The Future Is Now
I wrote and published this book in less than a month. As you all know I am a Bible Believing King James Version Believer. I am a Christian. I also am a Zombie Writer. I say this, because the Bible clearly states that we are living in the Last Days.
So I enter in the New Year in a couple of weeks, I sense an urgency on my writing. I know that the Rapture can happen at any moment and I want to warn others, so they can prepare for the Rapture
I have been editing Zombie Book that I wrote a few years ago and never got around to editing the book. So I will publish it in January. I am in editing mode and I hate it. I also have a rough draft that I finished a week or so ago and that has to be edited. Then I have another story, based on my life and that is half written and I am working on that.
So my point is: In 2021 I will be more focused on editing books and publishing them. Once I publish them on Amazon, the books are there until Amazon is no longer, so even when I die, my books will be on-line for the future to find.
So as you are making your goals for 2021, write what is important to you, what is on your heart, not what you think will sell. You might not have as much time as you think you do to write your stories.
So Write-Edit-Publish in 2021
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