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Showing posts from June, 2011

Fan Letter

I recieved my first fan letter yesterday.  She sent me the book, to sign it and also wrote me a letter.  I have a fan!!!  That makes me feel good.  I never know where my writing will lead me or who will be affected by my books.  So I am excited what the future holds for my writing. I am going to frame my fan letter and hang it so I can see it everyday.  So when I doubt my writing, I can look at the letter.  What will you do with your first fan letter??? Order my book: My Bible --My God


I plotted out my next five chapters.  I have my plot points in place and I am on schedule.  I know that the schedule will change, but I think it is a good idea to have a plan and a deadline.  My deadline is January 1st.  Then I will give myself two months to edit and polish the novel and my March 1 I will beging to put it on line.  I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  If I don't have a deadline, I will not be focusing on what I am doing.  Now that I am self publishing I need to set my own deadlines.  No one cares if I write, except me.  I care.  I am a writer and that is what I do. So set your deadlines and stay focus.  I feel that is the only way to get the book written. Order my book   My Bible--My God http://www.createspace.com3614885/  

6 Hours of Writing

Yesterday I wrote for 6 hours.  I got up.  I re-read my first 4 chapters snad took notes.  I then typed in my hand written pages.    Came up with a few new ideas.  It was a good day of writing and I feel that I got a lot accomplished. Before I go to bed, I think what I want to accomplish when I wake up.  This seems to work for me.  So when I wake up I know what I am going to do.  To bad that I have to go to work today to pay the bills.  I like where the story is going and I think I am on track. Order my Book MY BIBLE--MY GOD

Writing In Silence

I got up this morning and decided to re-read my first four chapter and take some notes.  I needed to see if I was going in the right direction or was way off.  I left the television off and read.  To my surprise I like what I wrote.  I am in the right direction.  It is quiet in the house and it is just me and my story. What could be better than that.  It makes me more excited to continue to write.  I have about 6 hand written pages that I am going to put into the computer this morning.  I still have my sinus problem but I guess I am just going to have to live with it.  Nothing is going to stop me from finishing this book and getting it published the first of the year.  So writing in silence this morning is a good thing for me.  I will be able to get a lot finished this morning.  I need to get back on track.  I handed out a few more postcard for my book MY BIBLE--MY GOD http://www.createspace.com3614885/ I am m...

Plot Points

Do you outline??? Are you a plotter or a panster????? I am a plotter.  I plot out my book.  I know how it is going to start and how it is going to end.  I know what the last scene is going to be.  I have direction so I can't go in the wrong direction. I write out my plot points.  Plot points are the ones that change the direction of the story.  If you have a 20 chapter novel.  Chapter 5  Plot Point One Chapter 10 Plot Point Two Chapter 15 Plot Point Three Chapter 18 or 10 Black Moment   (When the reader thinks there is no hope for the two of them to be together) Chapter 20  Resolution   They resolve everything I know all my plot points before I start writing. Something to think about.  My Plot Points: Chapter 5 Larry shows up Chapter 10  Samantha learns that Doug is working for Larry Chapter 15 Samantha learns about the bet Black Moment  Samantha realizes that no one has no f...

Write The Book

I now have a book published and my next goal is to have another one finished by the first of the year. I am pleased with My Bible --My God I now have to focus on my next book.  I need to start getting sersious about my next book and finish it.  So it is hard to focus on my next book while I am trying to promote my book.  I am not complaining but I guess I need to focus and be a bit organized. This is what I want to do.  I want to be a writer and the only thing that is stopping me from writing is me.  I need to get out of my way and to just write. Starting today that is what I am going to do.  I am going to write.  I will be posting my page quota on here and let you know how it is going.  Would you like to join me?  Doesn't matter if you are just thinking about writing or already have a story in progress.  Join me and together we will have a book finished by the first of the year. Let me know what...

