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Showing posts from July, 2011

Writing Supplies

It is school time.  School supplies are on sale.  Now is the time to buy.  Pens, pencils, paper, spiral notebooks.  Now is the time to stock up for the year. I can not walk by the school supplies and not look and buy.  Yesterday, I bought two notebooks and two sharpies and a cool pencil holder.  I did control myself and didn't go overboard.  So the next time you are out shopping, don't pay full price, buy now and stock up for the year.  I live this time of year.  Pens, pencil and papers that is what I love to shop for.  I am almost done with chapter 9 I will be done with it Monday and start working on chapter 10.  I am still writing in longhand, cause it is to hot for my computer to be on for hours at a time.  When it starts to cool off I will type it all into the computer.  People say I should have air conditioner, but I am not paying for cold air.  This to shall pass.  So I will write in long hand for n...

Dog Days of Summer

Could it be any hotter?  Any more humid?  It has been a hot humid summer and I don't have to tell you that.  I hate to say that I have not been that productive in my writing. it is hot.  I have no air conditioning and the heat is zapping my energy.  I am writing in longhand and am just plain tired. How is your summer.  Try to enjoy the summer, cause before you know it, winter will be here. Have a good weekend. Order my Book: My Bible--My God

To Many E-Mails

I am involved with three writer loops.  Though I do enjoy these groups, they are zapping my writing time. I will go through my e-mails and delete the ones I don't want and when I check my e-mails again.  I have over 200 e-mails. I do not have the time to go through 200 e-mails so I end up deleting the ones I think I don't want  and am probably missing out on some good things.  I spent the last thirty minutes deleting e-mails.  I am not going to give up on the writing loops I just need to find a better way to manage my time.  Any one have any suggestions on how to manage my time better?? Does anyone have this problem????? Order MY Book: My Bible--My God  


It is hot and muggy out.  I don't feel like writing or doing anything.  I have sold a book this month and that is a good thing.  I haven't done much to promote it.  I know that it is not a novel, but my testimony to GOD.  So not everyone would want to read my story. God is with me, even when I ignore him.   My Bible--My God   So if you are thinking of slef publishing, think about your audience and if there is a need for your book.  I am working on an inspirational romace and I think that novel will do better and have a broader audience.  I know that there are others out there like me that walk to a different drummer and I will connect with them through my writing.  It is only a matter of time. So don't give up on your writing.  Write.  Self Publish and see where it takes you.

Back to Writing

I am feeling better.  I think the heat is getting to me.  To hot to humid to long.  I am not complaining, cause I like the hot weather, but the humidity is fierce this summer. My fan page is getting a lot of hits.  I do not understand facebook but people are finding me on facebook and that is a good thing. I am back writing, and doing what I have to do in my everyday life.  Writing is not glamous.  It is sort of lonely and boring at times.  Sitting in front of the computer or with pen and paper.  It is just me and my thoughts and trying to get it on paper.  Check out my fan page: Order My Book: My Bible--My God

Fan Page

I have been getting hits on my fan page.  I urge every writer to get a fan page.  It is easy and a good way to get your name out there and promote your book. This is all to me.  I have no idea what I am doing and this is trial and error.  But I am getting hits on my fan page so people are out there looking.  Why not have them look for you? I am spending so much time on line, checking e-mails, blogging and now face book it is hard to find the time to write.  Not sure why anyone wants to be a writer, except that is who I am and what I do. Enjoy the summer, winter will be here before we know it. Order my book: My Bible--My God

To Hot to Write

I am now just writing in longhand.  I finished chapter 8 and working on Chapter 9. I have no air conditioner and am afraid to stay on the computer to long it will mess up my computer and when it cools off, I will put all the handwritten pages into the computer. My goal for the week is to write chapter 9 & 10.  If it has to be in longhand then so be it.  Least I am writing. My fan page.: Check it out and leave a comment. Order my book: My Bible--My God

To Hot To Write

I know that it is hot out.  I have no air conditioner.  I do like hot weather but the humidity is getting to me, but I am still writing. I have two fans on my computer so it wouldn't get to hot.  I am writing in longhand, cause I don't want my computer on to long.  Summer will be over before I know it, so I will suffer through. To my surprise, I finished chapter eight it is written in longhand, but that is okay, when it cools off I will put it into the computer.The month of august I never get much writing done, because it is so hot, but this time will be different cause I am more motivated and will write in longhand.  I just need to keep writing no matter what. It is hot, so I am dealing with it. Order My Book: My Bible--My God

