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Showing posts from October, 2018

Know Your Timeline For Every Scene

I created a rough timeline.  I do it old school with paper and pen.  Here It Is: I drew a line in the middle of the page. The left side is the major plot points The right side is what happens and the time of day and weather. It is very rough.  This is for my eyes only.  But now I know what day the book starts and the weather, and what day the book ends and the weather.  That is major to me.  My timeline is Thursday-Sunday Your timeline my be months, years or centuries, but this gives you where months etc should go.  Then as I write each scene, I will pay more attention to the time of day, the weather and the month of the year.  It will give you more depth in each scene. What do you think?  Have you ever created a timeline? 

A Time Line of Your Novel

Ever thought of what day and time each scene happens?  To be honest, I never did.  I just wrote and thought I was brilliant.  Now the book that I am writing now the time line is Thursday- Sunday.  I have a time line also the weather plays a factor, So I have to make sure what day, time and hour each scene is. I draw a line on a piece of paper _________________________________________________________________________________ Then I place the scene and write the time.  When I finish the time line I will post a picture of it.  I am still working on it.  Should be done this weekend. What are you working on for this weekend?

Save The Cat

I realize that I have not been blogging for over a year.  That does not mean that I have not been writing.  I have this great idea for a book, guess what?  I have been working on this book for the past two years I have written and rewritten the first fifty pages over and over again, and it was making me crazy.  I know that I have a good idea, but it was just boring, dull and who on earth would want to read this.  I didn't quit.  I wrote on the computer in long hand but I was not getting nowhere.  It was as if I was on a treadmill writing and going nowhere. Then I discovered the book Save the Cat by Blake Synder can be found on  Amazon  He has 3 books on screenwriting.  He tells you were to put certain scenes in your screenplay and what page it should be on.  I read all three books.  They will work with writing a novel.  Then I found Jessica Brody  and she wrote Save The Cat Writes A Novel I was not sure I shoul...