Venturing Out Into the Real World

I got off work yesterday and usual I didn't want to do anything when I go home.  Took my shower and ate.  I knew that I needed to call my tax man and get together with him.  i wanted to know what I needed to do for my taxes next year and also to give him a copy of my book. It is wise to keep the tax guy on your side.  So I called him and he was free that day.  So I changed my clothes and headed outside again.  When your write, sometimes you have to leave the comfort of your home and computer and venture out into the real world.  I am glad that I did.  It was good to talk to someone who was not related to me, and could be honest with me.  I talked to him for about an hour and now I have things to think about when tax time  comes. I then stopped off at a bookstore and dropped off some of my printed postcards and book marks.  This was a major event for me.  Maybe not for you or others, but for someone who doesn't like to lea...

Write What You Believe

Are you writing for trends? Are you writing for what you think will sell?  Are you writing what you want to write? Something to think about.  You need to write from your heart.  Only you can write your story.  No one can write your story.  Since I wrote the book  MY BIBLE--MY GOD I now know what I am meant to write.  I am writing the stories that I want to write.  Not what NY wants.  I am writing from my heart.  I am self published.  I will self published my next book the first of the year.  I believe in the story that I am writing.  I created a small town with quirky characters where LOVE always wins in the end.  So think about what you are writing and think if you are writing what you believe.  Follow your heart, and the words will follow. Let me know what you are writing and how you are getting published. Order my book.  MY BIBLE--MY GOD

Writing When Sick

I have allergies or sinus problems, whatever I is annoying.  I have a headache , sorethroat and can not stop coughing.  I am taking allergie medicine but I have a feeling that it is not going to go away. We So I have accepted this and continue to write, even though I am coughing head pounding.  I just take my allergie medicine. I don't think I am the only one with this problem. How do you write when you are sick? I prop myself up with pillows and write.  Know that you are not alone when you are sick, and have the need to write.  ORDER MY BOOK: MY BIBLE--MY GOD

Promo Material

Don't be afraid to promote your book.  I recieved 100 postcards from   all I had to pay was shipping.  They are always having promotions.  I have my postcardss with me all the time.  I went to the denist yesterday and handed out my postcards to the women in the office.  You never know where it will lead. I am not an outgoing person, but I am going to promote my book and let people know that I am a writer.  You can spend a  lot of money on promo material but look around before you spend a lot of money.  You probably can do most of it yourself or have a friend do it on their computer. Order MY BOOK: My BIBLE--MY GOD Tell the world that you are a writer.  Create some promo material and don't be afraid  to hand them out.  Be proud what you have done.  Not everyone can write a book//

What If Your Book Doesn't Sell?????

What are you going to do when your book doesn't sell???  Are you going to quit?  Stop writing?  Finish the next book???? Something to think about.  I am a writer.  I write and am working on my next book.  I have sold a few books and for my first published book this is a learning process.  I have learned that the people closest to me, don;t really care that I am published or not.  That is reality, and I can accept  that.  My BIBLE--MY GOD is about my walk with GOD and how the BIBLR was always with me, even when I ignored GOd.  I have a drinking problem.  I have an eating disorder and I have family issues.  Who doesn't.  I feel that my story can help others and bring them closer to GOD. That is why I write.  I have something to say.  If I am not on the bestsellar list that is okay.  I know that my story will help others. Why do you write??? Order my book: MY BIB...

I Am A Writer

I can now say that proudly.  I have a book on My Bible--My God I have a published book.  Although my family doesn't seem to care, I know what I did and I am happy with that.  So you need to stand up and proclaim that you are a writer. If you don't who will.  You are a writer and you should be proud of it. So when I do my taxes next year I will be able to put writer as my occupation.  How cook is that?? Follow your dream.  If I can self publish....anyone cam


I have a cold or sinus infection or something.  Head throbbing, sore throat ears ringing, but I managed to write 10 pages. Not sure how that happned.  I propped up myself with pillows and had my laptop on my lap and just typed away.  I have to go to work in a couple of hours.  So I am just  muddling through with whatever I have. Guess what I am trying to say is that you need to write no matter what or otherwise it will never get written.  It is not an easy thing to do, but if you want to be a write, you need to write Order my book: My Bible--My GOD www.