Fan Page On Facebook

I created a fan page on face book and it was soooooo  easy.  I read that one needed a facebook page.  So I created one.  Then I read that if you publish a book one needed a fan page.  How can I keep up with all of this.  So I created a fan page. This is what I did.  If you already have a facebook page type in" The first is category, go to artist and drop down to writer Next is page name.  I did Sharon Lee Johnson It was that easy. I will use this just for my writing and my fans and to promote my books. So I would urge all of you to create a fan page.  What do you have to lose? I had over 11 hits within 12 hours so you never know who will stumble onto your fan page. Order my book: My Bible--My God

Finding Time To Write

It is hard to find the time to write.  I am either working, sleeping or just don't feel like it or I have to spend time with my boyfriend.  So I have to find the time.  Write when I do not feel like writing, cause life gets in the way.  This past weekend I could of wrote Monday morning, but I was with my boyfriend.  So I lost about 5 hours of writing, and now I am behind.  Sure I can blame my boyfiend, but it is not his fault, it is my fault and I didn't play catch up.  It is my own fault. So how do I find time to write?  I have no idea.  I was going to write when I get off work this morning, but I have to go with my boyfriend when I get off work.  So life gets in the way and I will just have to write whenever I can.  How do you find the time to write????? Let me know.... Order My Book: My Bible--My God God is with me, even when I ignore him.

Checking Your Sales To Often

How often is to often to check your sales record??? I check my sales at least once a day or twice a day.  I check them about the same time everyday.  I sold another book today.  I am thrilled every time I sell a book. Thank you for everyone who buys my books.  I feel that this is what I am called to do.  Write.  If my story helps others than I did my job.  You can be obessed with your sales and never get anything done.  I check my sales same time everyday, I think they minght only post the sales at a certain time.  So forget about the sales and write.  Order my book: My Bible--My God How GOD changed my life for the better. God was with me, even when I ignored him.

No Signals In The Country

I didn't blog yesterday.  I left the comfort of my home and went to the country and had no signal.  Why did I even bother to go.  I turned on the computer and could not connect on the internet, had no signal.  I could of went into the other room or outside, or climbed a tree to get a better signal.  I didn't bother with it. So if you are use to getting on line and checking your e-mail and blogging don't go out to the country.  I know others would argue about that.  Some people are writing and doing their thing in the county.  I am saying that I left the comfort of my home and felt lost when I couldn't get on line.  I know that others have worst problems than getting on line but I felt a little lost when I couldn't go on line.  So I am back home and all is well. What do you do when you can't go on line???? Do you get upset or withdrawls???? Order MY Book My Bible--My God http://iamwalkingwithg...

My Characters Are Following Me

My characters follow me everywhere I go.  How can I not write my stories.  My characters won't shut up. I try not to write.  I want to be a couch potatoe and eat chips and wantch televison. I have to write, I need to write.   I do not have a choice.  What do you do when your characters don't shut up??? Let me know, My characters are yelling at me.  How do I keep them quiet for when I have to work and do other things. Any Advice??? Order my book: My Bible--My God

To Blog Or Not to Blog????

On one of my writer's loop they have been talking about blogging.  Some hate to blog and others have a blog and don't blog.  I think it is a choice. I like to blog.  I feel that if one is going to blog then blog.  Don't do it just once a year.  I have found some blogs that I found interesting, then I go back and they haven't been current, like months go by without them blogging.  So why do they even have a blog. As a writer, if you don't want to blog, then don't.  If you do blog, keep it up to date. Myself, I want to blog.  I want to be a blogger.  So I blog every day, even when I don't want to.  I am getting hits and I want people to continue to come to my blog.  I did not want to get up early and blog, but if I didn't get up early, I wouldn't of blogged.  So I dragged myself out of bed to blog before I went to work.  Blogging is a choice.  Either blog or don't.  It is that simple. Order my book: My ...

