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Showing posts from 2010

Happy New Year

Hope you have a great new year.  Set your goals, plan to write everyday.  Only you  can make your dreams come true.  Only you care if you write and get published.  This is your dream and only you can make it come true. Plan to write everyday and get that story written. HAPPY  NEW  YEAR Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing Toward The New Year

Yesterday I wrote 5 pages.  I feel that I am back on track.  The holidays are over and I am not so busy at work and I feel better.  I like where my story is going and I will finish it and attempt to sell it at the Kindle Store on Amazon. So I am back on track. What are your goals for the new year? Page quota? It is good to have a goal, even if it is to write down an idea.   So think about what you want out of the new year, write it down and write toward the new year Check out my other blog:// Write Someththing Today

Write Everyday

Write everyday, even if it is only for five minutes a day.  Get up early or stay up later.  Write on your lunch break or you lunch time.  There is time during the day to write, if you are sersious about writing.  You must decide what is right for you. I get up early before I go to work.   I carry a notebook with me to work and jot down some notes so I wouldn't forget them. The new year is in a few days.  Commit yourself to write everyday.  Doesn't matter if it is one sentence or 1,000 words, the thing to do is to write. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Setting Goals

It is that time of year...Everyone sets new goals for the new year.....Some people tell everyone about their goals, losing weight, going back to school or whatever it is. I choose not to talk about my goals.  Not to co-workers, or people who are aquaintances.  They don't care about my goals.  Only I truly care about my goals. When it comes to writing that is a personal goal.  If one doesn't write, one doesn't get it. Example:  I told a co-worker that I had two blogs and I was getting hits on it.  I was excited and her comment was "Whatever." She didn't care one way or the other, so I choose not to talk about my goals, cause some people don't get it. My goal for each day is 1,000 words a day That is what I am going to start with. What are your goals.  You are safe talking about your writing goals here.  Writers care what other writers  are thinking.  Leave a comment and let me know your goals for the new year and everyday ...


I am a plotter.  I know the beginning scene and the last scene....Then I know where I am going.,  I have a destanation.  I have a road map and then I just toss in some obstacles along the way. There is nothing wrong with being a panster and just plotting as you go, but I find that I go off the path and my story has no direction.  So plotting is my choice. I even write the first and last scene first and then I feel that I am in the right direction. The new year is just around the corner.  Pick a story, write the first scene and the last.....Start the new year off right and get that story written. How do you plot???/  Leave a comment and let me know.  Let's write something this year.. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Holidays Are Over

Hope you all had a great Christmas. Now that the holidays are over, it is time to get down to work. No More Excuses. My goal is 1,000 words a day. It might be a bit hard in the begining,  If I want to get published I need to write. So enjoy the rest of the holiday and the new year will be here soon Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Merry Christmas

Just want to wish everyone, where ever you are at ..... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year I will start posting after Christmas... Remember that Christ was born on Christmas.   Jesus is the reason for the season. Write Something Today........... I want to thank all of you for stopping by and readying my blog....It means a lot to me that you are interested in what I have to say... Have a Merry Christmas

Cleaning VS Writing

I am have some remodeling done and I can't find anything, including the writing that I am working on.  So I was not productive this weekend.  I am not complaining cause my new floors are amazing and once the bathroom is finished, well, let's say I won't fall through the floor. My writing is suffering though, cause I had to move everything and then I will have to move everything back, so I am busy, reorganizing. MERRY CHRISTMAS REMEMBER THAT JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Back On Track

I wrote five pages yesterday and I think I am back on track.  I have new ideas and am writing.  I guess it is good to get off track a few days, and then you are more motivated when you start writing again. So that is where I am at.  Hard to believe that next week it will be Christmas. Just want to say Merry Christmas.  Remember that Jesus is the reason for the Season. Enjoy the season check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Finding The Time To Write

How do you find the time to write?  Do you have a writing schedule?  Do you block out some time everyday to write? I try.  I do my best, but sometimes I slack.  I am busy at work and am jsut to tired, like yesterday and today. I know that others write no matter what, whether they are tired or not.  That is why they are published and I am not.  I am just waiting for the holidays to be over with, and then I can get back to my schedule. Right now I am watching the classic  Miracle on 34th Street.   They don't make movies like that anymore. Keep finding time to write. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing Schedule