I am very excited that I sold three books. 2 from 1 from e-store. MY BIBLE --MY GOD I have no idea who bought the books but all I can say is THANK YOU I am 50 and wanted to be published by the time I was 50 and I did it. I  am not ashamed of my age....I embrace it.  It is never to late to follow your dream.  I am living proof. MY BIBLE--MY GOD is how the BIBLE stayed with me, even when I strayed from GOD, which we all do sometime in our lives.  It is never to late to accept Jesus as your savior and it is never to late to follow your dreams. I am working on my inspirational romance now for my second book.  If I can do this so can you.  If you have any doubts...leave a comment and I will help you get on track with your writing. I sold three books and I couldn't be more pleased. What are you working on???/How are you going to be published?????Leave a comment and let me know. ...

No Support From Family

What would you do if your family doesn't support your writing and is not thrilled about you publishing your book?  What would you do? I am moving forward.  I am going to continue to write and I will publish another book the first of the year.  I haven't heard a word from my family.  It has been two weeks and not a word from that and that is okay with me.  So before you publish, you better get a thick skin.  Be prepared that not everyone is going to be thrilled.  Not everyone is going to support your writing and if you do get the suport embrace it and enjoy it. I am not surprised that I don't have that much support but from the people that do support me I embrace them. Order my book My BIBLE--MY GOD  
I love this picture.  I am now a published writer.  My dream has come true.  I am on My BIBLE--MY GOD My last post was messed up.  so it doesn't make much sense. I write no matter what.  I blog everyday.  I work on my novel everyday.  I don't have a website, I have my two blogs and that is enough for me. I am doing my best not to spend a  lot of money on writing. So do what you think is best, but if you don't write, the words will not get written Order my book: My BIBLE--MY GOD

Writing, Website. Blog

What is more important????  How does one find the time to do everything???/How does one choose what to work on??? My answer is to it all.  I blog everyday....No matter what...right now I have a cold and a sore throat.  yesterday I had a terrible headache.  I still blogged.  That is what I decided to do and that is what I do.  I work on my novel  everyday. 

Walk Through The Fear

Promoting my book is leaving my comfort zone.  If I don;t do it who will. I have to talk about my book.  Mail out flyers and think about this as a business. I called my tax person and made an appointment to talk to him about my taxes next year.  I don't want to wait till the last minute and I want them to know what I am doing, so they are prepared for me when I walk in next year. So whatever it is that you do....Walk through the fear.  Fear only holds you back. Order my Book MY BIBLE--MY GOD

The Writer's Life

Being a writer has it's perks....I can write anywhere. I am holding my new book MY BIBLE--MY GOD ORDER TODAY

Promoting My Book

MY  BIBLE--MY GOD      ORDER TODAY I printed out a one page flyer on my printer with my book cover on it.  Then I had to find my nerve to hand them out.  This is not an easy thing to do for me.  I am not outgoing at all.  I would rather stay in the corner and not to talk to anyone, now I am going up to customers and co-workers and telling them about my book.  I think my story can help others.  I have a drinking problem.  I have food issues and I know that I am not alone.  GOD helped me get over my problems.  I also have family issues.  Who doesn't. God taught me how to forgive.  So if you have problems and who doesn't....My book My BIBLE--My GOD My story might be able to help you deal with your problems. Check out my book...Tell me what you think Once your book is out there....remember that you will have to tal...

50 & Published

I turned 50 this year and I also published a book. MY BIBLE--MY GOD I also had my first sale this week.  One is never to old to persue your dreams.  If you have a dream you need to go for it.  Even if you have no support system   Not to many people support me. I have a couple of friends buy my family does not support me at all and that is okay with me.  I will write cause that is what I do.  I am now writing a inspiritual romance that will be out the first of the year. This is my time and nothing is going to stop me.  Even if I am alone and have no support I will write and will publish my writing.  So don't think that you are alone.  There are a lot of people out there writing and we just need to connect with each other. If you are writing and feel alone, leave me a comment and know that you are not alone...We can do this together. Order my book MY BIBLE--M...


