I am not a fan. This is the first year I am doing NANO. I feel like this voice yelling in my head, "WRITE! WHY ARE YOU NOT WRITING?"
I wrote 500 words yesterday. I didn't even work on my story, I just wrote down an idea for a story that I had screaming in my head.
It is now deer season, and I had to help with the deer that was my boyfriend killed. Plus I had to do the chickens and their water was frozen. I couldn't eat anything after doing the deer. My kitchen looked like a murder scene.
For those of you who have been reading my blog. Yes I am still a vegetarian. but we moved to live off grid so that is what we are doing. More on living off grid later.
I am still writing everyday. Blogging today.
I think my word count is up to 18,000 I think.
Now I have to go to town.
So hang in there if you are not making your word count. As long as you are writing that is all that matter.
One Word At A Time
Let me know your word count and what you think of NANO?
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