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Showing posts from March, 2013

Get Publish Within A Month

I want to write, all the time.  When I am not writing, I am thinking of writing. I will send Episode 4 to the formatter this coming week, and will have Episode 4 Published around next week.  Episode 5 & 6 are written and in editting mode.  I am writing Episode 7.  I would like to write one Episode a week..  that means I would be done writing 12 Episodes by Mid May. I have upped my word count.  The more I write, the more I want to write. When I first started this project,  I was thinking 10 Episodes in a year.  Then I upped it to 12, then I upped it to publishing one episode a month. So now I am upping my word count,  I have them all plotted out and I just need to write them. I think the more I write, the more I get excited.  I get more ideas, and want to get to those stories to write.  I think that anyone can do what I am doing.  I am proving that it is possible to get published, and sell books while writi...

Print Books

I have 3 print books out: Welcome To Zombie Zoo Always & Forever  www.createspace.com3681119 My Bible--My God Check out all my books at Me VS Zombies will also be in print form at the end of the year. Order Zombies on Board to see how I survived Zombies while on a charter fishing boat. Ready for a Christmas story?  So This Is Christmas Taking Nothing For Granted  Think your life is bad, check out my Christmas It is a rough life out there surviving among Zombies  Check out my books and let me know what you think....Leave a comment

Write Anything

I felt that I was behind on my word count.  I needed to finish Episode 6 before the month of March was over.  I had no idea what was going to happen.  I sat in front of the computer.  I started writing.  I had no idea where the story was going, but I knew that I had to write this Episode now, or I would be behind.  I wrote the rough draft of Episode 6 in two days.  I wrote 6,000 words in two days. that is a lot for me. Next Problem:  I have 6 more Episodes to write.  I have no idea what is going to happen. Next Problem:  I have to come up with 6 new Titles.  How can I come up with titles when I have no idea what is going to happen in each Episode.  I printed out a hard copy of Episode 6 and then turned off the computer.  I got paper and pen.  I know that it a bit out dated, but when I am stuck writing, I find that pen to paper I come up with ideas.  That is what happened I came up with the titles for Epis...

New Cover

Episode 4 of Me VS Zombies Coming In April Zombies On Board So This Is Christmas Take Nothing For Granted Road Of Destruction Coming In April Welcome To Zombie Zoo Zombies are among us. It is a matter of time till you run into one

Beta Reader

Once you have written your story, you will need to let someone read it.  Someone that will be honest with you.  Tell you what they think of the story.  They are called Beta Readers.  Don't let your mother or close friend read it.  They will tell you that it is great, the best thing they read.  You will never know what a reader will think. You can find beta readers on facebook, through your local library or a co-worker, just make sure they will be honest.  If you choose a co-worker to read your story, be ready for her to tell everyone at work about your book and what you are writing.  The gossip mill will explode on your writing.  That happened to me.  I had a co-writer read my 400 page novel, only to be tossed in her trunk and thrown away when she cleaned out the car.  She never read the book.  She was an avid reader and I think she didn't believe me when I told her I wrote a book.  Then when I self published a paranor...

Writing Tip Number Three

Write Fast.  You may have heard that some people write fast 3-6 books a year and some write one book a year. I am amazed at the authors that write three or more books a year.  I wonder how they do it.  Most authors write full time.  They don't have another job.  Still to me that is alot of writing, rewriting.  I recently read that one should get a book out every 6-8 weeks.  Not sure I am up for that. Number 3 Writing Tip:  Write Fast. I think I am a fast writer, though my word count says other wise.  So instead of thinking about writing fast.  I make deadlines for myself.  I schedule a time for my book cover.  I schedule when to send my file in to get formatted, then I have a deadline and I do whatever it takes to make that deadline.  I know that someone has made time for me, even though I am paying for their time.  I never want to seem unprofessional. So it doesn't matter if you write fast or slow.  As lon...

