I haven't talked about my sales, cause they have been low. My book My Bible--My God
I talked about how GOD and The BIBLE changed my life for the better. It is not a novel. I wanted to tell my story, if I could help one person with my story, then my life has a purpose. GOD changed my life. Please check out my book and maybe my story could help you or someone you know. Holidays are coming a great gift.
Anyway, I haven't checked my sales, cause it was to depressing to see the 0 everytime. So yesterday I checked my sales and to my surprise, I sold one.
I was thrilled beyond thrilled and I cried. I know that might sound silly, but I did cry after I did the happy dance.
The fact that someone went to amazon.com and ordered my book, is the most wonderful feeling I ever had. After I did my Happy Dance, I sat down and cried.
I am a writer. Someone bought my book. What I wrote someone bought it who I didn't know. It is a great feeling.
If you ever have the dream to be published. Do it now.
I am still waiting for my proof copy. How many times can one go to the post office in a day. I have been going like three times a day, looking for my book. Where is my book? I don't know if I can wait much longer.
I will let you know when I recieve it. I am sure you will hear my scream.
Self publish and see your dream come true.
I am a writer. What a great feeling.
I talked about how GOD and The BIBLE changed my life for the better. It is not a novel. I wanted to tell my story, if I could help one person with my story, then my life has a purpose. GOD changed my life. Please check out my book and maybe my story could help you or someone you know. Holidays are coming a great gift.
Anyway, I haven't checked my sales, cause it was to depressing to see the 0 everytime. So yesterday I checked my sales and to my surprise, I sold one.
I was thrilled beyond thrilled and I cried. I know that might sound silly, but I did cry after I did the happy dance.
The fact that someone went to amazon.com and ordered my book, is the most wonderful feeling I ever had. After I did my Happy Dance, I sat down and cried.
I am a writer. Someone bought my book. What I wrote someone bought it who I didn't know. It is a great feeling.
If you ever have the dream to be published. Do it now.
I am still waiting for my proof copy. How many times can one go to the post office in a day. I have been going like three times a day, looking for my book. Where is my book? I don't know if I can wait much longer.
I will let you know when I recieve it. I am sure you will hear my scream.
Self publish and see your dream come true.
I am a writer. What a great feeling.
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