Do you have a writing schedule?  I thought I did, but I have been slacking a bit with work and the holidays.  A writer that I admire, works a full time job and still  writes like four books a year.  How can that be?  I am struggling with one short story.  The word is that to be sucussful writer you should write 3-4 books a year, I would love to do that, but not sure I can.  So I continue to write when I can, and do my best. What is your writing schedule?? Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Write the Story

Do you ever spend to much time trying to find a agent or publisher, instead of writing?? I do.  I spend time figuring out how to get my book on, instead of writing. I need to spend more time writing, but the internet, zapps my time, and the next thing I know hours have past and I haven't written anything. That is going to change.  I need to write and do nothing else.  I am writing everyday, but then I get new ideas and then rewrite,  it is a circle. I have made my decison to self publish and I know that I can do it.  Please stay with me as I become self published and hopefully I can help you along the way.   is where you publish on  Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today

Write Anywhere/Everywhere

Ever have a great idea, but no paper or pen?  You need to start carrying a notebook, and pen, where ever you go. When an idea hits you, jot it down.  Carry it in your pocket, jacket or purse.  Have it laying next to your bed. You never know when an idea will come and you will soon forget it. I had a great title for my book.  I was at work, and didn't jot it down.  I knew that I would remember it.  I was wrong and that great title was no more.  So we need to start writing anywhere and everywhere. While you are on break at work or at lunch in a restraunt.  Write down your ideas, no matter how silly they made sound, trust me, you will forget them and they will never come back. Check out my other blog.   Write Something Today

I'm A Writer

Are you a closet writer?  Do you write and don't talk about it, don't tell anyone that you stay up late writing? I use to be like that.  I lived in my own world with my characters.  Now I tell people I am a writer and there are people who support me.  Family members will think something is wrong with you, but other people, like co-workers or the lady who checks you out at the store might be your biggest supporter and that is what you need.  You need someone that is impressed that you are a writer.  I went to the denist yesterday and the lady that cleans my teeth, always ask if I still write.  She is interested.  That makes me feel good.  The denist always ask if I am still writing.  That just gives me a boost of confience.  So find someone who supports you.  Tell people that you are a writer.  It is who you are.  Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Book Blurb

Book Blurb....Log Line.....Elevator Pitch This is a good idea to do before or while you are writing your book.  It will help you narrow now your story and help keep you focus, so you don't go off into a different direction. I was working on my book blurb for the back of my book and it is not as easy as I thought it would be.  Once I decide on the book blurb that will be what readers will read, to decide if they want to buy my book.  So I am going to be very careful writing this. Can you put your story in one sentence?????  That is a good way to explain your story to others, instead of just babbling and getting all nervous. Elevator Pitch is 25 words or less to pitch you story to an editor or elevator..... If you can do this I think your story will be more focus and help you go in the right direction. So this will give you something to think about.  There are classes on line and books on this to help you learn about all of this. Check out my other B...

Self Publishing

To be published by a New York Publisher or a smaller publisher OR to Self Publish????? That is the Question. Times have changed.  Publishers are not publishing as much as they use to and they are not taking risks with new writers.  Even if you get published that doesn't mean that they will want your next book.  Shelve life is only 3 or 4 months and then your book is off the shelf. Self publish you can sell on line from your website of a site like  Then your book can stay out there for as long as you like.  I like the sound of that. I just bought The Idie Author Guide by April L. Hamiltton from .com.  Tells you how to get self published on line. That is the route I am going to take.  I want to be a writer and I want people to read what I write.  It is that simple. Tell me what you think. Publish or Self Publish? check out my other blog: Write Something Today

The Joy of Writing

I was working on a short story, and came up with a new idea.  If I wasn't writing, I wouldn't come up with that idea. That is what I like about writing.  I never know where it will take me.  I like coming up with new ideas, whether it is for what I am working on or for future stories. I write down all my ideas for now or for later. What do you do with your ideas? I like to see where the story takes me.  You will never know if you don't write. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Goals for the New Year

The new year is upon us.  What are your goals for the new year? My Goals for the new year: Get a website Get a story on amazon and sell my story. I think these are reachable goals.  Share your goals, let me know Check out my other website    Write Something Today

Changing Your Story

I am rewriting my story and have changed the beginning.  I left out a character and made it more defined.  I rewrote the whole first scene.  I guess that is re-writing.  I think it will make the story better.  I just hope I don't decide to re-write the scene again or I will never finish the story. Not sure if I am rewriting it the right way, but it is my way.  So this means that the other scenes will be rewritten, and if that is what I need to do, then that is what I am going to do.  So I am going to get busy and rewrite the next scene. How do you rewrite???  Do you have a process???? Let me know. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Dreaming Your Story

