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Showing posts from March, 2017

Monday Update On Writing

It is Monday Evening around 7:30pm  I have been on the computer since 12:00pm  I wrote a lot on the computer and I am up to over 10,000 words on my Non-Fiction Book.  I am going to print out a hard copy and when I am at work tomorrow, I can read it, and see where I am at.  I have written chapters 1-6, of course they are rough drafts, but least they are on paper and know what I want to say.  This week I will be writing in long hand on the rest of the chapters.  If all goes well, I might have the rough draft done by the end of the week.  Time will tell. How are your writing goals?  Did you accomplish any goals? Leave a comment and let me know.

Writing Deadlines

Do you create deadlines for yourself?  If you are a self published writer, you only have to answer to yourself.  That is a good thing and a bad thing.  You have no one to answer to except yourself. I create a deadline for myself.  I have a deadline which is June to publish my non fiction book, a memoir of a certain part of my life.  I have finally figured out what to add and what to leave out and how to write it. I am writing it in the first person in the present tense, not past tense.  This is my main focus.  I have a fiction book that I am working on, but that will be on the back burner till this is done. The title is Depression No More, how GOD healed me of my depression and suicidal thoughts.  I feel it is important to be written and cannot go forward until I publish this book. Do you create deadlines for your writing? It can be daily deadlines, weekly, monthly or yearly.  It is good to have goals and deadlines.  I also hav...

Proof Copies for Print Books

I have been self-publishing since 201.  E-Books on Kindle  is easier to publish than Print books.  I have been using Createspace   since 2011.  I always order a Proof Copy of the Print Copy so I can hold it and see what it exactly what the book looks like.  You can review it on the computer.  I order a copy.  I paid $2.15 plus shipping and handling, under ten dollars.  Then If I want to make changes I can and repeat the process over again.  I used this cover for my print Version of Write and Publish Your Zombie Apocalypse Story It is in E-Book Format   I am in the process of putting all my E-Books into Print. This is the first Episode of Me Vs Zombies  Zombies On Board   Print Something about holding a book in my hands.  I like it rather than the kindle, but times are changing and I am trying to adjust. I realize that kindle starting to do print books.  Right now you can get your b...

Weekly Goals

I have been on the computer for the past 7 hours.  How is your writing doing? Did you reach your writing goals from last week. I have said in the past that I am writing 2 books at the same time. I switched to working on the Non-Fiction  Book last week.  I have it plotted out and 5,000 words typed into the computer. I am well pleased on how much I accomplished.  Though I do have a headache from being on the computer for so long.  My goals for this week is just to write. My head is pounding and I can't focus anymore.  leave a comment on your goals and list your accomplishes.

Order Proof Copies

I have 3 Books on Createspace awaiting to proof the copy.  I ordered proof copies of the books, before I will hit the publish buton.  I want to see what the book looks like.  I want to reread the book in print form and not on the computer.  I want to see how thick the book is.  I paid $5.92 for the proof copy. I think it is worth paying the money, to make sure that is what I send out into the world.  I like holding the book and knowing what is in it. I know that Kindle  is offering print version of your book.  Formatting is different than Createspace.  They do not offer proof copies in print or offer print copies at a discount price. I am staying with Createspace for as long as I can.  I have 6 Books in Print and plan on getting more of my E-Books into print. Where do you stand on print books?  For? Againest?  

Weekly Update on Writing Goals

Today is Monday.  I had today off and have been on the computer most of the day.  I have worked on 3 books to get them ready for print 1.  Discover Who You Are In Christ 2.  Write & Publish Your Zombie Story 3.  101 Bible Confessions  Updated I also blogged today. Last week while I was at work, I wrote Chapter 3 in Long Hand.  I am now on chapter 4.  I know that this is the rough draft.  I want to get it down on paper, then I can begin the rewrite.  The book is written in my head, I just have to get it on paper.  So the goal for this week I want to write Chapter 4, 3 scenes.  This weekend, The Movie, Kong Skull Island comes out.  I am looking forward to seeing that movie this weekend.  Write whenever and wherever.  Get published in print and e-books.  It is easier than you think.

Publishing On Createspace

What Formats are you publishing on? Do you just publish E-Books? Do you publish Print Books? I publish Both.  I have over 50 E-Books on Amazon. I am in the process of publishing all my books into Print. The advantage of Createspace: 1.  You can buy copies at a discounted price.  Buy one or a hundred at a time.  Whatever you want or need. 2.  Print copies are good to giving to reviewers or friends. 3.  You can sell print copies at flea markets, fairs or people you know. 4.  I like to have print copies, just to hold and see them in print. Books I Have In Print: Welcome To Zombie Zoo Zombies Invaded My World My Bible-My GOD Don't be scammed and pay high prices to get you books into print.  Do It Yourself.  Learn a few new things and be a published writer in print and e-books without going into debt.