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Showing posts from January, 2013

Moving forward

Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day of writing.  Keep moving forward. Blogging, twittering, facebook, finding time to write. It can all be a bit over whelming.  I know that I am overwhelmed everyday. I want to blog and tweet everyday.  I want to be on facebook.  I also want to write 5,000 words a day.  Something has to give. I will put my word count on top of my list.  If I don't write, then nothing else matters.  I put twitter second on my list.  Now that I found   and can set my tweets in the morning for all day.  Check it out Blogging is third on my list.  Life does get in the way and I adjust the list.  So I am moving forward and not worrying about what I didn't get done.  Worry about what I am doing at the moment. My latest book is Me VS Zombies Zombies on Board Welcome to Zombie Zoo Coming in February Me VS Zombi...

Busy Writing

I know that I have not been blogging regularly.  I am sorry about that.  I have been busy writing and editting.  I have the first episode of Me VS Zombies out Zombies On Board   Welcome to Zombie Zoo My writing goal each day is 1,000 words a day, though I don't always reach my goal.  I do have a goal and direction when I get up.  I could get a lot more writing done if I didn't have to have a job to pay the bills.  The 2ne Episode of Me VS Zombies So This Is Christmas will be out in February. Keep writing and get that book published.  If I can do it, so can you

Learn To Use Twitter

I just discovered how to tweet every hour.  I may be behind the times, but I found   I can now tweet every hour.  I just go to the website, and put my tweets in manually.  I hear that tweeting is important.  Now I spend about 20 minutes a day to list my tweets and they go out throughout the day.  If I can do this, anyone can. I haven't been blogging this week, I have been setting up my tweets and figuring it all out. Update on my progress. Welcome to Zombie Zoo Me VS Zombies:  Zombies on Board Me VS Zombies: So This Is Christmas?  Sending to Editor Book Cover Complete Working on Episode 3  Me VS Zombies Happy Zombie New Year Me VS Zombies So This Is Christmas will be published in February Write everyday, anywhere, any time

Back to Reality

I am now back on track after my 2 week vacation.  Holidays are over and it is a new year.  No excuses here.  Me VS Zombies is now on amazon. Welcome To Zombie Zoo is also on Amazon   I have finished the second episode of Me VS Zombies:  So This Is Christmas  I am now in editting mode.  I am letting someone read it, before I send it off to the editor.  I already have the cover made. I have plotted out the third episode of Me VS Zombies:  Happy Zombie New Year  I have already started writing it. So This Is Christmas is around 15,000 words.  Zombies on Board is around 11,000 words. I am trying to make each episode longer than the last one.  I am a bit ahead of schedule.  Which is a good thing As I am writing each episode, if you want something to happen in one of the episodes, feel free to comment.  I am open to suggestions.  If...

M e VS Zombies: Zombies on Board Sold

I have sold my first copy of Me VS Zombies:  Zombies on Board I always do a happy dance when I sell a book.  Hopefully I will be doing a lot of happy dances in the coming days and weeks. I just recieved a mock cover of the next episode of Me VS Zombies:  So this is Christmas which will come out late February. I am on schedule and very excited to see what you all think of this series.  Let me know what you think and what you would like to happen to Summer Morgan.  I killed a Zombie.  That's right, me, Summer Morgan.  The vegetarian, tree hugger who breaks for turtles and squirrels.  Nothing is going to be the same again.

Writing Schedule

One story down, 9 to go.  I have Me VS Zombies:  Zombies on Board published. 2nd Story Me Vs Zombies:  So This is Christmas rough draft finished. 3rd Story Me VS Zombies Happy Zombie New Year rough draft started. I have an editor lined up to edit So this is Christmas in February I have someone working on my book cover.  So far I am on schedule.  Do you have a writing schedule??? Do you write everyday? This is a new year, what are your writing goals???  Now is the time.  Write something today and get published this year.  If I can do this, so can you MeVS Zombies:  Zombies on Board Welcome to Zombie Zoo

Promoting New Release

I have been on face book, twitter and blogging, promoting the release of my new book  Me VS Zomibes:  Zombies on Board   99 Cents It is very time consuming and takes away from me working on Episode 2 So This Is Christmas. Has to be done.  I have no answers on how to promote.  I do the social media and hope for the best.  I feel that it is working.  If anyone has any advice on how better to promote my books I am open to suggestions. I have a website and have been talking to my webmaster to see how I am going to get all the covers of my books on the website.  Since I am planning on having 10 short stories out this year, Me VS Zombies.  I will let you know what she says. I already have the books from Zombie Zoo.  Welcome to Zombie Zoo has all the stories, plus a bonus story   I will be doing the same for Me VS Zombies....I want all...

