I like to write. I could write in longhand all day long. It is the business side of writing that I do not enjoy. Promoting my writing. Talking about my writing. Social media.
If you are writing for publication, you are now a business owner. Your book is the product is what you are producing and selling. It is a fact. There is no way to deny it anymore.
Do you know in the USA, you can deduct your writing expenses on your tax returns. Keep all your receipts during the year. Find a good tax person.
Choose your social media: Facebook, twitter, blogging, newsletter.
I can not do all the social media so I chose to blog. I am on facebook, but not lately and I have a twitter account. I tend to attract more people on my blog. Blogspot is free so I use their blog site.
Create business cards to hand out. I use Vista Print for postcard size and put the cover of my book on them. You need something to hand to people.
I am self published and I am always giving something to someone everyday. Vista Print is always having sales. I wait to for a sale I never pay full price on Vista Print.
Tell people that you are a writer, which is not easy at first. Now I tell everyone. Someone asks me what do you do. I say, I am a writer and hand them my business card.
I find that people are impressed when I hand them a copy of my book and give it to them. They are impressed that I wrote a book and then impressed that I self published a book. You never know who you are talking to and they might become a fan and tell others.
Start thinking like a business person. Get organized. Get Published. Make your dream a reality
My latest book www.amazon.com/dp/B0728NGCGZ
If I can do this, so can you
Leave a comment. Have a question? Ask me.
sharon15writes@gmail.com .
If you are writing for publication, you are now a business owner. Your book is the product is what you are producing and selling. It is a fact. There is no way to deny it anymore.
Do you know in the USA, you can deduct your writing expenses on your tax returns. Keep all your receipts during the year. Find a good tax person.
Choose your social media: Facebook, twitter, blogging, newsletter.
I can not do all the social media so I chose to blog. I am on facebook, but not lately and I have a twitter account. I tend to attract more people on my blog. Blogspot is free so I use their blog site.
Create business cards to hand out. I use Vista Print for postcard size and put the cover of my book on them. You need something to hand to people.
I am self published and I am always giving something to someone everyday. Vista Print is always having sales. I wait to for a sale I never pay full price on Vista Print.
Tell people that you are a writer, which is not easy at first. Now I tell everyone. Someone asks me what do you do. I say, I am a writer and hand them my business card.
I find that people are impressed when I hand them a copy of my book and give it to them. They are impressed that I wrote a book and then impressed that I self published a book. You never know who you are talking to and they might become a fan and tell others.
Start thinking like a business person. Get organized. Get Published. Make your dream a reality
My latest book www.amazon.com/dp/B0728NGCGZ
If I can do this, so can you
Leave a comment. Have a question? Ask me.
sharon15writes@gmail.com .
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