is all in my thought process. So kick those doubts out of your mind and start replacing them with positive thoughts. Check out my other blog:          


I have to admit that I didn't make my word quota or page quota today.  I made the mistake to blog first and ended up on line for 2 hours. The time I could of used for writing. Oh well, I will make it up.  Have to get ready for work. I will be honest with you, as I go through this writing process.  Check my other blog:      Did you meet you goals today???

Working On More Than One Project

I don't know about you, but I work on more than one project.  I am working hard to finish this rough draft, but I am also working on an entry to a contest and have another book lined up to start when the first one is finished. There is alot of stuff in my head, and I need to get it on paper.  I do not know if this is a good idea, but this is what I do, cause I have voices in my head that want to get out.  I think as long as you write everyday, there is nothing wrong with it, how else does people write four books a year, if they are not  at least taking notes. How many projects are you working on? Check out my other blog:  

Backaches & Sitting Wrong

Yesterday I sat in front of my computer for about 6 hours.  I got up early before I have to go to work and have been at the computer for about 2 hours, and now my back aches.  I know that I don't have a good writing area.  I have a lap top and when I do sit in my office chair, I have the laptop on my lap, and now I have my laptop on  a small table and sitting with no back support.  Now my back hurts. I realize that it is my fault.  Do you have the same problem?  I did write 5 pages this morning, so I met my page quota Check out my other blog   Let me know what you are working on and what your daily quata is.....

Increase Page Count

I feel that I am slacking this week.  So I am planning on increasing my page count.  I have two weeks till I go on vacation and I want to finish the rough draft while I am on vacation.  I need to step it up if I want to finish. I decided to enter Writer's Digest Contest:  11th Annual Writer's Digest Short Story Competition Deadline December 1st   I already have an idea.  The word could is 1,500 words or less, so I can do that. I will work on that also when I am on vacation.  My vacation will be a writing vacation. I am going to write more, and meet my deadline. Check out my other blog   Keep focus......Keep Writing   

Didn't Meet Quota

I only wrote 2 pages when I got up.  I am tired.  I can't think and Project Runway is coming on in 30 minutes.  So I quit at 2 pages.  Somedays are like that and I am not going to beat myself up.  This is just life.I will probable make some notes while watching Project Runway. So if you don't meet your quota, just move on and push yourself harder the next time. Check out my other blog

Rainy Day

Rained here today.  it was a good day to sleep, but I did reach my quota.  I now have 120 pages into the computer and 25,288 words.  I am moving right along. I haven't watched tv or the news so I do not know what is going on, but my writing is going well and that is what is important to me.  Writing is a job.  You have to show up and produce, just like any job.  some days it is fun and the time flies by and other days, it is not so fun and the words do not come.  I am doing my best and that is all I can ask of myself.  I don't beat myself up if I don't meet my quota, cause life does get in the way. Do you think your wititng is a job???/ Let me know Check out my other blog

Following Your Dream

We all want to do something.  Whether it is writing a book, making a quilt, or gardening.  What ever your dream is, it is up to you to prusue it.  No one cares if you follow your dream, except you. No one cares that I get up early to write, before I go to work , except me.  i care.  That is what drives me, and the fact that I will be turning 50 in 6 months.  Hard to believe that I will be 50 and there are certain things I want to do, before I turn 50.  I will have 2 manuscripts complete in 6 months and that is all up to me.  No one else.  If I fail to write, life will go on, but it will be me that will care.  So I don't really talk about I write or do, except here.  People want you to fail.  So be careful who you tell, cause people don't want to suceed.  For example if you are loosing weight there are people who will sabatoge you.  So follow your dream, but protect it and show to everyone that you can do succeed ....

Chapter Seven

I am now on Chapter Seven.   I only wrote about 4 pages before I went to work and when I got home I wrote three more.  So I am moving along.  Over 22,000 words.  i am excited, but I know that I have a lot of rewriting to do and not to mention the synposis.  What is your word count????/

22,000 Words

Two weeks, I have written 22,000 words.  104 pages.  Who knew I could go this? Yes I have a headache.  Yes I am tired.  Yes I have to go to work in a few hours.  What is more important?  Sleep or Writing? That is a good question.  I do like my sleep, but I need to write.  So I say writing. When I get off work this morning I will write 5 more pages.  It is baby steps.  One page at a time.  It all adds up. Keep Writing Check out my other blog

