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Showing posts from August, 2019

Rapid Release Publishing

Rapid Release Publishing.......Ever heard of it? This is nothing new, but it is worth looking into.  Rapid Release Publishing  is when you write, edit and publish an E-Book once a month, twice a month....The key to keep readers coming back and buying your books.  If you write a book once a year, which is fine, and it takes you another year to publish a book, odds are you will have lost the readers, they moved on.  So to keep your readers coming back and never leaving, once they finish one of your books, they will be looking for your next book which would be within weeks. This works and is so true.  When I wrote my  Zombies Series   I decided to write a short story every month for a year.  The story would run around 5,000-10,000 words a story.  After all  Zombie Zoo  I wrote that story in one sitting.  So, that year, I wrote-edit -published a short story for a year and then wrote  Me VS Zombies   So it can ...

Writing More Than One Book At A Time

Yesterday, I was trying to get organized. 1.  Cleaned up the pile of papers that just seem to pile up. 2.  Decided to put all of my books on a new flash drive.  All the books will be in one place. 3.  Made a a file for each book.  Then I can work on any one of the books with them all being on the same flash drive and a file already made for each book. 4.  I have book covers for each book.  I can start setting up each book at  KDP 5.  I have my CD's close by, the music that I listen to when I write. Four of the books are all connected so I have to make sure the time line is the same and then I can go to each file and make notes if I need to. Each book will be around 50,000 Words.  Longer if need be. Now I just need to decide where I am going to write them.  I have a cute little office that I really like, the problem is that I have been writing in my bedroom and on my bed for years and now that I have an office, well, ...

Still Rewriting

I know that it has been awhile since I blogged.  I have been rewriting.  I have the story in my head.  I see it as a movie.  I see it as a published book.  I see myself holding the print copy of the book. I have tightened the plot.  Now I am going through it, adding detail, description  It is a Series.  I have 4-5 Books in this Series.  I was just going to write one book, then the next.  Then I started thinking, I want all the books to connect.  Same characters, each has their own story, but all the characters will be in every book.  Same location. So this is what I have been doing, while I am rewriting, which is taking longer than I thought it would. 1.  Created Book Covers for each book.  I used the Kindle Book Converter for the book covers.  I feel better if I already have the book cover. 2.  Started plotting out each book, and whose story is for what book. 3. Posted the plots in my office. ...


How many times do I have to do I have to rewrite the novel I am writing.  I have rewritten the story The Cross, at least 10 times.  Each time I rewrite the story, it gets tighter and more focused.  I like the story where it is going now. I AM TIRED OF REWRITING Do you feel this way?  I want the story published now so I can go to the next book in the series, but I know that I have to get the first book right, so the others will follow in the right direction. I thought that I would of had this book finished and published.  I am plugging away.  I am writing- rewriting-writing-rewriting What about you? How many times do you rewrite a story??