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Showing posts from January, 2012

Back On Track

I am back on track.  I wrote quite a bit yesterday.  3,000 words.  I am doing some plotting in my head and I am back on track with my writing. I was off track for a few days, life got in the way, but I didn't stop thinking about my writing and I knew it would be a matter of time till I got back to the keyboards.  I am back at the keyboards and it is a good feeling.  I have new ideas and know where the stories are going. So don't feel bad if you get off track with your writing.  It happens to everyone.  The main thing is to stay positive and never give up.  Fall off track...just brush yourself off and get back on track. Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo  Episode Two Always And Forever My Bible--My God

Never Give Up

Writing is a business more now than ever before.  If you are thinking of making money as a writer.  Then you are in a business.  Think of writing as a job.  You wouldm't stay home from work, just because you didn't feel like going to work. would you??/  Okay some of you do.  I never feel like going to work, but I do,or I don't get paid. If you don't show up to write, you won't get that book written and you will never be published.  You can not give up and quit.  You need to treat your writing as a job and just do it.  It can be done.  Don't use writer's block as an excuse.  Write, never give up.  When your book is on line it is all worth it and when you selll a book nothing is more exciting than someone buying your book. If you give up you will never see your dream come true.  If you give up you will never know if you have what it takes to be a writer. Write something today

E-Book Covers

I found someone who does e-book covers at an affordable price I have been in contact with her and she answered all my questions and reponded quickly.  Now I am more excited than ever to finish my book, knowing that I will have a cool cover to go with it.  On her blog is a page of book covers for sale and she will also design a cover for you.  I am going to use her when I am ready. It is never early to plan for the book cover.  So I now have a deadline in my head, and want to write more.  I am excited. So I need to work on my book blurb and log line.  Also author bio.  So much more to do when you are self publishing, than just writing the book. Plan ahead.  Think ahead.

Planning Ahead

Is your book written??  Is it ready to be published?  Doesn't matter.  It is never to early to plan for that day.  there is a lot to do. Book blurb long line author bio Title of book Who is going to do your book cover??? I am working on a Zombie Novel and already thinking about the cover and who is going to do it and how much I am going to spend.  I have someone in mind to do my book cover and that will make me want to finish the book.  I will have a deadline and will make me want to write.  I am excited.  It is easy to write with no deadline.  It is easy not to write when you don't have a deadline and just want to lay on the couch and eat chips. Now I have a deadline.  Someone is waiting to do my cover and I want that cover and I want to have this book written. It is good to have a deadline.  Life gets in the way.  I have a headache and I am tired but I am still blogging and writing.  I know that other...

Lazy Day

I have to admit that I didn't write yesterday.  I woke up and had a headache. I am transferring to a new department.  I am all excited and a bit nervous.  So when I woke up, I just laid on the couch and watched a movie. I know that is no excuse and I know that other writers are writing while I am eating chips and watching tv, but I feel that is what I needed to do and that was that. So now I feel better and back on track.  Even though I didn't write, I was thinking about my writing and I was making notes. So I think one has to do what one has to do.  Every schedule is different, and one has to adjust to one's life. I need to go and get writing. Have a great day.

I Have A Plan

I might not be able to do this, but I am going to try.  I welcome anyone who wants to join me.    Write 5,000  Words a Day (not sure I am going to be able do that, but I am going to try)   In seven days, that would be 35,000 words.   In a month, that would be 140,000 words.   In one month I would have a rough draft done.   That would be amazing. I am not talking about NaNo month.  I am talking about a way of life. I want to have 2 books published this year and this is the only way I think I can do it.  I have been reading on word quota, how many words other writers are writing.  Some writers are writing 10,000 words a day, 7,000 words a week.  I need to step up my game.  These writers also have full time jobs, so it can be done and I want to be one of those writers. I am going to post my progress everyday.  I know that I will not suceed everyday in my word count but I am going to do my best. What abo...

The Year of the Zombie

I am in writing mode.  It is all I think about, even when I am at work.  I am working on Zombie Zoo Episode Three which will be published in February. I am working on 2 new Zombie Novels.  I am going to finish these two novels this year.  I am going to report my progress to you. There are people out there writing 5,000-10,000 words a day.  A day!  I need to be doing that so I am going to step up my game and start writing more.  Whether it is on the computer or in long hand. I am going to be a more productive writer and will have two published novels by the end of the year. Want to write a book this year????  Join me.  If I can do this, so can you.  Leave comments and let me know what you are doing. If not now, when?????

