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Showing posts from September, 2023

Writing A 1,000 Page Novel: One Word At A Time

 This week I skipped 2 days of writing...Life happens....I did not get upset or mad at myself....Tomorrow is another day.... I watched a video on Youtube with Stephen King and George R.R. Martin Stephen King writes 6 Pages A Day....He can write a book roughly in 3 months George R.R.Martin. is lucky to write 1 page a day.....He has been writing the same book for the Last 12 Years....Readers are waiting for that book(He wrote the book Games of Thrones). So think about that???? Both are Published Writers with different writing styles Doesn't matter your writing style....whatever works for you One Word At A Time

Writing A 1,000 Page Novel: Hectic Week (Writing Update)

 Today September 29. 8am This month is coming to a close.....The weather is cooler....chickens enjoying the cooler weather...soon holidays will be upon us.....More excuses not to write.....I know life can be hetic....but a writer writes....That being said This week was hetic for me.....I did not write for 2 days Denist...Eye doctor...chickens.....running happens.......One day I did not try to write at all...I was stressed and couldnnt. do it...the next day....I didn't write any pages.....I wrote 3 pages of notes...plotting ideas......Next day I wrote 8 pages It is okay to skip a day of writing.... So this week: monday..25th...5 pagez tuesday...0 pages wednesday 0 pages....3 pages of notes and plotting thursday..8 pages early to report Total Page Count for the month of September so far....152 pages That is good for me.....I have today and tomorrow to finish the month....I will let you know total page cout for month later.... So far on1,000 page novel........

Writing a 1,000 Page Novel: Plotting With Save The Cat Method I urge everyone to check out this website!!!!!  This is the method of plotting I use...I have all the books....I am all in.,,,.and no I do not make any money off of promoting this site.....It is awesome...Yes it is about Screenwriting......but can use to plot a book. I am using Save The Cat Writes The Novel  by Jessica Brody Blake Snyder wrote Save The Cat.....Broke down movies in 15 Beats......This is what. I am using....It works for me.....might not work for you.. Here are the 15 Beats: 1.  Opening Image 2.  Theme Stated 3.  Set-Up 4.  Catalyst 5.  Debate 6.  Break In Act 2 7.  B-Story 8.  Fun and Games 9.  Midpoint 10.  Bad Guys Close In 11.  All Is Lost 12.  Dark Night Of The Soul 13.  Break Into Act 3 14.  Finale 15.  Final Image I urge you to go to This is my Plottig Method....Lots of Videos.....Breaks down movies and books using the 15 Beats....I am wr...

Writing A 1000 Page Novel: Writing Update

 Today September 23,2023 Yesterday...I got up at 3am.......I. could not sleep......I went to the frig and grabbed a pepsi......And for the next 3 hours.....I wrote 10 pages.......Really, what else amI going to do at three in the morning?.... I finished Act 1 of the novel....I have written 276 pages in longhand on my 1,000 page novel.....I then around 7am I went out and let the chickens out....cleaned the coop....went to town...ran errands....came home and bindged watch the dvd of Surface.....It as a TV mini series......I believe that I deserved to chill for awile. Yes I was tired.....Did not do this on purpose.....But I was awake.....So I will probably do it again....but it will Never be planned Total Page Written this month...138 The most I have written in a month.....Leave a comment...What is your writing schedule????  Do you get up early or stay up late to write????  What is your word count or page count?????  Leave a comment   Check out my other blog:  ...

Writing 1,000 Word Novel: Writing Update

 September 21.....Today....Morning September 17.....0 Words.......Didn't feel good....not a good excuse....I never feel like writing....but I write because that is whom I am...A Writer....Nevertheless....O word count September 18....6 pages......Didn't feel much better...but I managed to write 6 pages September 19....7 pages September 20...5 pages.....I wrote 3 page....the last 2 pages....was an effort....I forced myself to write the last 2 pages. Total Pages  For Month of September...,so far...112 That is good for me. Haven't written this today......guess I better get busy. Zombie This  

Writing A 1,000 Page Novel....Keeping Organized

 1,000 pages is alot of pages.....How to keep organized without taking over an entire room and or keeping people, children and spouses from rummanging through your notes and writings... I have a plastic containter...thar I keep everything in.  You then can place it in the.  closet or carry itroom to room....That is the easiest way. Remember I am writing this novel in longhand,,,,Like Mary Shelly did in the 1800's when she wrote..Frankenstein.....she use pen and ink and I use Pilot G-2 I also started a notebook for ideas for the next rewrite..... I have a small notebook...where I list Chapter by Chapter....Scene by Scene I keep everything in the plastic cotainer Happy Organizing!!!!