Do you ever think of your story while you are sleeping.  I was trying to sleep and all I could do was think of my story.....Did I write down my idea?  Did I get up and take notes of what I was thinking?? No I did not.  I have no idea what I was thinking or dreaming or whatever.  All I know is that I didn't sleep that much and have no idea of what my ideas were, so I am back at square one, with no new ideas. Does this happen to you????? I shuld of woke up, sat up and started writing.  Oh well.....That is a writer's life. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Change Is Good????

I a person that hates change.  I like things a certain way.  Don't touch or move anything.  The furniture never is moved.  The remote is always in the same spot.  Some people think that I am OCD   Obessive Compulsive Disorder.  I don't think so, so when the hot water heate blew up, I had to move things, and tear up the floor.   No more carpet, new tile.  I adjusted to that change and I am trying to adjust to change in my writing.  I am going to start journaling again.  I haven't been doing that since I have been blogging....I have my notebook and will do it everyday.  I am also thinking about publishing on    The publishing world is  changing and I feel that I need to change with it.  I want my stories out there for the world to read. So maybe change is good...I am learing to use a ditigal camera.....That was a major step for me.....So I guess we all have to change sooner...

Build A Website

Next year I will have a website.  I will use   to host my website.  I can do that for under $10.00 a month .  I am not that tech smart, so a friend of mine is going to help me.  Even if you are not that far along to get a website....It is a good thing to start thinking about it, and figure out who you want to host it.  Then when the time comes, you will be prepared and it won't be so scarey. The money part is what I am more worried about, but this is what I want to do, so I am going for it.  The first of the year I will have a short story and I will put it on   So if I can do this, you can to.  I finished the short story and will work on the rewrite. What are your goals for the new year????   Start thinking The new year will be here soon Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Writing & Not Thinking

I just wrote 15 pages in two hours.  Time just flew by.  I wrote and didn't think about spelling or anything.  I let the words and the ideas flow. It seemed to work.  Who knew my herione was going to end up on the roof and the hero would have to save her.  Who knew. I know I have good ideas if I just can get them out.  This morning I did.  I am no longer writing in longhand.  I am writing on the computer.  I do have a laptop and I love it.  I will never have a desk top.  The laptop.  I can work in bed, on the floor or at my desk.  I can take it when I leave town or go to a friends house or if I want to write outside.  So that is what I am doing this morning.  I plan on finish the short story that I am working on.  Then the hard work will start with the rewrite.  I am now watching The Last of the Mohicans.  One of my favorite movies of all times.  I love watching Daniel Day Lewis run thro...

I Write For Myself

Do you write for yourself or for money?  Are you waiting for an agent or publisher to tell you are great and brilliant? I am not.  I am writing for myself and I believe that others will find me and read my work.  I know that  my ideas are good, so I don't listen to anyone that talks negative about my writing.  I write, and I am alone with just my words and characters.  I write my stories for my characters and myself.  If you are writing for money or to get a pat on the back.   I wish you the best. I am not published and that is okay.  I am putting my words out there and see what happens. No one can tell me that I am a bad writer, I won't listen to them.  I write for myself and hope that someone else can relate to me. What about you???  Who do you write for??? Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Writing Again

Yesterday I was sick for two days.  I really want to write a story, so I can put it on my website, and will let readers download it for free.  I need to write it first.  I have no problem writing rough drafts it is the rewriting that I have the problem. So I started a story and see what happenes,  I know that I probably don't make much sense sometimes but I just write what I feel..  I am not trying to impress anyone.  This is me.  Like me or not.  This is my process, whether I like it or not.  I am posting part of a story on this blog once a week.  I am writing it as I go.  If you want to put your imput on the story, go for it.  If you want to write a segment of the story......Let me know.   I am just writing the story as it comes. The important thing is to write, no matter what.  It keeps me sane.  It is what I do and who I am' Check out my other blog: Writ...

