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Showing posts from January, 2021
  First Book I Published This is the first book I published.  I know have over 75 E-books and Print Books sold in almost every country in the world that Amazon sells in.  I have people in India buying my  Zombie Books   But just like in Zombie Books, the world is going to end.  2020 was a test run of what is going to happen in the future.   So I started thinking, what if my time on this earth is almost over, what book do I want to write and publish before I die? So ask yourself that question:  What Book do you want to write and publish before you die? That will put a lot of things in perspective.   The book that I am writing now, I want to write and publish before I die or before there in no more electric or wifi.  I would like to just write Zombie Books, and I could.  I know that God has placed a book on my heart to write before I die.  So I have to write.  I have to write everyday.  I have to get this book...

Plotting Problems

  Newest Release Buy Now I wrote 1,000 words yesterday.  But I am having plotting problems.  I want to write a  500 page novel with 4 different viewpoints.  I know this is not the norm, but I want to write a Big Book this year.  I have the characters, I have the plot but I don't think it is flowing very well.  I am on chapter 5 and I don't like anything about the story.  It is very choppy.. So then I am thinking that maybe I should go back to just 2 viewpoints and it would be easier to write and flow better but it wouldn't be a Big book. So I am stuck right now in plotting and how to go forward. I am still going to write to day. but I am sure I will be deleting all the words tomorrow that I am writing today. After all, this is the writer's life

Write A Million Words In One Year

 My goal for 2021 Is To: WRITE ONE MILLION WORDS IN 2021 That might sound like a lot, it really isn't if you break it down. If my math is correct, take 1,000,000 (1 Million) divide it by 365 (Days in one year)= 2,739.  Words Every Day. or round it up to 3,000 words everyday and then it does not seem like so much. I have a calendar where I am writing my word count down everyday.  It is for me and no one else will see it. So far: Friday 1st:  3,000 Words Saturday 2nd:  4,000 Words Sunday 3rd:  2,000 Words Monday 4th:  500 Words See a pattern here?  I started off strong on the first 2 days and then I started dwindling.  That is okay, because I am not giving up.  I need to catch up a bit. I will be blogging on my word count and my writing progress. If you are on Facebook, check out these 2 writing groups: 20booksto50k WCM2 (Word Count Millionaires) So write to day, leave me a comment and let me know how you are doing.  This is a persona...