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Showing posts from October, 2019

Are You Ready For NANO?

Official Website People around the world are going to attempt to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I have my book plotted and know how the book will end and will start and I know where the midpoint is. I have all the characters in my head.  Yesterday I wrote 3,000 words. I can write 2,000 words a day withing 1 1/2 hours.  So that is going to be my goal Don't beat yourself up if you do not reach 50,000 words.  It is just to get you writing everyday.  If you can write everyday for the next 30 days, then you will know that you are able to write everyday. If you don't write, you will never get your book finished. This is the first year I am going to attempt to write 50,000 words. I would like to write more, so I am going to try and push myself to write more, not sure if that is possible.  When I write, My back and shoulders start aching.  I am sure it is the way I am sitting. So if you want to join me in the month of November, l...

Are You An Organized Writer?

Are you an organized writer?  Is your desk neat with no clutter? A friend of mine, just redid her office.  I went over there to check it out.  I was shocked to see how organized the office was. 1.. The desktop was marble and built into the wall.  Up against the wall at the end of her desk was a large box with shelves in it, made into small boxes.  Each box had a purpose.  The other end of the marble desk was another wooden box with shelves. 2.  I could see the floor. 3..  I could walk in and not step over anything. 4.  It was a writer's dream office. 5.  She offered to help me redo mine. I should of been grateful for the offer.  I should of taken the offer.  I didn't I can not write being that organized.  Why?  You might ask.  I have a hard time writing in my office.  When I am in my office and I sit down at the computer, I feel and think that I need to be productive.  I have to do so...

Get that Book Published

USA UK Denmark Asia FREE On Kindle Unlimited Write no matter what anyone says.  We all have a story to tell.  If you are a writer, your friends and family might get why you write.  I know that my family does not get me at all.  They just roll their eyes and ignore the fact that I am now a self-published writer.  They don't care.  So I don't talk about my writing to them.  Why waste my time. Instead, I write.  I might not write 2,000 words everyday.  What I do everyday is, I write.  I write and it might only be 100 words, but I wrote something. I blog and I consider that writing.  I have people come to my blog everyday.  People are reading what I write, like you are reading what I have written, therefore I am a writer.   I know that it is lonely sometimes and you wonder why bother.  I write to live.  I can not write. You can be a self-published writer in less than a mont...

Writing Time

Writing can be exhausting.  I was sitting at the computer for about 5 hours yesterday.  That might not seem long to some, but my back hurt, shoulders ached.  I blogged twice I wrote 2,000 words Today I wrote 2,000 words first thing Then I blogged. I timed myself as I wrote the 2,000 words.  It took me 1 1/2 hours to write 2,000 words.  I have to admit that I was not as fast as I was yesterday.  I had to force myself to sit at the desk and make my goal. I find it weird that some days I can write, write and write and others it is  a chore to even write a word. I do have the rough draft of the series that I am writing done.  It is a very rough draft but the scenes are there and and I have a beginning, a middle and an end.  So I have book 1 rough draft done. I have book 2 rough draft done. In November I will start the NANO and attempt to have Book 3 rough draft done. Book 4 in the series, I have sort of started outlining t...

Write Your Story

USA France UK Denmark Free On Kindle Unlimited USA France Denmark UK

Does Your Story Have A Timeline?

When you write a scene, do you know what time of day it is?  The time of year?  What month it is? I never really thought about this while I was writing my  Me Vs Zombies Series   USA UK Denmark FREE On Kindle Unlimited When I was writing short stories, I didn't need a time line, because everything happened at that moment. When writing a longer book, you need to be aware of which day it is, the time of year, time of day and the how many days, months or weeks your story spands. Timeline.  One day, two weeks, a month or over a period of years. This is the perfect time to get a calendar.  Banks give them away free this time of year and stores are selling calendars for 2020, buy one you like.  Then you can place your scenes in which day they will happen. When I am writing my rough draft, at the beginning of each scene, I write what day it is, the time, morning, afternoon and the weather. The next scene could be later...

Word Count

Just wrote 2,000 words. That is what I want to write everyday.  With NANO next month that is what I want to write everyday.  Don't know about NANO in November check out their  Website I want to write the rough draft of the third book in my series in the month of November. So this day forward, I am going to write 2,000 words a day. Want to join me? Let's write and get published

Write Today

I got up at 7:00am this morning.  I am blogging first and then I am going to start writing.  I am going to start posting my writing ups and downs.  I am over my sinus problems and feel good today. I am in my office and my goal is to write 5.000 words I will let you know how I do. What is your writing goal today?

Getting Ready For NANO

National Writers' Month Website This is where  across the country and maybe even the world, where writers, attempt to write 50.000 words in the month of November. I have never done this before.  I am going to attempt it this year. 50,000 words break down to 1.675 words a day. I think that is doable for anyone.  If nothing else, just write until you reach the word goal. I am going to shoot for 2,000 words a day.  I am just rounding it up and be easier for me to keep track of my word count. I have done a few things to get ready. 1.  I know the story I want to write. 2.  I know the view point and the characters. (I already have character charts and settings and time line done.) 3.  I have a file created.  Looks like this: Chapter 1 Lizzy Travis Bobby Mandy Chapter 2 Lizzy Travis Bobby Mandy In this book I will have 4 different viewpoints so each chapter will have 4 viewpoints, which is not a typical romance n...

Welcome Writers From Around The World

I want to say, Thank-You for everyone who visits my blog.  I check the what countries that visit my blog and I am amazed how many countries throughout the world visits my blog.  Russian was huge the last couple of days.  I say Welcome. We are all writers.  I write everyday.  I am not always productive everyday.  I suffer from sinus problems and some days my headaches are so bad, I am bedridden.  That does not mean that I am not a writer, because I didn't write one day. Amazon has made it so easy to be Self-Published.  So if you want to be Self-Published, there is no excuse.  I am not sure about publishing in other countries, but it is worth checking into.   Publish on Amazon   It is easy to understand and to set up an account.  My goal for this blog is to show, teach and learn how to be Self-Publish without going into debt.  There are courses out there, books, videos, and some are quite pricey.  It is y...