Promoting VS Writing

I need to write.  I need to promote my book.  How can I write when I am promoting my book?  How can I promote my book when I am writing? I am spending more time on line trying to get the word out on my books, when I know I should be writing.  I know that one has to learn to balance this but I don't think I am doing a very good job.  I just spent one hour rereading my next episode of Zombie Zoo, editing that and then the last two hours on line checking my sales, posting comments on blogs and blogging.  Now I am going back to write for about three more hours.  This is time consuming and one has to give things up in order to other things.  I am willing to give up a lot for me to suceed as a writer.  This is my main goal and I will be making a living as a writer.  I know that it will take time. So I will just have to learn how to balance all of this. If you have any other ideas how to manage time  and get everything done, let ...

Paying For Services OR Letting Friends Do It???

I have e-books on on line.  The question is, should I pay for services or depend on friends to do things for me? I am asking this question cause I have had two people do things for me, but they are not the quickest or fast.  I have to depend on their time line not mine.  If I want to get it up on line and the cover is not done, I have to wait till they get it done which could be weeks, maybe a month or more.  Pay or Wait?/ Tell me what you think???/  What would you do??

Learning What Others Are Doing

I found a new website     Might want to check it out.  I am learning a lot about what other writers are doing.  I am amazed what their word count is. I need to step up if I want to complete with the big time writers.  That is what I am excatly doing. I am going to focus on writing and nothing else.  I know that might sound harsh but Iwant this book done and I need to step up my word count.  I see the story in my head.  I see the scenes in my head. I go to bed thinking of the story and I wake up thinking of the story, now I just have to write the story.  I need all the help  and the advice I am recieving from other writers.  I sit alone and write and it is good to see what other writers are doing.  I would love to see what other writers are doing.  Let me know if you want to share. My e-books:  Only 99 cents each. Always and Forever contemporary Romance

Creating Your Own Deadline

Think of writing as a business.  It is a business.  If you make money you will have to pay taxes as it will be considered income.  So think like a business person. Don't write when you feel like it.  Do you only go to work when you feel like it?  I would never make it to work if I only went when I feel like it.  I never want to go to work I go cause I want to get paid. So if I don't write, I won't get published.  My goal is to get published.  So I make deadlines myself so I will finish the story.  I will get it on line and I will make sales.  If I do not write, I will not make my deadline and I will never get publish.  So I always make deadlines.  To see my writing through. Writing is a business.  You need to show up as if it is your job and get that story written. Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo Episode Two ...

Did I Write That???

I reread a chapter that I was working on.  I thought it was pretty good.  I asked myself Did I write that?? I surprise  myself as the pages pile up and then I wonder who wrote that, surley that is not me.  It is though.  I am a writer and I am writing everyday and the pages are addding up.  Although I am not writing 10,000words a day.  I am writing about 1,000 words a day and trying to keep that up and I am sure the other words will follow.  I am not beating myself up if I don't make the word quota. Life does get in the way, but that is no excuse.  I need to keep putting one word after another and the story will get finished. How is your writing going??  What is your word count????  Let me know...

To Much Time On The Internet

I should be writing and I am still on the internet.  I think I am addicted, or just trying to get the word out on my book.  I know there are better ways to get the word out on your book, but I am not doing a very good job. My sales are spotty.  Some days are good and some days are not good.  So I am on the internet, trying to get my name out, when I should be writing.  I want to write at least 1,000 words a day, and am not going to get that quota if I am on line.  I guess that is all about budgeting my time and right now I am not going so good right now.  Plus I have a terrible headache again.  Sinus.  The weather is making me crazy. I guess I am having an off morning.  Happens to all of us.  I just need to keep plugging away.

Why Write?

why do I put myself through the pain of writing???  I have no idea.  I get up early before I go to work.  I check my e-mails.  I blog and I work on my story.  I would rather stay in bed and sleep.  I would rather lay on the couch and watch televison. I write cause that is who I am.  I am a writer,  Not a thing I can do about it.  I have four e-books up at   and I am thrilled about that.    Having people buy by book is the best feeling and autographing my print books, well there is nothing like it. So I write.  I am a writer.  It is that simple.  I write cause that is who I am. Why do you write????  Let me know Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo Episode Two Always And Forever My Bible--My God Write Something today