Time to Write

I woke up and the first thing on my mind, was writing.  Is that weird?  I had this morning off and I got up, grabbed a Pepsi and typed 10 pages into the computer before I did anything.  I felt pretty good about myself.  I am not going to make my goal of writing two chapters this week.  But I will have finished chapter 7, so I guess writing a chapter a week is a good thing, though I want to write more.  The important thing is that I am writing.  I find that when I first get up is the perfect time for me to write, so that is what I do, even if I have to get up early before I go to work. When is the best time for you to work????? Order my book: My Bible--My God

Stop Surfing the Web

The internet zaps my energy to write.  The first thing I do is check my e-mail, then I will go to another site to read an article or check out a website, and then the next thing I know an hour has past and then I don't have time to write. I just found a website that had a class for formatting your manuscript to an e-book.  I thought great, so I was going to join the class and then I started to think.  Two weeks where I could be writing and do I really want to pay $50.00  I thought about it and then decided to pass.  Finish the book first.  I am sure she will have the class again.  It is easy to go from website to website and not to write.  It is easy to take classes after classes and not write but none of this is going to work for me if I don't write the book. What do you think??? Should I take the class or just wait???? Do you take classes on the web and do they work for you??// Order my Book My Bible--My God

Old Habits

I am back to my old habits.  I am writing in longhand again.  I was at writing at the computer writing and now I am back writing in longhand and my mornings off I am putting my handwriting pages into the computer, but at least I am writing and getting something done. I guess that old habits die hard so I am just writing and getting the book done.  There is no right way or wrong way to write.  Just write. Order my book MY BIBLE--My GOD

Book Cover

I know that I should be writing, but instead I was on and working on my book cover. I might be a head of myself but I don't want to wait till the last minute to do my book cover, like I did on my last book.  I can always edit my cover, so it is not in concrete.  I now have a book cover that I can look at and hopefully it will motivate me to finish the book. I can go back and change the color of the book or even the picture of the book.  I needed a book blurb and a author bio for the back of the book.  I didn't want to wait till the last minute and put just anything on the back of the book.  I can always change it. When doing your book cover Things to think about 1.  Book blurb 2.  Author Bio 3.  Author Picture 4.  Background color 5.  Picture on Cover 6.  Title 7.  Author's Name{I am using my middle name} Think of what name you want to be published under 8.  Make sure you ...

To Many E-Mails

I have just spent the last two hours going through my e-mails.  I could of used that two hours to write.  I have joined a couple of writers groups and I will clear out my e-mail and then when I go back on line, I have 200 e-mails.  There is no way I can keep up. I am learning a lot from these groups, but it is very tiem consuming.  Not sure what the answer is, cause I don't want to miss out on anything but then I should be writing when I am checking my e-mail. Any ideas?  Solutions? I know that we all struggle with time to write and nothing is easy.  That is why I am late blogging, I was checking out my e-mail.  Now I am off to write.  Who needs a clean house, anyway. Have a great day. I did finish chapter 6 and am working on Chapter 7 My goal for this week is to Finish chapter 7 &8 That is right.  I am going to attempt to write 2 chapters this week. Wish me luck!!!! Order my book MY Bible--My God

Goals For The Summer

Summer is here.  Most people are packing for their vacation or heading to the lake.  Me?  I am writing.  I get up early before I go to work, and write.  I had made weekly goals and then I thought to myself and decided if I am going to finish this book, I am going to have to write more.  So this is my summer goal:  The Month of July: Write Chapter 7,8,9,10 The Month of August Write Chapter 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Month of September Write Chapter 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Then I will have the months of Oct. Nov, Dec to edit and rewite, January, I will then be able to put it online. That is my Goal.  I know that it is a lot of writing, but that is the only way to get the book finished. Wish me luck!!! What are your goals for the summer????? Order my book: MY BIBLE--MY GOD

Do's & Don't when Writing

Do's & Don't when Writing 1.  Don't eat greasy chips/Your keyboard will thank you 2.  No drinks near the computer/ Your keyboard will thank you. 3. Save your work, every two-three pages 4.  Sit in a comfortable position/ You body will thank you after a few hours at the computer 5.  Don't go back to edit/keep writing, you can edit later 6.  Stop looking at the clock/ Write 7.  Concentrate on your story 8.  Stop checking your e-mail/text messages 9.  Stop thinking about food 10.  Relax and tell your story It is hard to sit at the computer and write.  We are all in this together. Order my book MY BIBLE--MY GOD

Write The Book

Writing is hard.  There is no doubt.  It is hard to make yourself sit down and write.  It is easy to think about your story.  Talk about your story.  It is hard to sit down and put words into the computer. It is easy to write longhand and hard to sit in front of the computer and type 20 handwritten pages into the computer. Not sure why I write.  It is what I do and who I am.  So all I can say to writers out there.  Write The Book. There is no other way to say it or to do it.  That is the only way to get it published.  I want my book up by the first of the year.  So I feel that I don't have a choice I have to write it.  No one is going to do it for me. So if you want to write, then write and you will be happy that you did.  We all have something to say, it just seems that us writers need to put it on paper. So I need to go and put in about ten pages of handwritten pages into the computer. Good luck with your writi...