Writing Tip Number Two

Writing Tip # 2 Do Not Pay For What Your Can Do Your Self. I know that we all want to be publish, after writing the stroy of our heart.  Do not be decieved from websites calling themselves Publishing Company.  They will charge you for everything and you can do it yourself. I had an experience from a website, that they said would publish my book.  They were going to put it on amazon for me and use create space for my print book.  Funny, I can do that on my own.  Plus They were going to take 60% of the royalities.  What??  That is crazy.  They had nothing to offer me.  I might have better exposure on their website, but it the contract, Yes I had to sign a contract.  It stated that they could take it off their website anytime they want. When I put it on amazon it is up for as long as I want.  Beware:  Before you agree to anything and before you sign anything.  Also, Do Not sign a fill in the blank contract.  Make...

Writing Tip Number One

If you are wanting to self publish your story, it is possible. Tip Number One is that you do not need a book cover for an E-Book.  Though I would not recommend that it.  You do not need a book cover to publish your book on kindle.  You can always up load a book cover later. For me budgeting is the number one problem I have, besides finding time to write, promote and edit.  All of this takes time out of our day and if you are working a full time job it is a lot harder to find the time to do everything. I am self published writer.  I haved learned this process, as I went along.  I am going to share with you what I learned.  You will not get rich quick, by publishing it yourself, but if you are a writer and want to make a career out of being a writer, I will tell you what I have learned. I published a short story on Zombie Zoo   and all I spent was $10.00.  I had a co-worker draw the cover.  I...

Writing Schedule

I have learned that I can not schedule my book cover or my formatting at the last minute.  Everyone is busy and it took me 2 weeks to recieve my file back from the formatter.  It was not their fault, I learned to schedule a month a head from now on. That gives me a dead line.  That keeps me focused.  That keeps me writing.  So it is the middle of March.  I just published Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies    Take Nothing For Granted I have Episode 4 ready to publish the first week of April.  I have the formatter and book cover scheduled for that week. I have Episode 5 Written in Editting Mode I am now writing Episode 6, hopefully to be done by the first of April. I feel that I am a head of schedule.  I want to keep it that way.  I plan on having all 12 short stories done by July.  Writing 2 episodes per month.  yes they will need to be editted but they will be written. I feel that...

Episode 3 Me VS Zombies ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY Episode 1   Zombies On Board Episode 2   So This Is Christmas Episode 3   Take Nothing For Granted    Welcome To Zombie Zoo Episode 4 Coming in April

Take Nothing For Granted

Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies  Take Nothing For Granted is at ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY

Me VS Zombies Take Nothing For Granted

Episode 3  Me VS Zombies Take Nothing for Granted  Coming This Weekend.  Check out Episode 1 & 2 Me VS Zombies Zombies On Board Me VS Zombies So This Is Christmas Me VS Zombies Take Nothing For Granted  Coming This Weekend Welcome to Zombie Zoo

Encountering Problems

I have encounter problems with attempting to publish a short story every month Problem #1:  Book Cover Problem #2 Formatting I am having someone do my book cover and someone doing my formatting.  I am waiting on them.  So if you want to publish quickly, and are having someone do things for you, you may have to wait a bit. I am not complaining.  I am happy with the people who are helping me with this process.  This is one thing that you have to deal with.  I am not waiting for them to do their thing, but I am not sitting around, I am continue to write.  I have total control over my writing and as long as I keep up my word count and have the writing side on schedule, then everything else will fall into place. If you are writing and want to publish at a certain time.  Make sure that you have your book cover and formatter lines up a month or so in advance.  Right now I am waiting for my formatter to send me the file.  That is w...

