Do you have your own writing space?
It doesn't have to be a nice office or a nice desk. Anywhere you feel comfortable to write. We are all different. What works for one person will not work for another.
I have a nice desk, and it always seems to have junk mail piled up. I have a laptop and that gives me the freedom to write where ever. I like to write in bed, on the couch and even on the bed. So I don't have one certain place to write. I would not recommend doing it my way, but it works for me.
I have just been trying to organize my writing space for the past hour. I think I did pretty good, but I have to admit I have a pile on the table, not sure what to do with it. It is the new year and I am trying to get organize things.
I have blogged twice today. I want to Blog more often, just haven't worked out my blogging schedule yet. I think that would go under organizing my writing space.
1. I refuse to throw magazines away. I am not a hoarder, but I like magazines and I have placed them in plastic containers so they will be out of the way and not get dusty or dirty.
2. I like tins. I use my tins to store my pens, stapler, staples, markers etc in, so they are all in one spot.
3. I use tote bags also, the cheap ones you can buy at a grocery store with their logo on it. I put my work in progress in. Books I want in one spot. I have one for my writing books.
4. I have a note pad and pen by my bed, in case I wake up and want to write down an idea.
5. I use the top of my dresser for files and folders.
6, I do try to keep stuff off the floor, for the main reason that my hot water heater in in the closet and my bedroom flooded.
What ever works for you is fine. We are all different. I have to admit that once I do organize, it seems a week later it looks just as bad as it did. But I am writing everyday, blogging everyday and working on two novels. The clutter doesn't bother me. I would rather write than organize, but it comes down to, you have to sooner or later.
Do you have any tips on how you organize?
Leave them in the comment section. Follow me as I write, blog and publish this year, by Doing It Myself and so can you. Don't be scammed and don't go into debt to see your dream become a reality.
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