I sold a book on !!!!!!! My royality is $3.24.    I SOLD MY FIRST BOOK!!!!!!!!!! ORDER MY BOOK MY BIBLE  MY GOD

Before You Self Publish

Here are  few things to think about before you self publish; 1. How do you plan to sell your book??/   On Line?  Bookstores???  Out of your car??/ 2.  Are You Willing to Promote Your Book????  How???? 3.  Is your skin thick enough????  Not everyone is going to be supportive. 4.  Have your elevator pitch ready....People will ask what your book is about 5.  How are you going to feel if your book doesn't sell???? I will continue list other things you need to consider when publishing Order My Book: My BIBLE--MY GOD  

No One Cares

I have a book out MY BIBLE--MY GOD I didn't have a book party.  I didn't celebrate the fact that I have written a book and that it is for sale.  I don't think that the people around me care one way or the other.  They have their own lives, their own problems.  My boyfriend supports me and that is enough for me. Co-workers didn't get that excited about it.  They are not going to be the ones to buy my book.  So you need to developea thick skin, cause it is not all glitz and glamour. Nothing changed in my life.  I still need to go to work.  I still have to pay my bills.  I am not complaining.  I am just letting you know that the world is not going to stop when you publish your book.  Not everyone is goign to care. I care and that is all that counts.  I will sell my books on line and I will write, knowing that it is up to me if I am going to be a writer or not.  so don't expect ...

Where Is The Support?

Now that my book is out,,,My BIBLE--My GOD is out... Not everyone supports me like I think they should.  Not everyone is going to jump up and down and be excited for me.  I accept that. At work I don't talk about my writing or book that much, cause I feel that they don't really care one way or another.  So where is the support????  I have no idea.  I know that my support comes from me.  I am doing this cause this is what I want to do.  I want to be a writer and I don't care what others think. So don't feel bad if some people don't support your writing.  Write for yurself.  do it for yourself and not for others and everything will fall into place. BUY MY BOOK: Check out my other blog:

Think Before You Spend

I have attended writer's conferences and saw the nice bookmarks, flyers, pens, coffee mugs.  That is what I want.  I want the shiny flyers, the pens, the coffee mug. Is is worth it????  I told you yesterday that I didn't go to the printer and decided to do it myself.  I went to work and was was releived that I made that decicision.  I also went to .    They are always having specials.  business cards free just pay for shipping or free shipping....So when you look at their site don't get sucked into the other things they are trying to sell you. I went to and ordered 100 postcards  FREEE!!!!!  I uploaded the cover of my book and had the front and back printed in black and white and all I had to do was pay for shipping.  I skipped over all the other things they were trying to sell me, though I was tempted.  I spent $10.73.......for 100 postcards,,,,,,compare that to...

Didn't Go To The Printer

On my last post I said I was going to the printer to get promo items.   Well just when I was getting ready to go.....I changed my mind.....I decided that I was going to do it myself. Something that I said I was not going to do.  I wanted it to look professional.  then I realized that I have a good printer, ink and good paper.  So I did it myself.  I copied the cover of my book.  I don;t have to order 200 copies.  I can print out 5-10 or 20 at a time and then change the flyer if I want to later.  I am going to make the business cards myself. I just saved myself $150 dollars.  I know that I am all over the place with this and I keep changing my mind, but I have no idea what I am doing.  So I have my promo material You need to choose what is best for you and I hope what I do helps you decide what is best for you. There is no right or wrong way to do this.  The goal is to sell the book. I keep going to http://www.createsp...

Promo Material

I know that I need promotional material to promote my book.  What should I get???? Bookmarks??  Postcards???  Flyers???  Business Cards????  I know what I want, but have no idea what is the right thing to do. The thing that I figured out was, I need to do what is right for me.  What I want.  What others say doesn't matter. It is my book.  I am the one promoting the book, so the bottom line is that it is my decision. I decided to get 200 copies of a flyer, with the book cover on the flyer and an excerpt from the book.  I am also going to ge business cards, with the book cover on the cards. I want the flyers to hand out to bookstores and people.  I want the business cards, cause I can keep them in my purse and wallet and will always have something to give to anyone I talk to about my book.  I will never say I don't have a card.  I am not going to lose a customer, cause I don't have anything to give them.  I am goin...