Writing 1,000 Word Novel: Writing Up Date

 Novmber 23,2022 ....  I started to count number of pages I write...Orginal goal: To write 1,000 pages...I then took computer paper and wrote: 1 2 3 4 etc....until I made it to 1,000....Everynight...I crossed out the numbers of pages I wrote that day, and wrote it down in a small my bed..... As of today...I have written 662 pages written in longhand. since Novemember 23 Not all the pages were on the book I am writing now...I have started anothe story..... Onthe book I am working on of today I have written 230 pages of my 1,000 page Novel Jan. 91 pages feb 101 pages Mach 102 pages April 8 pages. (In my notebook, I wrote : I just quit writing...I think depression set in) May 84 pages.  Started writing again June 75 pages July 80 pages August 48 pages Sept. as of today....94 pages I keep track of my writing progress to be able to look back and my progress....months I didn't write....etc... The point is....Even if you stop writing for a day, month or ye...

Why Write A 1,000 Novel?

 Today writing is, many excuses not to write....Back in the Late 1800's and Early 1900's....Writers Write.....They were not on social media complaing and whining about running errands, taking care of their families or coming about writing.... They wrote..... Mary Shelly.....who wrote Frankenstein..,Wrote with pen and ink..,in a drafty cold castle.....,She had no money...owned nothing and lost a child due to the cold....Her and her husband was broke....yet she. Wrote Frankenstein... Watch the movie.....One of my favorite.....Also her husband took the credit for writing...,so when I think about her.....I think....if she wrote in a drafty cold castle by candle light.....What am I complaing about? I have 81 Ebooks publishedvon amazon......Some are in Print form.....Most of the books are short books...some are around...200-300Pages.... I want to write an Epic Novel......Jackie Collins wrote Chances....700 page....George R.R. Martin writes 800 page.....I want to write a 1,...

Writing Update. ...Writing A 1,000 Page Novel

 I have been writing everyday this month.....Which is good for me....Day 15 writing in a row,,,,not skipping a day.  If I don't feel like writing....I force myself to write at lease on page...I Don't want to write a zero in my notebook I have a notebook by my bed and write how many pages I wrote that day.....You can keep track of your word count instead...up to you So far this month....I have written 86 pages....which is good for me. Don't compete with other writers.  What works for me might not work for you.  The important thing is to write everyday....even if is one sentence.....Put that in your notebook. Right now I am at a point that I need to do some plotting.....So today....I need to plot......but I am still going to write something today... On the novel I am working on.....I have written 222 pages so far......this is the 2nd draft.... Only 778 Pages to go..... Follow me....on my writing 1,000 page novel......If I can do can you leav...

Writing Update

 Yesterday I had a good writing day......I wrote 11 pages......Don't know why or how....but i did it Also, I have written everyday this month, even if it was just one page....not sure why.....but i am.... So far this month......I have written 70 that to last month where I only wrote 58 pages. in August. I am trying to write everday this month My goal in writing at this point is to write 1,000 page Novel....A Biblical Fantasy( if that is a genre) I have been keeping track of the pages I have written since 11/23\22...... so far I have written...600 plus pages....not just on this story, but I started another that is good On this Novel I have written 208 pages....only 800 pages to go I am focused on this Novel.....So follow me as I write. 1,000 page Nove. If I can do it......So Can You!!!! Zombie This!

Casting Your Characters

 I am a movie buff.....I love movies especially the old black and white movies from the 1930's and 1940's Doyou every think of what actor would play your character? Do you see your story as a movie in your head? As I write a scene..I see it playing out in my head....I see the opening image.  I see the finale....I see the film credits... As I fill out my characters....I jot down the actor I think would be a good fit for the character...they could be dead or alive. Think about it

Writer's Update: Writing Everyday

 8 straight days in a row......I have been writing.....I am writng down my page count for this far....45 pages.......5his is huge for me.....because last month......August... I only wrote 55 pages.....I had somethings going on.....and once I skipped a day or two....I just didn't write......then I realized August was gone....Just like that......So I am writing.....Yesterday...I had to force myself to write 2 pages....and another day I wrote 1 page.....but I wrote.....I wanted to have a number toput in my notebook for that day.....even if it is one page........Hoping this trend will stick with me..... How about you? How many pages have you written today....This week?  

Writer's Update

 The month of August was not a productive month for me.....I wrote....but not every day....i had to take care of someone who was I became a caregiver most of the month.....I wrote 12 pages yesterday and the day before...I wrote 6 pages....Today is the 3rd.....So I am off to a good start Last year...November I started keeping track of number of pages I write every day....So far I have written 600 pages......not including my journal writings......So I have 400 pages to write by November 23, 2024...To reach my Goalof 1,000 pages...... I know thatI can dothis....I have to focus......Block out the real world and live in my fictioanal world.....I feel I am inthe final stretch of this race...... Everyday Goal:  6 Pages A Day Weekly Goal:  50 Pages A Week Deadline: November 23,2023......Written 1,000 pages. Wish me luck! What are your writing goals???? Leave me a comment and together our writing dreams will come true! ZombieThis!