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Showing posts from January, 2020

Facebook Writer's Groups

I have not been posting lately, not sure what to say.  I have been writing and trying to increase my word count. I am up to 3,000 words a day.  My goal is 5,000 words a day. I have my book The Cross ready for the Editor, but the Editor is busy, so I am going to write another book, so when I send her the The Cross I will have another Book to send her. So I am writing everyday. If you are on Facebook, join the group 20Booksto50K I go to that group everyday.  People are writing 50,000 word books a month and publishing a book a month.  It will inspire you and make you more productive. Another Facebook group is WCM Word Count Millionaire When I get up in the morning, I check out these two groups to inspire me for the rest of the day. I know that I have mentioned this in another post, but just wanted you all to know that being a self published writer can be done Keep on writing, Never give up

New Year Resolutions...

My main resolution is to write 2,000 words a day, at least, so at the end of the year I would have written 1 million words. It is still January, but I am lagging behind.  It is not because I am not working on my writing, I am trying to edit and finish a book that I have been working on for over 2 years.  I have written, rewritten, started over with new characters and then went back to the original idea.  I need to publish this story, so I can move on.   Yesterday I spent 4 hours rewriting some scenes.   I have printed out a hard copy and re-read it, making notes.  Today I am going to go and make the changes on the notes I have on the hard copy.  My goal is to mail it off to my editor.  I know I still use mail.  My Editor likes to edit from a hard copy.  So I mail it to her. You don't have to do everything high tech.  I am not high tech at all.   So that is my goal today, to edit some more....

Putting Writing First

I need to write when I get up.  I am more focused and productive.  My husband, also likes to get up and run errands and do things early in the morning. I am sitting in bed, with my Pepsi and I read the Bible, and am blogging.  He was going to town.  I did not go with him, because I know what I want to get done with my writing.  If I went with him, I probably wouldn't get any writing done, because one errand leads to another errand.  So he went with by himself. Does that make me a bad person? Before I quit my "Real Job" no one expected me to drop what I was doing, and go to town.  I had a legit reason for not going everywhere.  I had to work. Now, I work from home, and I am suppose to drop everything and run errands, feed the chickens etc. So what do you think? Do you put your writing first???? Does your writing suffer if you do put everything and everyone first???? They say, treat writing like a job.  If you do, then people ar...

My Writing Schedule

I have a Writing Schedule!!!! For the first time since I quit my job almost a year ago, I have a writing schedule, which surprises me.  I realize that I don't have a job.  When you don't have a job kinda makes you lazy.  I say things like "I will do that tomorrow.  I want to watch this movie.  Oh, look Housewives of .... is on." For me, it is hard to stick to a schedule because yes I do want to write, but I also want to just sit in front of the TV and eat a bag of chips. The book is not going to get written if I don't write. My Writing Schedule: 1.  I get up and read the Bible.  I have a Reading Bible Schedule from  Kenneth Copeland Ministries ,  Then I write down Bible Scriptures in a notebook.  2.  I then go to the computer and  Blog  on my other Blog, I Am Walking With God.  So this is done before I do anything else.  3.  Now that I am on the computer, I can blog here, and then start writing...

When Do You Stop Rewriting and Just Publish The Book?

Yea!  Yea!  Yea! IS IN EDITING MODE!!!! I have wrote this story, rewrote this story.  Started an entire rewrite of this story.  It has been over 2 years, I have wrote and rewrote this story. I have been working on this for the past month.  Then yesterday, I said enough.  I am done.  I can not move forward with any other story, until I publish this story.  It is like I am stuck and keep rewriting and rewriting and rewriting as if I am on a tread mill.  I want to get off the tread mill. I printed out a hard copy of the story and will start editing this story and then send it off to the editor, so I can move on to Book 2 of the series. So I am exciting.  Even if the story is not perfect, once I go through it, I am going to send it to the editor, because I know that I will have to make some corrections. It is time to move on to the next book. How many times do you rewrite your books?????

Are You A Blogger?

I am a blogger.  I like to blog.  In the past, I have not been consistent and wouldn't blog for days, even months.   This year, I am trying to be better at blogging.  I am writing more, and want to share what I am doing, though I might not be doing everything right, Are you Blogging.   This year, I have decided to read the Bible everyday and read the entire Bible this year.  I then decided to Blog everyday on what I have read  My Other Blog   I Am Walking With God. So every morning I get up, read the Bible and then Blog on what I read.   This I found, that I have a reason to turn the computer on and sit in front of the computer. I read the bible.  I have a  2020 Bible Reading Schedule  download a free schedule.  Then I am already at the computer so I can just start writing on my story. I find that writing right when I get up works best for me.  Later in the day, I just don't care ...

Writing With Music

Do you write in silence or do you listen to music while you write? I listen to music. I find that if I write in Silence, the Voices of Negativity  get louder in my head. I can drown out the Negativity with music. The music of choice is: The Monkees & Herman & The Hermits. I love music from the 60's. If I am depressed or don't feel good, I put in one of these CD's.  How can you not feel better listening to this music.  I just replay the CD over and over again,  It is just background noise to filter out the entire world as I write.  I can hear the Characters and new ideas flow from my fingers to the keyboard. It works for me. I bought the Herman & The Hermits on  EBay  for less than $7.00 and free shipping.  Do you write with music or in silence????

Writing 2,000 Words A Day, Harder Than I Thought

I wrote 1,500 words today, not including my blogs. It is easier to blog than it is to work on my story.  I only wrote 1,500 words and then I had nothing and I mean no words came to my mind. I did blog earlier in the day, but that should not have anything to do with writing my story.  So I quit.  I have no idea what happened, but I wrote 1,500 words and was happy with that.  Tomorrow is a new day. I know there is a lot on line about writing a 50,000 word book in a month or less, I am not up there yet, but the fact is that I want, I need to write everyday.  So I know that is the only 2nd day in the new year, but so far so good. Don't beat yourself up if you don't reach your goal.  Tomorrow is a new day Write On

My Schedule to Blog & To Write Before I Venture Out Into My Day

The second day in the new year. Have you written anything this year??? Yesterday, I wrote 2,000 words and I blogged. I have this Blog and I have  I Am Walking With God  Blog. I will be blogging on I Am Walking With God everyday, as I am reading the Bible everyday and at the end of the year, I will have read the Bible.  So if you would like to join me this year as I read the Bible, follow me on my blog. So now I have a reason to get up in the morning and to read the Bible and then to blog, everyday, not taking a day off.  This is my plan for the new year, not only will it get me out of bed.  I will read the Bible, hear from God and will be at my computer before I venture out into the rest of my day. I will be at the computer, and after I blog, why not write my 2,000-3,000 words for the day, and within and hour or two I will have my writing and blogging done for the day.  How cool would that be??? My computer says it is 8:24AM  I have been up...