Me VS Zombies Uploaded

I just uploaded Me Vs Zombies  Very excited.  I will let you know when I get the URL  I am going to be honest about the cost and time, so if any one wants to know how to do indie publish they will get an idea of how much it would cost. Me VS Zombies around 11,000 words Time spent writing.  Wrote in about a week, then took a month to rewrite Sent to Editor  Took 2 weeks.  Cost $55.00 Book cover  $35.00 Formatting $`15.00 Total $105 Add to Website $65.00  Haven't done yet It doesn't cost that much to indie publish.  Have to make the time to write and do it right.

Writing Through a Migrain

Woke up with a terrible headache. I couldn't sleep so I got up early, before I had to.  That means that it will be a long day at work.  So I am on the computer early and writing, even though my head is throbble and the computer screen is a bit blurry. I was called into work yesterday, so I lost a day of writing.  I need to pay the bills, so I went to work.  So I am going to catch up writing, even though my head is pounding. I need to write no matter what.  That is the only way it is going to get done. I an getting the 2nd eposide of Me VS Zombies ready so I can submit it to the edior in February. Do you want to get publish this year???? Follow my blog Let me know what your writing goals are. Together we can get published and reach our writing goals for the year 2013 If you are not thinking big then you are not thinking Welcome to Zombie Zoo


I have a deadline with my editor for the 2nd story in the series of Me VS Zombies.  Now I have to get busy and get the story finished.  The rough draft is done, now comes the rewrites and edits that I do. Having a deadline, makes me work faster.  Knowing that someone is waiting for me.  If I don't hold up my end, then I will mess up their schedule.  So I am doing my best. I should get my file back Wednesday and will be able to upload the book. I will have the 2nd story to the editor by next month I am working on the rough draft of the 3rd story.

Social Media

I have been on facebook. I have been on twitter.  I must confess that I haven't written that much.  I have been working on my blurb for Me VS Zombies.  The book should be out next weekend if all goes well.  It has taken me a few days to get back to a schedule, since I got back from my vacation. Blogger has done something and I can not seem to upload a picture from my computer.  Not sure what I am going to do about that.  Could just be me.  I am not techy.  So it takes me awhile. I need to rework, the second episode of Me VS Zombies.  Get that ready to be published next month. I am not going to have any excuses for not writing.  Social Media takes up a lot of time.  Need to figure out how balance my time with social media and finding time to write. Anyone have any ideas??/


I have co-authored a book with Stephen Orsmby..I think we are going with an on-line publisher.  I will let you know when I have more information.  He thinks that is the way to go, so we won't have to spend so much time on marketing.  Also we are able to publish the next book in the series with this publisher. I know that co-authoring is not for everyone.  Not sure it was for me.  Never gave much thought to it, till Stephen asked me if I wanted to write a book together.  It is good to keep your options open.  I want to write.  I want to sell books.  that is what I want to do.  So I am open to whatever comes along.  Think about it. I am still writing my Zombie books, but I can write other books also.  6 things I learned from writing with Stephen Orsmby: 1.  I am not always right 2.  I have to be flexible.  I might have an idea, he may not like it.  He may have an idea and I may not like it.  Sta...

Back to Reality

I took 2 weeks off for vacation.  I didn't write.  I was not on the computer.  How did I survive?  I had a great time.  Now my problem is that I have forgotten a couple of pass words.  I forgot which drive I saved my writing on.  I also forgot to place things before I left, now I can't find anything, between all my luggage and souviners strewn on the floor along with books, hand written pages and magazines.  I am very disorganized at this moment. Not to mention that I had no idea how tired I was.  I just slept for 14 hours.  How did that happen?  So I got up, reread the edits from my editor.  I e-mailed the person that does my formatting and am now blogging.  It is back to reality whether I want to or not. Vacations are great, but for the past two weeks, I didn't have to do anything.  Now the mail has piled up.  Have to go back to my bill paying job and get back to writing everyday.  So since I have been...

Guest Blogging

I am guest blogging at   I am blogging on how fear has stopped me from doing a lot of things in my life.   Please stop by and let me know what you think.  I will be guest blooging at about everyother month. My book My Bible--My God  tells how GOD was with me even when I ignored him. I do hope that everyone had a great holiday.  The new year is here.  Time to get down to business. I just got back from a two week vacation and I am trying to get back into writing mode. Join me as I post my progress on how I am going to write 10 E-Books in the year of 2013