When you are writing a book, are you just totally focused on that book, or do you write more than one book?
I write on 2 or 3 books at a time.
I have a rough draft of a Christian Romance finished.
This month I am writing another Christian Romance
I also am working on a non-fiction book
That might explain why I am not publishing as quickly as I would like.
I have so many ideas that pop into my head that I have to get it down on paper even if I never use the idea.
So I have a lot of stories that are started and never finished and that is okay with me. I have to write. I have no choice. Writing keeps me focus and sane.
People have excuses not to write. Now even the past months when people are forced to stay in their homes, there are writers who are complaining that they don't feel like writing or don't have the time.
When is the time to write if not when you are stuck in home.
I do believe that writers write. It is that simple.
Writer's Block is what someone made up, when they were to lazy to write.
How can some writer's get writer's block and others don't.
I know that I like to binge watch tv. I can watch movie after movie and never get tired of movies. I like watching tv. TV also stops me from writing, though I do write while I am watching TV
The point is if you want to write, then write.
On Writer's Groups on Facebook, they have all these excuses not to write. I am not saying that life gets in the way, and that happens to all of us, but let's call it what it is....You don't want to write.
I am guilty of this also.
That is why this Month I made myself a Challenge to write everyday the month of May.
So far, so good. I have written everyday so far in the month of day.
Yesterday I wrote 2,000 words, not counting my blogs I write everyday.
So join me on this Challenge and let's get your word count up and finish that book
I write on 2 or 3 books at a time.
I have a rough draft of a Christian Romance finished.
This month I am writing another Christian Romance
I also am working on a non-fiction book
That might explain why I am not publishing as quickly as I would like.
I have so many ideas that pop into my head that I have to get it down on paper even if I never use the idea.
So I have a lot of stories that are started and never finished and that is okay with me. I have to write. I have no choice. Writing keeps me focus and sane.
People have excuses not to write. Now even the past months when people are forced to stay in their homes, there are writers who are complaining that they don't feel like writing or don't have the time.
When is the time to write if not when you are stuck in home.
I do believe that writers write. It is that simple.
Writer's Block is what someone made up, when they were to lazy to write.
How can some writer's get writer's block and others don't.
I know that I like to binge watch tv. I can watch movie after movie and never get tired of movies. I like watching tv. TV also stops me from writing, though I do write while I am watching TV
The point is if you want to write, then write.
On Writer's Groups on Facebook, they have all these excuses not to write. I am not saying that life gets in the way, and that happens to all of us, but let's call it what it is....You don't want to write.
I am guilty of this also.
That is why this Month I made myself a Challenge to write everyday the month of May.
So far, so good. I have written everyday so far in the month of day.
Yesterday I wrote 2,000 words, not counting my blogs I write everyday.
So join me on this Challenge and let's get your word count up and finish that book
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