Up Early

I got up at 8:00pm.  I did and with in an hour, I wrote 6 pages and am now blogging.  That is a good thing.  I am on chapter 6 and have 100 pages into the computer and 21,055 words. Yea!!!!! I have printed out the first chapter that I will take to work, and reread and start on my rewriting.  I am consumed with this story.  While I am at work, I am thinking about the story and make notes on my breaks. Am I tired?  Yes I am, but Editors and Agents are looking for contemporary romances so it is now or never I feel.  I know that I have a lot to do, but this is my time. Is this your time?  Is it now or never??? Let me know

Sleep Overated

I slept for a few hours and got up, and just wrote 6 more pages.  I have 94 pages into the computer with 19,769 words I will go back to bed so I can work tonight. Maybe this writing is consuming me.  I do hope so cause that is the only way I will be able to get it writtem. As usual, another story is creeping into my thoughts.  This happens all the time, I get into the story and another story pops in my head and then I start on that story.  Not this time.  I am going to write till this rough draft is done.  do I have a social life?  No?  Do I go out?  No  Do I have friends?  Not many.  Do I want to be a writer?  More than anything, so I will sleep alittle and write a lot and finish this story.  This is what I want.  I am going for it. Follow me on this path to publication.

Didn't Make Page Quota

I wrote 10 pages this morning.  I was shooting for 20.....I will still have this evening when I get up before work.  I have 90 pages into the computer.  I need a better chair and set up cause my neck and back hurts. Hope you meet your quota today.  Let me know


I am on the internet before I met my page quota.  I needed to check my e-mail, so I decided to get that out of the way, before I start writing. My goal this morning is 20 pages.  It will e an effort, so wish me luck.  I will let you know  how I do.

Struggling to Meet Page Quota

An hour and a half to write five pages.  I got up early.  But it was not easy but I made my quota and that is all that matters. 80 pages  16,766  Working on chapter 5 I need to keep going and see this through, even though I do not want to get up or write for that matter. I will finish this by November, no matter what.  Project Runway is on so I did my writing and now do not feel guilty watching Project Runway cause I met my quota. Reward yourself when you meet your quota Check out my other blog

Start Blogging

If you want to write, meet deadlines, and have people read what you write.  Get a blog.  It makes you turn on the computer and write something and you will have someone reading your work.  You will be meeting your own deadlines.  It is good practice. You can also guest blog on other people's blog.  So think about it.  Write everdyay.  Give yourself a reason  to write. No more excuses.

Word Count

I got up at 8:30pm and did not want to get up,  I did, and I turned on my computer and did my five pages.  Took me an hour, but I do feel better that I made my quota and didn't just lay on the couch and flip channels.  I think I will have 400 pages by November or sooner.  This story is consumming me.  I have to get ready to go to work i a bit, but I am still thinking about it while I am at work.  I have plotted out the next five chapters, so I won't have to stop and plot, I can just keep wriitng.  I am a plotter and not a pantster.   I have written 75 pages since September 9th and have written 15,928 words.  that is good for me. I welcome all of you who are visiting my blog.  Let me know what you think or what you would like to know about writing.  We are on this jourgney together. Join me. Check out my other blog:

Keep Writing

I made my quota this morning.  I wrote 12 pages in total this morning.  70 pages in 9 days.  If I can do this.  You can.  Just put a couple of hours in each day.  Think of it as a part time job.  Get up early or stay up late.  Write on your break, lunch hour, or waiting for the kids.  Turn the television off and stop surfing the net till you make your word or page quota.  I am not saying that this is easy but if you want to be a writer, this is what we have to do.  Let me know how what you do to make time to write.

Struggling to Write.

Took me over an hour to write 5 pages.  It is getting harder and longer to write my pages.  I did make my quota and plan to go back and write 5 more pages, since I am off this morning.  I got up to early, but I was laying in bed, thinking I should get up and get writing.  This is not an easy process.  I struggle with this, and wonder how others can write 3 or 4 books a year when I am struggling to just finish one.  I am still on course, but it is something that I think about all day. Are you struggling?  Let me know.  I know that I can not be alone in this. Check out my other blog:

Staying the Course

I didn't want to get up early tonight.  I laid in bed and could of slept for another hour, but I rolled over and got up.  Wrote my five pages and I do believe that my writing is better.  I now have threee chapters into the computer 58 pages.  That is pretty good for me.  So it just wants me to write more.  The story is in my head, I just have to get it out.  So I am staying in course and I know that I will stray, but I am going to do my best to finish this book, write the synopsis and start looking for an agent. I do hope you will join me on the journey.  I hope that what I am doing will inspire you to write that book that you always wanted to.  If I can write 58 pages in a week.....You can also.  5 pages a day....A few extra pages on your day off.  Let me know how you are doing.  