Book On-Line My book is now avaliable on line. BUY IT TODAY I recieved my proof copy and it was better than I thought it would be.  I then approved the copy and then it was on line.  It is amazing what computers do nowdays. Go to   Check out my book and tell me what you think. I am now a published writer. If I can do this so can you Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing Is A Business

I need to start thinking like a business owner.  As a business owner I need to think of April 15, 2012. Tax Time.  I am saving all my reciepts and placing them in an envelope. I bought stamps, ink, pens, calendars.  I saved all the reciepts and put them in the envelope/ I also plan on making an appointment with my tax guy to give him the heads up on what I am doing, so when I do go and get my taxes done next year he will be prepared for me. So it is never to early to start looking for a tax perparer.  Someone who you trust and know what they are doing. As you are writing and being creative, make sure when you are spending money you are thinking as a business owner.  You will be wearing many hats once you are published. If you are self published it is all on you...Someone gave me this advice. Don't get the IRS mad at you.  Pay your taxes first. I am going to listen to that advice. Calling all Self Published Authors I would love to hear yo...

Writing Is A Business

I need to think like a business owner. I went shopping yesterday and bought ink, a calendar and some pens.....I saved all of my reciepts and placed them in an envelope. Whatever I spend I save the reciepts. April 15, 2012 will be here before I know it and I will be ready and organzied. Are your ready and getting organized for tax time next year??? If you are going to any writers conferences...they maybe deductable. Save all of your reciepts Check out my other blog htp://

Writing Is A Business

I need to think like a business owner. I went shopping yesterday and bought ink, a calendar and some pens.....I saved all of my reciepts and placed them in an envelope. Whatever I spend I save the reciepts. April 15, 2012 will be here before I know it and I will be ready and organzied. Are your ready and getting organized for tax time next year??? If you are going to any writers conferences...they maybe deductable. Save all of your reciepts Check out my other blog htp://

Writing Is A Business

I need to think like a business owner. I went shopping yesterday and bought ink, a calendar and some pens.....I saved all of my reciepts and placed them in an envelope. Whatever I spend I save the reciepts. April 15, 2012 will be here before I know it and I will be ready and organzied. Are your ready and getting organized for tax time next year??? If you are going to any writers conferences...they maybe deductable. Save all of your reciepts Check out my other blog htp://

Writing Is A Business

I need to think like a business owner. I went shopping yesterday and bought ink, a calendar and some pens.....I saved all of my reciepts and placed them in an envelope. Whatever I spend I save the reciepts. April 15, 2012 will be here before I know it and I will be ready and organzied. Are your ready and getting organized for tax time next year??? If you are going to any writers conferences...they maybe deductable. Save all of your reciepts Check out my other blog htp://

Book Cover

Having Doubts

I am still waiting for my proof copy, since there was no mail on Monday, I am a day behind.  I went to the printer and recieved some prices and to my surprise, he took me sersiously..  He didn't looking at me like I was stupid or crazy.  I am going to get a one sided flyer and business cards to match. Remember that this is all tax deductable.  I am also having doubts that my book is good enough, or maybe it should of been longer or maybe I should of waited.  Maybe I shouldn't go through with this.   DOUBTS are making me crazy.  I know that they are all in my head, but I can't help but thinking this is not going to happen. What does one do with their thoughts??????/ For me I am tossing them aside.  I guess this is normal, to have doubts.  Check out my other blog: Write Something Today


It is the first of the month.  I found my calendar.  I am going to make a page quota for each day this month.  I am thinking about a scene a day.  So that would be I would have a chapter done a week.  I need to be committed to this book in order to have it complete by the first of the year.   I have bought business cards from them, and they were good.  I am now looking at a one page flyer to promote my book and then I went to this website and looked at their postcards.  They have a lot of offers so I am going to look into that.  I can;t do anything till I get my website from So my mind is swirling that is why I need a schedule to keep me on track. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today