The Season to be Sick

No writing today.  I am sick.  I have been in bed for thirty hours and still sick.  I will still be going to work, and spreading my germs.  I don't do good being sick... So I do hope your day will be better and healthier than mine. check out my other blog:    Write something today

To Many Ideas

I have to many ideas in my head and it is hard to focus on what to write and see it to the end.  Not sure if it is normal or not.  I have stories started.  I have stories finished. but not ready for published.  Right now I am so tired that I can not think.  Not sure if anyone else has this problem but everywhere I look I see ideas everywhere and I have notebooks filled with ideas.  I don't I walk to a different drummer and don't fit in with others, but that is me. To many ideas, to little time. Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today

The Story Continues

"Where are we?"  Karen asked, as she stepped out of the car.  Her head hurt and she ignored the dried blood on her.  "Missy?  Are we really going to trust Matt?" "I don't see where we have a choice?"  Missy said.  Walking around the car.  She took ahold of Karen's hand.  "I'm sorry I got you into this." "Save the mushy stuff later."  Matt said.  "Come on." "Where are we going?"  Karen asked. "You women ask to many questions."  Matt said.  "We are outside of town and this old warehouse is the only safe place for now." Karen looked at Missy.  "I don't think we are safe with him." "No one is safe."  Matt said.  "The virus is out there and soon everyone will be infected, unless I can get the dosage to undo the virus." "So let me get this straight."  Karen said, as she and Missy followed Matt.  "You found the cure for cancer and...

Writing In Longhand

I always have written in longhand.  Then I typed it into the computer.  I knew that I was wasting time.  I am a bit stubborn.  I have read that other writer;s have done this also, so I figured it was the right thing to do. Then one day I decided to type as I wrote.  I wrote 350 pages into computer in six weeks.  I then could start the rewrte. So what does this mean for me?  I do write in longhand, but I do sit in front of the computer and type whatever I am thinking.  The other day I sat in bed for four hours writing on my computer.  I am more protective than I was before, I think. So whatever you do, longhand or at the computer the important thing is that you are writing.  Remember that when you are not writing, someone else is.  Get that book written. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Moving Forward

Thanksgiving is over.  It is time to move forward and get writing.  I know that Christmas is just around the corner and you have a lot of shopping to do.  Don't forget about your stories and the characters that are screaming in your head. I am no exception.  I need to get back on track and get busy writing.  The rough draft is done and the rewrite is harder than the rough draft.  So I need to stay focus and start moving forward so I can get it done. So enjoy the holidays but don't forget the characters. Chexk out my other blog: Write something Today

Going Ditigal

I found the ditigal camera and I am going to learn how to use it.  I watched the Movie Eat Pray Love.  Twice.  I think everyone should watch that movie.  There is a lesson in there, we all need to hear sometime in our lives. It is never to late to learn something new or do something different.  That is what I am doing.  I am leaving my comfort zone.  I stepped out and asked for help.  I now know how to put pictures on my blog and send through e-mail.  It is not hard, but I never would of learned if I didn't ask. It is not like I don't have a scanner to scan pictures.  If I fail, then I would try again.  So I am going to learn how to use the ditigal camera so I can put more pictures on my blog. Don't be afraid to learn something new.  We do it everyday.  A new job, trying out a new recipe.  Learning to drive or just learning not to toss the computer out the window when it doesn't work. I do hope you all had a G...

Learning Something New

I have just learned to put pictures on my blog..  I know, I am behind the tech world.  This is the only picture I have in the computer.  It is from a Missionary trip.  I didn't go, but I do support the Missionary's    I  will be putting up mre pictures since I just learned how.  I just re-read my first five chapters and took some notes.  I  like what  what I read, so I am in major rewrite mode. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and remember to be grateful for everything that you have and be kind to someone today. check out my other blog:    Write something Today

Not Writing

When I am not writing, I know that someone else is writing.  someone else is making their word quota.  someone else is getting closer to finishing their book, than I am. That is not accaptable.  I was doing so good, with my writing, now that I am doing the rewrite and the holidays are here, I came to a halt.  Work is busier and I am just tired.  That is not an excuse, but that is how it is. So I need to get busy.  Right now someone is out there writing with no excuses and I am sitting her wining and complaining.  I need to get busy writing. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Sleep Or Write?

