I know that I have not been on my blogging schedule. Life got in the way. Hospitals, Hospital appointments, home health nurse care. it is rough being a care giver. It is hard to find the time to write.
I have been writing. I have been writing in Long Hand. I have been writing when I can. I have no answers on how to tell anyone to find time to write when life gets in the way.
I am going to tell you that it can be done. For me it has to. Writing keeps me sane. Writing keeps me focused. I go to my lap top and for a few moments, all is write with the world. I have my characters talking to me. I can go to another world and escape my world.
Readers read to escape to a new world. I write to escape my world.
My life changed in the past two months. I am no longer alone with my characters. I know have to worry about my other half. I have to worry that he is okay before I can do anything I want to. That is okay. He would do the same for me.
So for those writers out that, and that probably is every writer. Life will get in the way. You can still write, might take longer. My have to write in the car or in waiting rooms. It can be done. I am doing it.
My new saying is IT IS WHAT IT IS
My life has been turned upside down. I once had an office and my writing was spread out. Now I am in my bedroom. I am now writing on my bed. My printer is now on my night stand. I am going with the flow. IT IS WHAT IT IS.
That way I don't get upset about anything. I go with the flow.
How are you handling your writing when life gets in the way????
It's a Writer's life IT IS WHAT IT IS
I have been writing. I have been writing in Long Hand. I have been writing when I can. I have no answers on how to tell anyone to find time to write when life gets in the way.
I am going to tell you that it can be done. For me it has to. Writing keeps me sane. Writing keeps me focused. I go to my lap top and for a few moments, all is write with the world. I have my characters talking to me. I can go to another world and escape my world.
Readers read to escape to a new world. I write to escape my world.
My life changed in the past two months. I am no longer alone with my characters. I know have to worry about my other half. I have to worry that he is okay before I can do anything I want to. That is okay. He would do the same for me.
So for those writers out that, and that probably is every writer. Life will get in the way. You can still write, might take longer. My have to write in the car or in waiting rooms. It can be done. I am doing it.
My new saying is IT IS WHAT IT IS
My life has been turned upside down. I once had an office and my writing was spread out. Now I am in my bedroom. I am now writing on my bed. My printer is now on my night stand. I am going with the flow. IT IS WHAT IT IS.
That way I don't get upset about anything. I go with the flow.
How are you handling your writing when life gets in the way????
It's a Writer's life IT IS WHAT IT IS
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