Sick Day

I didn't get any writing done.  I had a sever headache and I was  bedridden for over twenty four hours.  nothing I could of done about it.  I slept a lot and waited for the pain to go away. So now I have to play catch up.  I guess we all have sick days, but when you want to write and no one can do it for you, being sick is not fun.  I feel like I am behind.  I still have a headache and feel like crap, but I need to write before I go to work or my whole day will be crappy.  I don't feel right if I do not write.  I need to write.  I need to finish episode three and get that out there, now I am a day behind. Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo Episode Two Always And Forever

Writing Anywhere/Everywhere

I am now carrying a notebook with me, everywhere I go.  I don't care what people think or say.  I need to get my word count up and that is the only way to do it.  I was at the dentist and that is what I did.  I jotted down my thoughts and ideas while waiting. I sit in the break room and write.  If someone asks me if I am writing a book, I look up, smile and say "As a matter of fact I am." I am a writer and I have to say it like I mean it.  I am a female, I don't hesitate about that.  Why should I hesitate about saying I am a writing.  I have 4 e-books at   I am getting bolder.  This is a new year and a new day and I plan on making the best of it. I got up before I have to go to work.  I did not turn the tv on nor did I go on line.  I wrote 5 pages before I checked my e-mail This year I am going to increase my word count.  I am going to get a royality check every month from selling books on li...

1,000 Words Today

I wrote 1,000 words today.  It was not easy.  I wrote in long hand and then had to type the pages into the computer.  Writing is a commitment.  It is not always fun.  I woke up and was tired, but I still wrote.  I would rather lay in front of the tv and eat a bag of chips.  I choose to write, and that is what I do.  So I drag myself to the computer sometimes.  I like it when the pages add up and the story is complete and I am amazed that I wrote that.  I want to increase my word count and it is not easy when one has to work and really hard it one has a family and kids but it can be done and I am going to prove it. I have Zombie Zoo out. Zombie Two Episode Two Episode Two is selling so I guess the ones who bought the first episode liked it and are buying the second episode.  So that is exciting.  One never knows if one does not try.  http://zombiezo...

Finding Time to Write

I am trying to find more time to write.  Yesterday I wrote 500 words and today I wrote 500 words.  There are writers out there writing thousands of words a day.  Writing 3-7 bookd a year.  I want to be that writer. That is my goal this year is to increase my word count.  I want to write 5,000 words every day.  It is not because I have writer's block.  It is not because I don't have any ideas.  It is because I am not using my time right.  So that is going to change.  Not sure how I am going to do that, so here I am going to list my word count and let you know what I am doing and how I am doing. How do you increase your word count???? I need to write more and stay off the internet for one thing and try to stop watching televison.  So that what is what I am going to try to do.  I am going to write and increase my word  count. Keep writing. Zombie Zoo

Word Count

Do you worry about your word count?  Do you care how many words you write each day??? I haven't thought about it, till just now.  There are writers out there who are writing 10,000 words a day.  They are writing 5-10 hours a day.  While I am surfing the web or  channel surfing, there are writers out there getting the job down. So this is what I decided to do.  I am going to keep a log of when I write, word count and how long I write.  I think this might make me more productive.  I have goals this year and I am not going to get those stories written if I am channel surfing, which I really like to do. So I am starting tonight.  I will let you know how it works out. How many words do you write a day????   OR  Do you even worry about word count. I would like to write 5,000 words a day.  I need to get busy. E-Books  99 Cents Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo  Episode Tw...

Not Enough Time In The Day

There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to work  a paying job and to write what I need to write.  I get up early and check my e-mail, blog and write before I go to work and then work gets in the way.  So I am getting up earlier to write.  Then I will be to tired when I go to work.  I am back on track with my writing and I am doing good and have lots of ideas in my head, just doesn't seem like there is enough time in the day.  Work and sleep is getting in my way.  But I will continue to struggle alone to get my writing done. I just got Zombie Zoo Episode Two on line E-Book  99 Cents Zombie Zoo Keep writing five minutes here and there and those pages will add up.

The Year of the Zombie

This year I am writing my Zombie Series  Zombie Zoo                                                       Cover By Preston Lawson copyright 2011 A hundred years after the plague the word is survival.  No cure, still outbreaks.  No one knows where or when a Zombie will show up.  Zombie Zoo houses the infected humans till there is a cure found.  Connor has become immune to the plague and he thinks he is the only one.  Watching over the infected humans. Amber breaks into Zombie Zoo to find out what they are hiding.  She has a birthmark that The Patrol is watching carefully.  Connor and Amber's world collide and the two of them find out that they h...