I Published a Book, Now What?

I published a book MY Bible--MY God I sold a few books, now what?  Now one that is close to me really cares that I wrote a book.  They are going on with their lives and don't care.  Co-workers don't care.  So life goes on as if I didn't write a book.  Now what am I supose to do?  No one threw me a book party, no one close to me even bought a book.  I am okay with that cause I published the book for myself.  it is what I wanted to do. So I am busy writing my next book.  I have set a deadline for myself and when I want to have it on line to sell.  That is what I need to do.  Move forward, keep writing no matter what.  I am thrilled that I am a published writer.  I am thrilled that I am a writer and I need to get a another book out  so I am on to the next book that is what I do after I publish a book. So I keep writing that I what I do. Order my book My Bible--My God ...

Back to Writing

The long weekend is over and I think and hope that I am over my crude whatever I have.  So I have no excuse not to write.  So hopefully I can get back on track. I have been writing everyday, except tonight I over slept and didn't get up as early as I wanted to.  To bad sleep gets in the way of my writing. So I need to blog and then write five pages before I go to work.  The life of a writer.  Not sure how glitzy it is but it is my life. Order My Book

Last Scene

Do you know how your book is going to end???  Do you see the last scene in your head??? I just watched Officer and A Gentleman.  That last scene is great and every woman's dream of being swept off their feet. Does your story have a last scene that people will remember or say "That was so romantic." Your last scene is as important as your first scene.  I know how my book ends have the scene in my head and as I write, I am writing toward that scene. So I think one needs to know how their book ends.  Think of books that you enjoyed and how their book ended, or movies you have seen and how they end. The last scene is important.  Think about the last scene and write toward that scene. Order My Book My Bible--My God

Weekly Goals

I made my goals for last week.  I finished Chapter 5 and outlined up to Chapter 10. So this weeks goal is to finish Chapter 6.  All three scenes.  The holiday weekend is over so I shouldn't be so tired.  So that is my goal for the week. What is your goal for the week? It is so easy to watch tv and not write or to check e-mails and check out websites and see what other writers are doing, but one needs to write in order to be published. So set your goals for the week and see if you reach them.  Hope you all have a great 4th!!!  It is summer, hot and humid and I do love the summer.  Have a great week!!!! Order My Book

Write Your Own Story

Stop listening to the lastest trends and write what you want.  You are unique and only you can write your story. Today, there is no reason not to be published.  Go INDIE.  Publish your own story.  Other authors are self publishing, why not you. I published MY BIBLE--MY GOD If I can do this....anyone can......It does take a bit of work and commitment, but I am  published and can put WRITER on my tax return.  So get off the fence and write your story, and get it published. Have a Happy 4th!!!!!

Indie Authors

Do you have a book to promote??? I am going to start something new.  If you have a book self published...E-Book or POD I will spotlight an idie author once or twice a week. I can just add your link or we can do an interview. Let me know if you are interested.  You can e-mail me at   or leave a comment and I will e-mail you. I feel we need to support each other and see what others are doing.  Doesn't matter what genre you write. Order my book My Bible--My God

Summer Is Here

It is hot and humid out.  It is now July and a long weekend.  That is no excuse not to write.  I know that you have cookouts to go to.  Hang out at the lake, but don't forget to get your word count in. Get up early before you get sunburned or drink to much.  I have to work this weekend but I am going to a cookout and try to be social something that is not easy for me.  I would rather stay home and write. I am glad that I decided to self publish and be called an indie writer.  How ever you decide to publish you need to finish the book.  So as you enjoy the summer and the long weekend, write before fun I do love the hot weather though the humidity I could live without. The week is almost finished and I have completed chapter five so I have completed my goal for the week. Enjoy the weekend and let me know how your weekend went. Check out my book. My Bible--My God http://iamwalkingwithgod.blogspot.c...