Yesterday, was day four. I had the entire day to myself. It didn't start off good. I spent way to much time on social media, but in the afternoon, I started writing and I got a lot done. I wrote my Final Scene. I now know how the book is going to end. I wrote All Is Lost scenes. So I know where the story is going.
I do have one problem though, When I started writing the book, I made the Heroine in the First Scene that she got out of prison and went to claim her Grandmother's estate, which her Grandmother let to her. So she had to be tough, and a bit rough and not afraid of much of anything. Then I decided the reason she was in prison because she killed her boyfriend. That is kinda dark, but happens more than it should. Then there was a scene where she went after her Sister, who was trying to sell Grandma's estate.
So much for a Romantic Comedy. I put everything I had as I wrote. Now that I wrote The Ending and All Is Lost, Last night I started thinking:
I need to change some things. I was in an abusive situation, where I was almost killed. It was by the Grace of God that I am still alive, so as I went to bed, I started thinking about the Heroine and I thought I better leave the prison thing out, The rest of the book will stay basically the same. I need to make the story not as dark. I know this now, because I wrote the end of the book and that is not going to change.
I had a hard time writing the Middle because I made the Heroine so strong and independant that the Hero couldn't do anything to help her so I had a hard time writing the middle.
Day 5
I got up at 7:00AM. Sun was already up.. I am blogging first thing and then I am going to work on my book, the rest of the day. I have new ideas and think the story will be more lighter and funnier. What I am writing is a Romantic Comedy and I got off a bit off track. I was back thinking like a Zombie Writer.
So that is my day so far. I have written every day that and the book is doing good.
Know how the story ends, so you know where your characters are going. This book I have not been writing in order. I write what scenes I know are going in the book .
Check out my other Blog I am walking with God
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