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Showing posts from February, 2020

Tax Time

In the United States of America, it is tax time.  No one likes to do their taxes. Did you know, that if you are a writer and published something, you might be able to claim it on your taxes. 1.  Save all receipts that spend on your writing. 2.  Save all your receipts if you go to a writer's conference 3.  Find a good Tax Person, who is willing to go that extra mile for your deductions and won't belittle you, when you don't make a lot of money. 4.  Amazon will send you something that tells you how much you made last year or you can just get it off your dashboard at your Amazon page. 5.  If you didn't do this last year, start now.  If you are not the most organized person, grab an envelope and put the receipts in the envelope throughout the year. WARNING!!!! If you are one of the lucky ones that will get a Huge royalty deposit one month, contact a tax person, because you will have to pay taxes on that.  So don't go and spend all your...

If You Write, You Are A Writer!

Have you written a book? Are you thinking of writing a book? Are you confused on how to publish your Book? Do you think your writing is not good enough to publish? You are not alone.  If you are writing a book, poems or short stories, everyone will tell you, yea I could write a book.  Everyone says they are a writer, but ... The writers are the ones that actually writes. If you write.  You are a writer.  Don't let anyone tell you anything otherwise. I had no support from family when I started writing.  So you you are not alone. I looked up some interesting facts on Publishing On Amazon. I got this information from  Just Publishing Over 6 Million E-Books on Amazon At least 50,000 are Kindle E-Books At least 1,670 Kindle E-Books are published everyday At Least 70 Kindle E-Books are published every hour 1 or more  Kindle E-Books are published every minute Don't let this overwhelm you or doubt yourself. Everyone is publish...

Daily Writing

Once again I woke up around 7 am.  I have been sitting at the computer for the past 4 hours. I have been working on a short Non-Fiction Book.  How To Write Your Testimony. Before I knew it, I had written 3,000 words without even trying. Yesterday, I blogged most of the morning.  I didn't work on my novel, until late afternoon.  I kept writing until I wrote 1,000 words.  It was not easy.  I keep looking at my word count, wanted to stop writing. Everyday I never know if I am in the mood to write until I start writing.  So I have to write to see if I am going to write.  Not sure non of this makes any sense. I follow Jess Mountifield  She is in the Facebook group 20booksto50K She is a stay at home mom and writes and publishes a book a month.  She also wrote the book How to write lots and get sh*t done.  I would recommend this book.  She is one busy woman.  When I woke up I didn't want to do anything but sit and bin...

I Quit My Job To Write

One year ago, I worked my last day.  I clocked out and walked out of the building that I went everyday, whether I wanted to go or not.  I walked away from a good paying job with benifits. Why? I wanted to write.  I have been saying for years.  I just want to take a year off and write.  That never happened.  Then as I got older, yet to young to collect Social Security, I was getting tired.  I was to tired to write on my days off.   One day, I was standing around, looking at my co-workers.  They were not happy.  They were there for the same reason I was, the paycheck.  There has to be more to life than just working. I worked.  I saved money.  I could not see myself here until society told me I could quit working.  So I decided that if I was going to write the books I wanted to write, then now is the time. I quit my job.  I gave them a one week notice.  I quit and I didn't look back....

Preparing To Write

The sun is shining and it is now above freezing.  The chickens now have water and it won't freeze. I have blogged this morning.  Went on Facebook and oh yea, I just wrote 1,000 word on the rewrite of my new novel. I got a new flash drive that I am going to use, to make it easier to find my WIP in progress.  I wrote the first scene and started on the second scene. I know this might not be a lot of words, but I haven't written for over a week.  Why?  I have no idea, just didn't feel like it I guess.  Today is a New Day and I wrote 1,000 words and liked what I have written so far, even though I know it is not perfect, but it is words on paper and I am moving forward. So let the writing continue!

Write Through Your Pain

I woke up at 7AM this morning.  The sun was shining and it was 17 degrees outside.  Luckily my better half let the chickens out.  So I do not have to go out until it gets above freezing to put the water out. Chickens are a great therapy.  They are calm, walking around pecking and they get attached to you and will follow you around.  So if no one else likes seeing you, the chickens are always happy to see you, but then again, they think you have food.  I got up, grabbed a soda and I read the Bible this morning. God placed on my heart to read the Bible this year.  There are Bible Reading Schedules on-line.  God also said, Go Ye Into The World & Preach The Gospel. So I have a reason to get up every morning, sometimes earlier than I like, To read the Bible and then To Blog what I have read.  Today will be Day 52.  So I have to get up and blog every morning, because that is what God placed on my heart.  The other thing God ...

Struggling To Write

I have not posted on this blog in over a month. I have made New Year's Resolutions. I wanted to write 1 Million Words this year.  I had a small notebook, I was writing down my word count.  What happened? I am still writing.  What happened is what always happens to me.  SELF DOUBT I write.  I have rough drafts, more than I want to admit.  Then I tell myself how stupid the draft is and then I write another rough draft of another story.  Then I think that draft is no good.  Then I start another story finish the rough draft and the cycle continues.  I am in this cycle and I can not jump off of it. I know that my story ideas are good.  I know I can do this, but Self  Doubt comes in and there I sit in front of the television eating ice cream when I should be writing.  Even when I am watching television, I have a legal pad and pen next to me.  I jot down thoughts and ideas, but it leads to nothing. What am I going to ...