I am on day 3 of writing. I have nothing to do except to write. So I am going to blog for the next week on my writing progress.
I am not keeping track of word count or page count. I am just writing.
I have written so far(not this week) 30,000 words on this story. I have 105 pages written. That is pretty good for me. I knew how this book is going to end. So I have the first 5 chapters written. I then skipped down to the All is Lost Moment at the end of book and have been working on the ending of the story, so I will know what to put in the middle. I am not writing in order. I am writing the scenes that pop in my head. Goal is to have rough draft done by week's end.
Day 1:Friday
I have to get up at sunrise around 6:00AM to let the chickens out. (I like to sleep later, but this week I have to let the chickens out.) I let the chickens out. I then spend time reading the Bible. I can not do anything without Jesus. I pray for Jesus to give me the words to write.
I then move to the living room with the computer and start writing. I turn the TV on. I think it is more for the noise or company, but I can write with the TV on. I write about 4 hours. I had some house cleaning to do, done, so I don't have to worry about that.
I go out a couple of times to feed the chickens and to check on them.
Day 2: Saturday
Got up and let the chickens out. I started writing around 7:00am and wrote until Noon. I took a break and later in the afternoon, I wrote for a couple of hours until my brain went numb. I wrote most of the day, off and on .I think I am doing good for the past two days.
Day 3: Sunday
I slept in and didn't let the chickens out until 7:00AM. They were not happy. Looks like it is going to rain. I will watch Eagle Mountain Church on the Victory Channel on DishNetwork this morning. So not sure how much writing I will do this morning. I now need to write the middle of my book. I am on Chapter 7 So that is what I will be working on today. I will keep you posted.
What are you working on this week??
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