If there was a secret formula for promtion and marketing, we all would be rich and famous. What works for one, might not work for another.
It is said that the best promotion is your next book. I agree with that, but I feel that you still need to get the word out.
I have paid for advertising on line. It didn't do any good. So I decided not to waste my money there anymore.
I like to blog, so I blog. I find it interesting that viewers from other countries find me. I like to see that. The more you blog, the more hits you recieve. Google likes new content, so the more you blog the more hits you get. I try to blog everyday, but that does not always work out.
I am on facebook, though I have no idea why people are on face book. I have an author page
www.facebook.com/pages/sharon-lee-johnson/140014492748141 It is different from a regular facebook page.
I keep my amazon page up to date with all my books www.amazon.com/author/sharonleejohnson
I do have a website... http://sharonleejohnson.com Though keeping a website is expensive. Some authors use this website as their webpage www.blogspot,com
I also have print books out along with e-books..I use createspace www.createspace.com The reason being is that I can hand books out to people that support me. I may run across someone that wants a book but doesn't have a kindle. I can sell them one. I may not get rich off of print books, I do enjoy selling my print book and having the honor of signing a book that I wrote
I have business cards and postcards for my books also... www.vistaprint.com
order their business cards, you can get them for 10 dollars then once you are on their mailing list they will send you e-mails and sometimes you can get postcards free or for 5 dollars and just pay shipping, might have to wait, but I recieves 100 postcards for 10 dollars, I just wait for the deals to come, I never pay full price at vista print.
The best thing is to get the next e-book out.
The month of September I published 3 E-Books..Not full length novels 3 short stories.
Alone with Zombies www.amazon.com/dp/B00EWTMN14
The Smell of Death www.amazon.com/dp/B00F294UM8
Avoid All Grave Yards www.amazon.com/dp/B00FAI9NAA
In Oct I will publish at least one and hopefully one more.
There are no easy answers for promotion, but I find that publish a short story every month helps my sales. I am selling every month and am recieving royality checks also.
What are you doing to promote your book????
Any ideas, let me know
www.amazon.com/dp/B00EPEPZDE E-Book
www.createspace.com/4353798 Print Version
www.amazon.com/dp/B008Y5D2DA E-Book
www.createspace.com/3951775 Print Book
www.amazon.com/dp/B006M8PAOA E-Book
www.createspace.com/3681119 Print Version
www.amazon.com/dp/B006N0ZDGW E-Book
I have 4 full length books out. I have 21 E-Books out total. Short stories. I have been publishing short stories all year. Check out my author page at www.amazon.com/author/sharonleejohnson
It is said that the best promotion is your next book. I agree with that, but I feel that you still need to get the word out.
I have paid for advertising on line. It didn't do any good. So I decided not to waste my money there anymore.
I like to blog, so I blog. I find it interesting that viewers from other countries find me. I like to see that. The more you blog, the more hits you recieve. Google likes new content, so the more you blog the more hits you get. I try to blog everyday, but that does not always work out.
I am on facebook, though I have no idea why people are on face book. I have an author page
www.facebook.com/pages/sharon-lee-johnson/140014492748141 It is different from a regular facebook page.
I keep my amazon page up to date with all my books www.amazon.com/author/sharonleejohnson
I do have a website... http://sharonleejohnson.com Though keeping a website is expensive. Some authors use this website as their webpage www.blogspot,com
I also have print books out along with e-books..I use createspace www.createspace.com The reason being is that I can hand books out to people that support me. I may run across someone that wants a book but doesn't have a kindle. I can sell them one. I may not get rich off of print books, I do enjoy selling my print book and having the honor of signing a book that I wrote
I have business cards and postcards for my books also... www.vistaprint.com
order their business cards, you can get them for 10 dollars then once you are on their mailing list they will send you e-mails and sometimes you can get postcards free or for 5 dollars and just pay shipping, might have to wait, but I recieves 100 postcards for 10 dollars, I just wait for the deals to come, I never pay full price at vista print.
The best thing is to get the next e-book out.
The month of September I published 3 E-Books..Not full length novels 3 short stories.
Alone with Zombies www.amazon.com/dp/B00EWTMN14
The Smell of Death www.amazon.com/dp/B00F294UM8
Avoid All Grave Yards www.amazon.com/dp/B00FAI9NAA
In Oct I will publish at least one and hopefully one more.
There are no easy answers for promotion, but I find that publish a short story every month helps my sales. I am selling every month and am recieving royality checks also.
What are you doing to promote your book????
Any ideas, let me know
www.amazon.com/dp/B00EPEPZDE E-Book
www.createspace.com/4353798 Print Version
www.amazon.com/dp/B008Y5D2DA E-Book
www.createspace.com/3951775 Print Book
www.amazon.com/dp/B006M8PAOA E-Book
www.createspace.com/3681119 Print Version
www.amazon.com/dp/B006N0ZDGW E-Book
I have 4 full length books out. I have 21 E-Books out total. Short stories. I have been publishing short stories all year. Check out my author page at www.amazon.com/author/sharonleejohnson
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