Words Written Today: 5,000
Goal: 125,000 Words
Deadline: 125,000 Words
Words Written To Date: 72,139
Words Left To Write: 52,861
I wrote most of yesterday. I first started writing in bed and wrote around 2,000 words. Later in the afternoon, I moved into the living room and wrote 3,000 words, but not in one sitting. I finished around 8PM
So I feel pretty good about that. I am going to try that again today.
I don't do what typical writer's do in the morning. There is no right or wrong way of where to write, when to write. Every writer is different.
I have a desk. Right now it is covered with other stuff, and not my laptop. I have an office, though I don't use it. When I am in my office, I feel like I am at work. I have to produce. When I write in bed or in front to the TV, I can write and let the words flow and I don't feel pressure to produce. I write because I want to.
I get up when I wake up. I have to go let the chickens out of the coop, feed and water them. Not much fun in that in the winter.
I come back inside.
1. I grab a Pepsi
2.. I take my allergy pills
3. turn on the computer.
4. I blog
5. I might surf the internet etc for a bit.
6. I start writing
This is all about 2-3 hours in the morning.
7. I take a break, check the chickens
8. Move into the living room and write while the TV is on.
That is basically my day.
What I find funny is that people know that I write,(though they don't believe I will amount to anything)
So when I quit my job, everyone and I mean everyone, friends and family, always asks me--"What do you do all day?"
I don't tell anyone I write anymore, because I know my friends and family do not care. I write because I want to write. I just find that funny.
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