Plotting While Writing

I am writing 12 short stories this year.  Have I plotted out all 12 stories?  Nope.  I am plotting as I write.  I usually plot out my stories before I start, but with writing 12 stories, I am just writing till I finish.  I have a rough outline and that is it. 1.  Waiting for Episode 3 to come back from the formatter 2.  Episode 4 is finished.  It is in Editting Mode 3.  Episode 5  is half finished.  Will be finsihed within the next two days. 4.  Will start on Episode 6 Tomorrow. 5  I upped my word  count and will write 2 episodes per month.  6.  By August, I will have all 12 Episodes written.  Will need to be edited and published.  7.  I am pushing myself this year, to prove to myself that I can make it as a writer. 8.  I have no idea what will happen in Episode 7-12  I am looking forward to see what Summer Morgan does and how she finds her way to the bunker. 9....

Writing Can Be Lonely

I have been sitting in front of the computer for the past 6 hours, alone.  Writing. No one around.  No one to talk to.  Writing is a lonely business.   I have my characters to keep me company.  For me, it is hard to connect with other people.  If I am not working, on my days off I am writing. Not everyone cares that I write.  So I don't have much common with other people.  I have accepted that.  I am a loner.  I need to write to reach my word count.  I want to finish my books.  If I don't write, my books will not get written. I am having a hard time balancing my writing time and the time I promote my books.  I have not figured out how to balance that.  I need to write.  I need to promote my books. I have a full time job.  I do the best I can.  I don't have all the answers.  I am learning as I go.  Follow me as I write 12 e-books this year.  I will write and publish a short story ...

Cover # 3

Me VS Zombies Take Nothing For Granted  This is the book cover  What do you think???? Me VS Zombies Zombies on Board Me VS Zombies So This Is Christmas Me VS Zombies Take Nothing For Granted Coming Soon Welcome To Zombie Zoo Writing 12 stories this year and publishing a story every month.,  Follow me and learn how I am doing it.


Don't let anyone tell you that you can not claim your writing on your taxes.  Start saving every reciept that is connected to your writing.  I recieved 2 1099's from amazon.  I then decided to claim my writing on my taxes.  I did have a loss so I did recieve a refund.  Find a tax person that takes is a professional and doesn't put your writing down. I have an enevelope next to my computer and put the reciepts in the envelope.  When I went to do my taxes I didn't just throw all my reciecpts at him.  I printed out all my dectuctions to make it easier for him and I could see what I had and how much.  Is your writing a hobby or a business.  I am in this for the long haul.  My writing is not a hobby.  I am selling books and I deserve to call it a business.  Start taking yourself sersious.  You are a writer.  Start acting like a writer.  So I am very excited about this new turn in my life....

New Month New Outlook

I just e-mailed my third episode of Me VS Zombies to the formatter.  This is a new month and I have a lot planned for this month. Main Goal:  Write Episode 5 & 6    Edit Episode 4   Publish Episode 3 The person that does my book covers, her computer crashed. Haven't heard from her for awhile.  I am still moving forward. I am picking up my taxes.  This is the first year I am claiming my writing on my taxes.  I am very proud of myself. I recieved 2 royality checks last year and that makes in official that I am a paid publish author.  I will be posting what I am doing everyday with my writing.  It might make you all out there, start writing or raising the bar for yourself.  I know that other writers have raised the bar for me.  What are your goals for the month of March??? Me VS Zombies Zombies On Board Me VS Zombies So This Is Christmas ...

Uping My Word Count

Where did February go???  I thought I writing and moving forward, next thing I knew, It is March. New Month New Goals. This is where I am at so far. 1.  I have Episode 1 & 2 written and punlished.  Zombies On Board    So This Is Christmas 2 Episode 3 is finished.  I will send to Formatter Tuesday morning.  I want to go over it a few more times. 3.  The person that does my book covers, her computer went down.  At this moment I do not have a book cover for Episode 3 Take Nothing For Granted.  That is not stopping me, still moving forward. 4.  Episode 3 Road of Destuction, rough draft is fisnished.  I will be editing it and rewriting it this month. 5.  Started Episode 5 City Of Zombies.  I feel like I didn't get very far in February.  So I need to up my word count.  I plan on writing Episode 5 & 6 this month.  Even i...