It is school time. School supplies are on sale. Now is the time to buy. Pens, pencils, paper, spiral notebooks. Now is the time to stock up for the year.
I can not walk by the school supplies and not look and buy. Yesterday, I bought two notebooks and two sharpies and a cool pencil holder. I did control myself and didn't go overboard.
So the next time you are out shopping, don't pay full price, buy now and stock up for the year. I live this time of year. Pens, pencil and papers that is what I love to shop for.
I am almost done with chapter 9 I will be done with it Monday and start working on chapter 10. I am still writing in longhand, cause it is to hot for my computer to be on for hours at a time. When it starts to cool off I will type it all into the computer.
People say I should have air conditioner, but I am not paying for cold air. This to shall pass. So I will write in long hand for now.
I am going to watch Cowboys & Aliens and am so excited. I'll let you know how it is.
Order My Book:
My Bible--My God
I can not walk by the school supplies and not look and buy. Yesterday, I bought two notebooks and two sharpies and a cool pencil holder. I did control myself and didn't go overboard.
So the next time you are out shopping, don't pay full price, buy now and stock up for the year. I live this time of year. Pens, pencil and papers that is what I love to shop for.
I am almost done with chapter 9 I will be done with it Monday and start working on chapter 10. I am still writing in longhand, cause it is to hot for my computer to be on for hours at a time. When it starts to cool off I will type it all into the computer.
People say I should have air conditioner, but I am not paying for cold air. This to shall pass. So I will write in long hand for now.
I am going to watch Cowboys & Aliens and am so excited. I'll let you know how it is.
Order My Book:
My Bible--My God
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