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Showing posts from December, 2019

Happy New Year!!!

  I realize that it is morning where I live, In the United States of America, I realize that in other parts of the world, you will be celebrating before I do, So I just want to give everyone a big shout out HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I am writing today, to kick off the new year.  My Goals for 2020 1.  To Blog more regularly 2.  To Publish my Way Series These are my to things I will be focusing on throughout the year.  I will be posting daily, weekly, monthly updates and talk about my success, failures and self doubt.  In 2011 I started Self-Publishing... I then made a goal to publish 50 E-Books,  I reached that goal. Write 12 E-Books In One Year UK Canada Australia India/Asia/Pacific Self_Publishing is always changing.  It is more competitive now more than ever, but that is no reason to give up.   2020 is a New Decade 2020 is a New Decade This is Your Year Follow me as I Write/Edit/Publish a 4...

Writing Is A Gift From God

I have been sitting at the computer since 7:00 AM this morning. I wrote 4,000 words. This morning, the words just flowed from my brain to my fingers and onto the computer.  that does not happen that often and I am so excited and don't want to stop.  I stopped, because I always wanted to blog before I quit writing at my desk. I have a small notebook next to the computer.  I am writing down, my word count everyday.  I am being honest.  I am surprised how many words I have written this month. It is around 48,000 words. The one thing I am learning is that, as I sit down and write, I am amazed at the ideas that my fingers are typing. I am almost done with The Cross.  I have been rewriting it this week, and the ideas that I came up with were amazing.  Where did those ideas come from???  It wasn't me. This morning I kept writing because I knew that God was guiding my fingers, because it was not me writing, it was God. I know that a lot of...

Word Count For December

So far to date, 12-27-19, I have written 44,000 words this month. How did that happen.  I didn't write 10 days this month. The days I did write, I wrote -2,000-3,000 words a day. So you would think that I would have a story, almost finished, not so. I wrote, but I was all over the place.  I worked on one book, and the next day I worked on another. I was not focused at all, but... Yesterday, I wrote 3,000 words, and am rewriting and editing, The Cross.  It just needs to be edited and some scenes rewritten, but it is close to being ready to publish,,,,,, So, that is what I am doing today.  I wrote about 1,000 words today, but more, just looking over the book and seeing what I need to rewrite.  Goal is: To publish The Cross in January.    Will be around 40,000 words.  So if I write 2,000 words a day, that would be 60,000 words a month.  I could have the 2nd book in the series written.  I know that I can write 2,000 w...

Self Doubt

Another year is coming to a close.  As you look back at this year, do you wish you wrote more, publish more and then do you feel terrible and hate yourself because you are a lousy writer? Welcome to my world. I have self doubt every day.  I can write as least 3,000 words a day.  That is the easy part.  The hard part is to take those words and rewrite them so they are publishable.  I can write rough drafts of stories day in and day out, but what does that mean, if I can not rewrite and make those words publishable. This here lies my problem. I can write anywhere.  In bed, on the bathroom floor, at my desk and even in front of the TV, but then when it comes to re-writing and editting, my Self-Doubt rises up and takes over.  Then it is game over. I know that we all have Self-Doubt.  There is no getting around it.  So how does one deal with Delf-Doubt? Keep Writing. When I am on Facebook in the writing Facebook groups, people post...

Writing Is A Business

Are you claiming your writing expense when you file your taxes? Are you saving every receipt you spend on writing, to deduct in you when you file? If you have published a book on Amazon, you are a business owner. Your book is the product you are selling. You are not just a writer.  You are a business owner. Find a good lawyer, and claim yourself as a writer. So before April 15,2020 shows up, gather all your receipts and claim your writing.  Find a good lawyer. Amazon will send you a record of your royalties.  Begin this year, knowing you are a writer and a business owner. Writing is a business.  It is not a hobby.

When Writing, Think Global

Are you taking full advantage to the fact that you book is listed in other countries?? Think about that.  Have you checked on your sales dashboard that you have sold a book in Canada or even Japan.  How cool would that be? I am always excited when I sell a book.  I am really excited when I sell a book in another country.  If you are a Blogger, you realize that you will have views from other countries?  If you are a Blogger or thinking of blogging on whatever topic it might be, don't just think about your country, think about going Global with your writing. I have a  Christian blog   I get views from countries that I never heard of.  I had to get a map out to find the country.  I make it a point to blog, so I can reach other countries that won't allow God in the country or are limited to the Word of God.  So my goal with that blog is to reach people in other countries. This blog, my main focus is to let other people who have a...

How Do You Edit? Hard Copy?

99 Cents Find The Episodes of Me VS Zombies I was working on the first book in my series. The rough draft is finished.  As I was on the computer, I couldn't remember what happened in chapter 4.  So I would scroll up and then I would scroll down and just had no idea if the scenes where in order or where I needed to rewrite what. I printed out a Hard Copy.  I don't know how many people edit and rewrite on the computer or on a Hard Copy.   I need a hard copy.  So yesterday, I printed out a Hard Copy and with a red pen, I read the rough draft and made notes.  So now when I go back to the computer I have a the Hard Copy to tell me when and what I need to rewrite and fix. Yesterday, was Sunday and I did not write.  I worked on editing on the Hard Copy so I am now ready to go back to the computer and add and fix what I did to. Let me know how you edit.  Hard Copy or just on the computer??? Total Word Count for D...

Just Write The Book

Buy Now I have been on Facebook this past week, wasting my time mostly.  I am on several writing groups.  The two I like the most are 20Books50K and WMWC  Writing a Million Words.  In these two groups, everyone is trying to write and get published.  Very informative in seeing what other writers are doing,   Then I scroll on the other other writing groups, they are good if you need support in your writing, but as I was scrolling on Facebook, when I should have been Blogging or Writing, I thought. JUST WRITE THE BOOK I admit that I have 5 rough drafts written.  One almost complete and could be published within a month.  Anyone can write.  In the Facebook Group to write a million words in a year, is great.  I am excited about that.  Just because I might write a million word in 2020, does not mean that I will have a book published. Once the rough draft is finished, you still have to go and rewrite it, edit it...

2020 Writing Goals

It is the last month of the year, and as usual everyone is obsessed with making Christmas perfect.  I am not one of those people.  I do my shopping in July.  I buy gifts only on sale.  They are wrapped and now it is December and I am done shopping.  Gift giving is over rated and I refuse to go into debt, when the next day, people will not remember what you got them.  Don't believe me?  Ask them. So I am focusing on my writing.  Presents are wrapped and Christmas dinner is already bought and in the freezer. My Goals for 2020 1.  Create a Writing Schedule. 2.  Set Word Count. 3.  Write Everyday. 4.  Publish 4 Books in 2020 5.  Blog more regularly. Here is something that might help you increase your word count and get published. Join These 2 Facebook Groups WCM2  Word Count Millionaires    Their goal is to write a million words in 2020.  They are using the month of December to get you r...