I am back on track. I wrote quite a bit yesterday. 3,000 words. I am doing some plotting in my head and I am back on track with my writing.
I was off track for a few days, life got in the way, but I didn't stop thinking about my writing and I knew it would be a matter of time till I got back to the keyboards. I am back at the keyboards and it is a good feeling.
I have new ideas and know where the stories are going.
So don't feel bad if you get off track with your writing. It happens to everyone. The main thing is to stay positive and never give up. Fall off track...just brush yourself off and get back on track.
Zombie Zoo www.amazon.com/dp/B006K7CVLS
Zombie Zoo Episode Two www.amazon.com/dp/B006SRK6LW
Always And Forever www.amazon.com/dp/B006M8PAOA
My Bible--My God www.amazon.com/dp/B006N0ZDGW
I was off track for a few days, life got in the way, but I didn't stop thinking about my writing and I knew it would be a matter of time till I got back to the keyboards. I am back at the keyboards and it is a good feeling.
I have new ideas and know where the stories are going.
So don't feel bad if you get off track with your writing. It happens to everyone. The main thing is to stay positive and never give up. Fall off track...just brush yourself off and get back on track.
Zombie Zoo www.amazon.com/dp/B006K7CVLS
Zombie Zoo Episode Two www.amazon.com/dp/B006SRK6LW
Always And Forever www.amazon.com/dp/B006M8PAOA
My Bible--My God www.amazon.com/dp/B006N0ZDGW
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