www.amazon.com/dp/B00FE81V3S I now have 23 E-Books up. I will have another E-Book up in about 2 weeks. In order to write and publish a short story every month, sometimes twice a month, that takes up all my time. How do I find time to promote the story I just published and write the next one. I don't think their is enough time in the day to do both. The year of 2013 I have published a short story a month, sometimes two. I wrote the book, Write 12 E-Books in One Year www.amazon.com/dp/B00FE81V3S Also I had to promote my latest book Zombies Invaded My World www.amazon.com/dp/B00EPEPZDE www.amazon.com/dp/B00EPEPZDE So I have 2 books to promote and a short story to write every month. How do I find time to Promote?? I promote when I feel like it. Last week on my day off, I was on Face Book about 3 hours looking for new groups to join. I found about 3. I blog, I post on my face book page. ...
I am a writer. I have to live to write. Writing is part of me. I have over 50 E-Books and print books on Amazon. I am a self-publisher. I do it myself with out being in debt. This is my life, A Writers, Life. Welcome to my World.