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Showing posts from May, 2020

Save The Cat

I haven't been doing much writing this week. I have been plotting and replotting. I have the story idea.  I have the beginning and the end.  The middle is my problem write down. Though I did mange to write 1,000 words yesterday, though I will have to rewrite them. The important thing is that I am writing, plotting and rewriting. I am also going to write a screenplay along with the novel. So as I am plotting, I am plotting both the novel version and the screenplay version.  I urge you to buy... Save The Cat Book on Screenwriting.  I am plotting the screenplay from that book Also I have the Novel Version of Save the Cat, that I am using to plot out my novel. I have made my Board for the screenplay.  So if you have no idea what I am talking about on Save The Cat Series Check it out   Save The Cat I will keep you posted on my progress. More plotting today

Stop Listening To That Negative Voice In Your Head

Buy Now We all have a past.  We all have someone who did us wrong.  We all have those negative voices in our heads.  I am stupid.  Who do you think you are?  You are not a writer.  That is a stupid idea.  No one will ever read it. I have a lot of negative voices in my head.  That doesn't mean that I have to listen to those voices. I don't write because I want to.  I would rather sit in front of the tv and binge watch movies and eat junk food and never leave the couch. But I have to write.  I write while I watch tv.  I find myself picking up a notebook, jotting down notes or thoughts. I don't have a choice. So I write. So far this month I have written every day, except 2 days.  That is good for me.   So whatever you are going through, don't listen to the negative voices in our heads, we all have them.  You need to just power through.  Easier said than donew. This book The ...

You Have A Story To Tell

Buy Now Buy Now We all have a story to tell, whether it is a personal story or a story to entertain.  Someone is waiting to hear or read your story.  Tell your story. Buy Now

Write Your Story

Buy Now We all have a story to tell.  I have a lot of ideas that I want to write, and I know that I will not write all the stories, so I have to choose which ones to write. Buy Now Your story can be 5,000 words- 100,000 words, the important thing is to write your story Someone out there is waiting to read or hear your story. What are you waiting for?

Word Count For Month Of May

I made a writing challenge for me this month of May. My challenge for me was to write everyday, no matter what, even if it was just a sentence. This is my progress so far: Day 1  2,005 Day 2 1,055 Day 3  1,000 Day 4  2,700 Day 5  500 Day 6  4,771 Day 7  1,00 Day 8  2,00 Day 9  1,847 Day 10  500 Day 11  3,000 Day 12  2,500 Day 13  1,000 Day 14  500 Day 15  1,000 Day 16  1,000 Day 17  500 Day 18  2,000 Day 19  Terrible Headache Day 20  500 Day 21  1,000 Day 22 4,000 This is my word count for the month of May.  The days I wrote only 500 words were the days I had headaches.  I manged to write a bit, on the 19th, I could barely function so I wrote nothing.  I am trying to write each and everyday.  I forced myself on somedays, and then other days the word flowed like yesterday when I wrote 4,000 words. If I can do it, you can. It is between...

Writer's Block

When you are writing a book, are you just totally focused on that book, or do you write more than one book? I write on 2 or 3 books at a time. I have a rough draft of a Christian Romance finished. This month I am writing another Christian Romance I also am working on a non-fiction book That might explain why I am not publishing as quickly as I would like. I have so many ideas that pop into my head that I have to get it down on paper even if I never use the idea. So I have a lot of stories that are started and never finished and that is okay with me.  I have to write.  I have no choice.  Writing keeps me focus and sane. People have excuses not to write.  Now even the past months when people are forced to stay in their homes, there are writers who are complaining that they don't feel like writing or don't have the time.  When is the time to write if not when you are stuck in home. I do believe that writers write.  It is that simple. Writ...

Write No Matter What

  Yesterday I wrote my 1,000 words, plus some and then the rain was coming and I had a terrible sinus headache This Month: I am challenging you and myself to write everyday, no matter what, even if it is one sentence.  Everyone can write one sentence. I get terrible headaches all the time.  I have a headache everyday, even though I was told that is not possible. I have learned to deal with my headaches.  I have good days and bad days.  In the past I would use my headaches as an excuse not to do anything.  I would sit in front of the tv with my pepsi and bag of chips and watch the Hallmark channel. I wrote my thousand word, grabbed a pepsi and watched the Hallmark Channel.  You can do this.  I can do this. I am tired today and my head is a bit foggy, but I am blogging today and later I will write my 1,000 words or more. Write one sentence today.  You never know, you might then write a thousand words. Write on!

