I have not posted on this blog in over a month.
I have made New Year's Resolutions.
I wanted to write 1 Million Words this year. I had a small notebook, I was writing down my word count. What happened?
I am still writing. What happened is what always happens to me. SELF DOUBT
I write. I have rough drafts, more than I want to admit. Then I tell myself how stupid the draft is and then I write another rough draft of another story. Then I think that draft is no good. Then I start another story finish the rough draft and the cycle continues. I am in this cycle and I can not jump off of it.
I know that my story ideas are good. I know I can do this, but Self Doubt comes in and there I sit in front of the television eating ice cream when I should be writing. Even when I am watching television, I have a legal pad and pen next to me. I jot down thoughts and ideas, but it leads to nothing.
What am I going to do?????
I have over 50 E-Books on Amazon I know I can do this, What is stopping me from finishing a story????
I have finished the story The Cross about 30,000 words. I have someone to edit the story for free, but she can only do it this summer. So this summer I will send it to her and it will be published in the fall.
But I should have another story for her to edit also, but I don't why??? I am not writing. It is a struggle. I know that it is all in my mind, but it is still a struggle.
On Facebook there are writer's groups that post their word count. There are writers out there that are writing over 10,000 words a day. A DAY! I am lucky to write 1,000 words.
Am I giving up???
NO. I am not giving up.
While I was on Facebook, yesterday, (when I should of been writing) I found author and writer,
Bryan Hutchinson and the book
The First Draft Is Not Crap
I bought and read the book yesterday. It was as if the book was written for me. It is only in the Kindle Edition. I will reread the book. I wish it was in paperback, because that book was talking to me and my Self Doubt.
So I am back, I never really left but I just had nothing to say, I recommend this book. It got me thinking and now I want to finish what I started.
I am a Writer.
So I write.
I have made New Year's Resolutions.
I wanted to write 1 Million Words this year. I had a small notebook, I was writing down my word count. What happened?
I am still writing. What happened is what always happens to me. SELF DOUBT
I write. I have rough drafts, more than I want to admit. Then I tell myself how stupid the draft is and then I write another rough draft of another story. Then I think that draft is no good. Then I start another story finish the rough draft and the cycle continues. I am in this cycle and I can not jump off of it.
I know that my story ideas are good. I know I can do this, but Self Doubt comes in and there I sit in front of the television eating ice cream when I should be writing. Even when I am watching television, I have a legal pad and pen next to me. I jot down thoughts and ideas, but it leads to nothing.
What am I going to do?????
I have over 50 E-Books on Amazon I know I can do this, What is stopping me from finishing a story????
I have finished the story The Cross about 30,000 words. I have someone to edit the story for free, but she can only do it this summer. So this summer I will send it to her and it will be published in the fall.
But I should have another story for her to edit also, but I don't why??? I am not writing. It is a struggle. I know that it is all in my mind, but it is still a struggle.
On Facebook there are writer's groups that post their word count. There are writers out there that are writing over 10,000 words a day. A DAY! I am lucky to write 1,000 words.
Am I giving up???
NO. I am not giving up.
While I was on Facebook, yesterday, (when I should of been writing) I found author and writer,
Bryan Hutchinson and the book
The First Draft Is Not Crap
I bought and read the book yesterday. It was as if the book was written for me. It is only in the Kindle Edition. I will reread the book. I wish it was in paperback, because that book was talking to me and my Self Doubt.
So I am back, I never really left but I just had nothing to say, I recommend this book. It got me thinking and now I want to finish what I started.
I am a Writer.
So I write.
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