Get Up Early

I got up about 8:30 pm wrote 5 pages.  It took me an hour, so I guess I am going to plan on an hour every day to meet my goal.  That is okay I have 53 pages in the computer and 11,200 words.  I am staying on track and If I do not get up early I will never finish this book. It is all in my head, I just need to get it out and onto the computer.  My past track record proves that I need to stay on a schedule and not get lazy cause I really want to lay on the couch and eat chips but that will not get my book written. I am getting up early.  Are you? Visit my other Blog           

Writing Five Pages

It took me one hour to write five pages today.  The other day, it took thirty minutes and today it was like I was never going to get down, but I did and now I am blogging.  I will be blogging every time I finish five pages.  That is a goal that will keep me on track. I pulled out my old casssettes....yes I said cassettes.  I listened to music yesterday while I wrote and found my cassettes to listen to. While I am at work, I will work on my synopsis.  that will take awhile, for sure. Hope you all have a great day and write something today.    

Word Count

I just wrote 14 pages.  I didn't make it to 20 pages.  I am taking a break.  I didn't write in longhand like I usually do.  I am making myself write on the computer.  I am just wasting my time, writing in longhand and then not feeling like typing it into the computer.  I still write in longhand, but I am putting five pages into the computer everyday.  So far, so good.  I do need a break and maybe I will make my page count.  So far I have 9,133 words into the computer.  I will keep you posted. What is your word count???


Do you write with music in the back ground?   OR watch TV  OR write in silence? I dusted off my CD player and now have Yanni playing.  I am not up to date with music at all.  I need to get some current music.  Instead of the tv for backnground noise. Any suggestions.  I do like country, but am thinking about some more current music, but have no idea. I do love Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond, but I think I need to be more current.  My goal at this moment is to write 20 pages.    I will let you know how I do. Please let me know what kind of music you listen to when you write.


There is nothing wrong with rewriting.  I think I rewrite everything that I write.  I broght my synosis to work and read it over while I was on break, then I realized I have to rewrite.  I don't think that is a bad thing.  I just realized that I have a lot of work ahead of me. I got up early and just wrote my five pages.  It took me around 30 minutes.  I know that I just started Wednesday night, but I am still on track.  I am taking notes while I am on break and thinking of my novel all day. Synopsis, Log Line, Blurb, Elevator is enough to give me a headache, and oh yea I have to write 400 pages to go along with all that.  That is what I am doing, I haven't told anyone what I am doing or my goals....It is just me and the computer and the voices in my head.   Do you find it better if you talk about your writing to friends or just to do it??? Do they really care???? Let me know, and keep writing.....

Thank You!!!

I would just like to say thank you all for stopping by and reading my blog.  I am new at blogging and am learning as I go.  I was looking at my stats and to my surprise, some one was reading my blog.  Yea!!!! I will be blogging more often, since I will be writing everyday.  I ahave finished one novel and that is not published cause there was no conflict.  I took my writing courses and summer is over and I have no excuses not to write.  It is now or never with me.  I am going to write this book and send it out, no matter what.  Are you with me???  Are you going to start that book you have been thinking about? Take this journey with me.  Together we will fiinish the book, find an agent and get published. Tell me what you are working on and your writing schedule. Once again I thank you for visiting my blog....Please leave a comment

Word Count

Since Wednesday night I have written 5,500 words.   Yea!!!! I got up at 9:00 pm and wrote 5 pages before going to work.  I plan to stick to this schedule and see how it works for me.  I love to write long hand, but my problem is that I hate to have to type it into the computer, seems like it takes forever and I always have more handwritten pages to type.  So I am doing both.  Writing in longhand and on the computer and see if I can keep up. I read somewhere that if you write 5 pages a day, your book would be done in 3 months.  You will have 400 pages.   That is my goal and I am including the weekends and holidays and when I am off work I plan to write more.  The story is in my head.  I just need to get it in the computer and onto an editor's desk. What is your word count for the day???? Keep me posted


I know that I haven't blooged for about a month, but the month of August was so hot and humid.  I know that it is not an excuse.  But it is Septemember and has cooled off a bit with no humidity.  I reread the first three chapters and it does need work, so I am using what I learned from my writing classes and doing a major rewrite.  I am on the second scene.  I like with the changes and the ticking time bomb is a good idea.  So my goal is to write a scene every day....see how that goes. What is your goals for the week?