I have over 80 E-Books and Print books on Amazon.......How did I do that? By trial and error......I learned as I went.......How did I find the time? That is the big question and yet it is so simple......If you want it bad enough......you will make time
I will warn you now.....Nooneis going to care if you are writing a book.....least not until you are making money.....Not one person I know has bought a copy of my book.....Not friends,-workers or family members......yet they will take a book that you self-published for free......So if you still want to write a book.....read on
1. Grab a notepad and for a week....write down your daily rountine.....How much time on your phone, watching tv, time yougo to bed....time you getup......break down hourly and minutes.....
2. After a week.....look at your schedule for everyday........What are you spending your spare time on? What can you stop doing or spend less time on? stay up later to write? ......Get up earlier?...Write during you lunch hour and breaks......Find the time......
This Is What I Will Be Writing About:
How To Mentally Prepare Yourself To Write Everyday
Folow My Blog On My Writing Journey....As I Write and struggle to Write Every day!!!!!
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