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Showing posts from December, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I will not be a round for a couple of weeks.  The holidays are here and I need to spend them with my family and friends.  I do hope you all have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Keep writing and we will be published in 2013 I have already started on Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies Talk you next year All E-Books are 99 Cents    Pick up a copy and enjoy the holidays

Like MY Cover Or Not????

What do you think of this Cover???  I like it.  first Episode of the Series????
Tell me which one you like the best

Staying on Deadline

I finished the rough draft of the 2nd Episode of Me VS Zombies  I am ahead on my schedule for writing in 2013.  I started a early, but I need to keep up the writing pace in order to reach my goals at the end of the year of 2013. I may not publish all the episodes in 2013, but they will be finished.  Working with an Editor is going to slow down the publishing process, but it is worth it.  That doesn't mean that I am not writing.  One manuscript at the Editor, I am then working on the next Episode.  Plotting the next Episode.  I am totally focused on this series and am thinking about it all the time, even when I am not writing. Holidays are here.  I am trying to get ahead of my writing, since I know that I will not be on the computer for a few days.  I have my notebook and will be writing long hand. Don't make excuses.  Write everyday, even if  it is one word or 5,000 words. If you are not thinking big, then you are not...

Mock Cover

I recieved three mock covers to look at.  I am so excited.  I liked all three of them and decided on the one that I liked the best. I think it is important to have the cover before you book is written, or have someone working on it while you are writing.  That way, you have a deadline.  You are excited about the cover and want to finish the story so you can post the cover.  It is your cover.  Have it the way you want it.  If your story is finished and you don't have a cover, that will slow you down in publishing.  I had one of my Zombie stories without a cover.  I haven't sold that many copies and I feel that it is because of the cover.  Having a good cover is important.  So look around and find someone to do your cover before you book is finished. I should have the manuscript back from the editor sometime this week.  By the end of the week I should have the cover and the manuscript from the Editor. I have 9,000 words o...

Up Date On My Progress

Christmas is just around the corner.  That is not a reason not to write. Holidays is not an excuse.  Here is my update.  1.  Still waiting to hear from my Editor.  She is editing my manuscript Me VS Zombies 2.  Wrote 7,000 words so far on Episode 2 of Me VS Zombies 3.  Plotted out Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies 4.  Finished writing the rough draft of Undead Hunters with Stephen Ormsby 5.  Still waiting to see my cover for Me VS Zombies. Keep writing.  The new year is upon us and this is the year to write and get published  

Notebook In Hand

After I finished writing the other day. I was not sure what was going to happen next.  I took a notebook and curled up in a chair, in slilence.  No tv, no radio.  The computer was off.  I just sat there with pen in hand and a notebook on my lap.  I started to write and the words flow and then I knew what direction to take next. I am usually a plotter but this time for some reason, I am just letting the story take me.  Sometimes I have to sit in silence and listen to my characters.  They know what they want to do and where they want to go. I am going to have to do this more oftern.  Right now I am sitting in siloence.  all I can hear is the furnace running, to keep me warm.  I am a lone with my thoughts and characters.  Sometimes that is all I need to get the story finished. I am writing my second episode of Me VS Zombies First episode is with the Editor. I had 7,000 words on the second episode, but I deleted 2,000 words ...

Heard From My Editor

I heard from my editor.  I was very nervous about seeing what she had to say.  To my surprise, she liked my story.  Yes she did edit it, but she didn't rip it apart. I urge everyone to find an editor to get a fresh look at you story.  She sent me a few pages to see if I liked what she was doing.  So it will be a few days tilll I recieve it back. I am contiuing to work on Episode 2 of Me VS Zombies.  This is the first time that I am not plotting it out.  I am writing to see where the story takes me.  I am just letting the words flow.  I have wrote 1,000 words today.   I am not counting the words that I blog, just on my story.  I wanted to write more, but I still have a few hours to go.  Make 2013 your year to get published.

Word Count

I have just wrote 2,000 pages in one sitting.  My butt is sore.  I have the first episode of Me VS Zombies at the Editors.  I am waiting on pins and needles to see what she has to say.  She is also working on my book cover.  Waiting to see what she comes up with.  I am very excited.  I have today and tomorrow off and I plan on writing and nothing else.  I plan to have the rough draft of the second episode of Me VS Zombies done by the time my days become a memory. I do hope I can keep up this writing pace for a year.  I think it will make me a faster and more displine writer. I have talked to other people who say they want to write, but they are busy or are not in the mood.  I am doing this.  2013 is my year and no one is going to tell me other wise.  I write at home.  I write and work.  I write in the car.  There is no excuse not to write, though I may regret saying that, but that is my way of thinking at t...

Write 10 E-Books In One Year

                                                       GOAL FOR 2013                                                           ME VS ZOMBIES    Jan:  Publish Episode 1 Of Me VS Zombies....Write Episode 2 Feb:  Edit Episode 2...Write Episode 3 March:  Publish Episode 2....Edit Episode 3 April Publish Episode 3....Write Episode 4 May:  Edit Episode 4...Episode 5 June:  Publish Episode 4...E...

My New Slogan

I have a new slogan: IF YOU ARE NOT THINKING BIG   YOU ARE NOT THINKING I heard this on a talk show and I loved it.  This is my new slogan. Think Big....OR....GO Home I have taken the limits off of me.  I am not thinking of writing 1 book....I am thinking writing 10 books. I am not thinking of selling 1,000 books I am thinking on selling a million books. Stop thinking small or just about today, Start thinking about tomorrow and beyond... The new year is around the corner.  What do you have planned for 2013?? Think Big If you are not thinking big then nothing will happen in your life What do you what to happen in 2013?????

Editing/ Rewriting

I have been editing and rewriting my first episode of Me VS Zomies.  Last night I wrote 3,000 words and I think I deleted that many words.  My word count went up and down as I was writing and rewriting.  In the end I didn't increase the word count, but the story was better and it is getting closer to send it to the editor.  I just reread it and added another 1,000 words to night.  So I guess that is the life of the writer.  It is all about putting words on paper or the screen. Look for it by February 2013 How will I survive being alone with Zombies????