My main resolution is to write 2,000 words a day, at least, so at the end of the year I would have written 1 million words.
It is still January, but I am lagging behind. It is not because I am not working on my writing, I am trying to edit and finish a book that I have been working on for over 2 years. I have written, rewritten, started over with new characters and then went back to the original idea. I need to publish this story, so I can move on.
Yesterday I spent 4 hours rewriting some scenes.
I have printed out a hard copy and re-read it, making notes. Today I am going to go and make the changes on the notes I have on the hard copy. My goal is to mail it off to my editor. I know I still use mail. My Editor likes to edit from a hard copy. So I mail it to her.
You don't have to do everything high tech. I am not high tech at all.
So that is my goal today, to edit some more. I will try to write to increase my word count, but for now, I need to get this in the mail.
How are your New Year Resolutions? Leave a comment.
Write On!!!
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