I know that you have heard this before. Back up your files. Back up your files. I took my computer in twice in one week. They asked me if I had things backed up. I had no idea what they were talking about. When I got my computer back all my pictures were gone. How did that happen?????
So I bought a flash drive. I had no idea what a flash drive was. Someone told me to back up my file that I was working on, not just on a disk, but on a flash drive, cause a disk can get ruined. So I stepped up and bought a flash drive. I plugged in in the usb port (Think that is what it is called) It worked. If I can not this so can you.
I know nothing about computers. I turn it on and hope for the best, sort of what I do with my car. I do listen to others who I respect and trust and they are leading me in the right direction.
So please back up your files more than once.
I have 250 pages in the computer and do not want to lose my files.
So I bought a flash drive. I had no idea what a flash drive was. Someone told me to back up my file that I was working on, not just on a disk, but on a flash drive, cause a disk can get ruined. So I stepped up and bought a flash drive. I plugged in in the usb port (Think that is what it is called) It worked. If I can not this so can you.
I know nothing about computers. I turn it on and hope for the best, sort of what I do with my car. I do listen to others who I respect and trust and they are leading me in the right direction.
So please back up your files more than once.
I have 250 pages in the computer and do not want to lose my files.
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