If I Can Write Everyday: So Can You

How is your writing coming along? Yesterday I had a great day writing. After I blogged yesterday, I went into the living room, sat in the recliner and wrote 4,771 words. I surprised myself.  I did not write all of that in one sitting.  I was writing and on a roll, when I had to stop and run an errand.  When I got home, I didn't want to write, but I also, wanted to reach the 10,000 word count. I picked up the laptop and started writing.  I kept looking at my word count because I was not going to stop until I made it to 10,000 words and then I stopped. So it is possible to write if you really want to.  You have to want to. I don't live to write I write to live. I have to write.  I don't have a choice if I want to remain sane.  I suffer from depression I just want to lay in bed or in my recliner and watch tv.  I write to stay focus and not to drift off in a place I might not come back from.. So this Writing Challenge In May is importa...

Writing With A Migraine

Yesterday I had a terrible Migraine.  I just wanted to curl up in the chair and watch tv,  I did not want to read or write. I knew that I had to write something, anything.  So I turned on the computer and wrote one sentence, then I was done. I then went to watch some mindless tv.  I picked up my notebook and wrote 500 words in long hand. I wrote with a migraine, so I wouldn't feel worse for not writing at all. I haven't made my word count yet.  I am not including my blogs part of my word count. So this is what I have written so far this month. 5/1/20  2,005 5/2/20  1,055 5/3/20  1,000 5/4/20  2,700 5/5/20  500 Total Word count to date:  7,260 Words this month so far. I am going to take my lap top to the recliner and sit in front of the tv and write. I write better when I have some noise.  I think tv is like company and not so lonely My goal for today is to write 3,000 words and then I would break 10,...

Publishing Update

Newest Release I think this is my 70th Book.  If I can do this you can do this.  Publishing this book cost me nothing to publish.  I leaned how to do everything and so can you.   My goal is to publish 100 Books on Amazon. I am working on 3 books write now.  2 Christian Romance and a Non-fiction Book Yesterday I wrote 1,000 words.   How are you doing on your daily writing word count?


Sunday May 3, 2020 Yesterday I blogged here and my other  Blog  I wrote 1,055 words. I have blogged today, but haven't written on my novel yet. I have to go and check on the garden and the chickens before I start writing. So far this month I have written 3,065 words.  How is your writing going?

Writing Update For Writing Challenge of May

Welcome! This is day one of the Update of the Writing Challenge for the month of May I uploaded this book Monday and it is still in Review at Kindle Publishing.  I don't know if it is stuck and a computer glitch or if I have to many Scriptures in the book.  I am still waiting for this book to be published. Yesterday, I wrote 2,000 words. I started an entire new story and just wanted to write 1,000 words, which I did while I watched tv. I did that.  Then later in the day, I picked up the my laptop and just started writing and wrote another 1,000 words. So I am off to a good start. How about you?  Did you write yesterday? The Writing Challenge For The Month Of May is to write everyday for the month of May. My Goal is to write 1,000 words a day. Join me on this Challenge and lets help each other write a story this month of May Leave a post and let me know your word count and what you are struggling with in your writing Check out my other  Blo...

A Writing Challenge For The Month of May

It is Friday, May 1st of 2020 I have no excuse not to write.  I quit my job to write.  I have published 4 books since I quit my job last year. Find all my books at  Find All My Books At So why am I not writing as much as I should?  Lazy.  That is my answer. I get up in the morning and blog every morning on my blog  I Am Walking With God   I do this every morning.  Then I go to Facebook, big mistake.  There are two writing groups I joined and look at daily,  20kto50kbooks & Write A Million Words   So there is an at least two hours.  I then have to go check on the chickens, water them and then let me check out the news....  You get the picture. So I have 4 books published since I quit my job and a rough draft of the novel I am working on.  So I am accomplishing something, just not enough. On my blog, I am walking with I am reading the Bible everyday so at the end of the year, I will have read the...