Multiple Blogs

 How many blogs are too many? I like to blog.  I reach more people from around the world by blogging than I do on social media.  The United States of America are not the only people I want to reach.  I want readers from all over the world to read my work.  I get more excited when I sell a book in other countries.  I have sold books world wide without even trying, through blogging. As of this moment, I have 3 blogs My Walk With Jesus A Writers Life Me VS Zombies I created Me VS Zombies yesterday.  I have 33 Episodes of the series, the short stories I published once a month.  I decided to start blogging on the Series and reach more readers throughout the world. As you can see, these 3 blogs do not have anything in common except me. I am a Christian and Believe that we are living in the last days, the last hours and the last minutes before the Rapture, Jesus' Return. I write about my writing, because I want everyone to know that if ...

Having Doubts About NANO

Buy Now UK Do you have your Book idea? Is your Book Plotted out? Are you having doubts about finishing? We all have doubts.  Sometimes I think that I have a split personality.  One day I write 5,000 words and the next day I write nothing.  I am a writer and then I sit in front of the tv and watch American Pickers for 12 hours and eat a bag of chips/  What is wrong with me? I am sure that I am not alone here.   I am sure everyone has doubts.  Since writing is a profession that non-writers don't understand, we are basically on our own.   In my world, I have no one to talk to about my writing.  No one really cares.  Sure they will care when I sell millions of copies of books, have a book tour and sell the movie rights,  When the money starts flowing, people will care. For now, it is just me, my characters, and the vision I have.   I blog so others will know that they are not alo...

Finding The Perfect Time To Write

Morning, Afternoon or Evening: What is your perfect time to write? Everyone is different and there is no wrong answer.  I am a night person.  I worked nights for Twenty years and wrote when all was quiet, dark and nothing else to do.  I recently quit my job to write full time.  I could no longer work in the middle of the night, I could but it is better to be a day person with chickens, the garden and trying to reconnect with friends. I found that right when I get up, is the best time for me. I have been sitting at the computer since 7:30 am and it is now 11:30am   4 hours at the computer. My back is starting to ache. I have written 3,000 words today, blogged on my other  Blog  and now blogging on this. This afternoon, I will have my notebook and make notes on what I want to write tomorrow, so when I get up and go to the computer, I will know what I am going to work on and have an idea what to write.  I learned that if I do n...

No Excuse To Write

Winter is here. I went and let the chickens out this morning.  42 degrees out this morning.  Sunday was a rainy day and I spent about six hours writing.  Winter is upon us and now that I will not be attending to the garden or going outside that much. I HAVE NO EXCUSE NOT TO WRITE Yes, I can come up with excuses not to write.  The question is:  Am I wannabe writer or am I a writer? I like to write.  I write everyday.  I am not saying that it is on the book I am writing or it is any good.  So am I wannabe writer or a writer. Some days I think I am a wannabe writer and other days I think I am a writer. I have over 50 E-Books on  Amazon   I have 2 blogs and working on a series. We all have doubts and think negative things about us. Something draws me to the computer to write.  I have tried not to write.  I have thrown everything away and then I find myself scribbling on paper towels and on back of receipts. So I a...

Blogging Around The World

The rain has past.  Yesterday was a very productive day.  I reread the draft of The Cross.  I reread the draft of The Way I like what I have written.  So now I just have to get my but in gear and edit like crazy.  For me that is easier than done.  I look at my desk which is piled up with legal pads, books and now I cannot find anything. I have blogged today.  Check out my other  Blog   I am blogging a scripture a day on the Devotional I am working on.  Jesus said, Go ye into the world, and preach the Gospel.  I feel that is what I am doing by blogging.  Believe it or not, I am getting other countries to my Christian Blog than I am from the USA, which is good.  So I am reaching people all over the world from blogging.  If you want to reach readers from around the world, might want to start blogging.   Blogger  is free and very easy to use.  I have been using Blogger since 2011.  I kno...

Editting On A Rainy Day

It is Sunday and rainy out. I got up around 7:00am and in my office.  I blogged on my other  Blog .  Now I am blogging on this blog. I have nothing planned today except to hideout in my office with the cassette player on.  That is right.  I listen to cassette tapes.  That might tell you my age.  I have a lot of cassettes before CD's took over.  So I just never got rid of the cassettes.  So if you are wondering what I listen to, I listen to what they call the Oldies.  50's music.  If you are younger than me, you might want to check out the 50's music. I have multi books that I am working on. The Cross needs Editting The Way needs Editting A Non-Fiction Book which will be a devotional needs editing. As you can see I am editing mode. I hate to edit. I can write rough drafts every day of the week, but when it comes to editing, this is what slows me down. The Cross should already be published, but I have to edit it an...


November is the month where writers come together all around the world to write 50,000 Words in one month. I have attempted to do this in past years. NANO 50,000 Words break down to 1,667 words a day.  That is doable. The problem is that you need to write 1,667 words every day or more. Something to think about. I just received the latest issue of  Writer's Digest  November/December. I read the article on NANO. I am thinking about doing this.  If I do this, I will post my daily word count everyday.  We all can do this together. I have a personal story that I want to write as fiction.  I was thinking that if I write it fast without thinking about what I should leave out or put in, I would have the rough draft done within 30 Days and I would be able to edit it, but the story is written.  If I do the NANO that will be a fresh story that I haven't started and one that I want to write. What do think????  You willing to Join me to wri...