I blog everyday
I tweet everyday
I write everyday
It is not always easy. I do miss a day here and there. Life does get in the way. I have decided to keep up with it for the next 100 days. Then it will be Christmas and New Year's and I will need a break.
Join me for the next 100 days of writing. I will be posting my progress on blogging, tweeting and writng the next book.
You can list your writing progress in the commet section and we can do this together.
I have another blog. http://iamwalkingwithgod.blogspot.com
Tweet me @dogbone61 I am tweeting a story also on twitter, which I will post on weekends at http://mevszombies.wordpress.com
I have blogged and now I will tweet and then work on my book before I go to my job that pays the bills.
Write something to day and let me know.
I tweet everyday
I write everyday
It is not always easy. I do miss a day here and there. Life does get in the way. I have decided to keep up with it for the next 100 days. Then it will be Christmas and New Year's and I will need a break.
Join me for the next 100 days of writing. I will be posting my progress on blogging, tweeting and writng the next book.
You can list your writing progress in the commet section and we can do this together.
I have another blog. http://iamwalkingwithgod.blogspot.com
Tweet me @dogbone61 I am tweeting a story also on twitter, which I will post on weekends at http://mevszombies.wordpress.com
I have blogged and now I will tweet and then work on my book before I go to my job that pays the bills.
Write something to day and let me know.
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