I am very busy at work, and am tired to write or blog.  Do I skip writing or sleep?  Do I blog or sleep?  It would be to easy to just watch tv and be lazy.  Take the lazy way out or write.  I will be tested this week as Thanksgiving approaches.  I will continue to blog casue that is what I do.  What will you do?  Write or sleep?  What is more important to you? Check out my other blog://    Write Something Today

Writing Should Be Fun

Are you having fun writing?  All the time? I do.  I think I was born with a pen in my hand.  I am always thinking about something to write about.   I always have new ideas in my head. I never have problems where I get my ideas.  Ideas are everywhere. I do have fun when I write.  I wouldn't do it if I didn't have fun.  I spend to many hours sitting alone in front of the computer not to have fun. Have some fun today. check out my other blog: Write Something Today


I have started my rewrite and I do like my story.  So I am going to work through the rewrite.  At this point I don't have a plan on how to do that.  I am rereading it and taking notes.  I will work on it everyday, and see what happens. so no more page quota.  If I spen an hour on one page then so be it.  I will do what it takes to do. How do you rewrite?  Any suggestions? Hope your writing is going well. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Doubt Creeping In

The  rough draft is done and I am rewriting and now the doubt is creeping in.  Is the begining the right begining? Do I have enough conflict? Doubt is over whelming me.  So this is what usually stops me from fininshing.  Doubt and Fear.  I really don't think I am that good of a writier.  Other's have said other wise.  So now I am going to have to work through my fear and doubt and finish this book one way or another. Does this ever happen to you? Let me know Check out my other Blog:   Write Something Today

Too Tired To Write

I woke up a bit late, and just to tired to write.  Thanksgiving is around the corner and busier at work and the next ten days will be very busy.  So I doubt that I will be that productive this coming week. Do I feel guilty?  A little.  I want to write everyday.  I would like to be paid for writing, but that hasn't happened yet. So I will still write but no page quota and will concentrate on my rewrite. So keep writing even though the holidays are upon us.  Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today 

Is Your Writing Good?

How do I know if my writing is any good.  I am rewriting my rough draft and I like it.  Will anyone else like it??  How do I rewrite when I like what I already wrote?  So I reread chapter one, made some notes and will start rewriting.  It is going to be alot harder than writing the rough draft, so I will have my work cut out for me.  So it is not about the page quota anymore, it is about mking the writing right. Did you check out Story Moday???  What did you think??? Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Story Monday

Trece stood in the dark warehouse dodging the water that leaked from the roof.  He didn't know what Karen was up to till it was to late.  Now everyone was looking for her and he didn't have a clue where she was.  How could life change within 48 hours? First he thought the news media was overacting with reporting a new strain of the flue.  Towns are now quartined and now he was carrying a gun and questioning everyone who side they were on.  He wasn't sure what side he was on, expect on the side of survival.  His back was againest the wall, a knife strapped to his thigh.  Holding a gun with his right hand, he listened when he heard someone walk into the warehouse.  "They got both of them."  The short man said.  Trece stepped out of the shadows.  "They have no idea what is going on?  Do they?"  "Not a clue."  The man said. "Thanks."  Trece said. "What are we going to do now?"  He said.   ...

I'm On a Treadmill

I feel like I am on a tread mill, and getting nowhere.  I have a rough draft finished.  Started another story, working on a short story.  I am writing everyday and feel like I am getting nowhere. I have all these ideas in my head and want to get it all on paper.  I feel like I am getting nowhere. I get up early, to write, go to work, come home go to bed and get up to write.  Same thing everyday, and getting nowhere. I have been doing research to see if I should self publish and that looks expensive.  Have to pay to have someone edit the book and then pay someone to publish it.  Not sure I have that much money.  I feel a bit overwhelmed right now. Have no idea what I am doing or if I should even bother to write.  What is the point of getting up early and writing if no one will ever read it?? So what am I to do?  I know that I will continue to write, but I feel like I am going no where. Anyone else feel this way?  I need...

No Conflict No Story

I reread my first five chapters and there is no conflict.  This is a major problem and one that I can not seem to conquer. So I am in major rework mode.   I need more conflict.  So I will not be meeting my page quota, I will be reworking my story.  Does anyone else have this problem???? I am not giving up....I am rolling up my sleeves and getting buzy... Check out my other blog: Write Something Today


I have just reread my first 100 pages.  I made notes and do believe that I am on the right track.  I will still have to do some major rewriting but I do like the story and where it is going.  I am going to start the rewrite while I am still writing the rough draft.  Here in the United States Thanksgiving is upon us.  Though it is a big holiday here.  I think it is over rated.  I will spend the day writing.  I am grateful that my computer and internet works.  Thanksgiving is November 25, Thursday.  Everyone who is out there and doesn't have someone to spend the day with.  Don't feel bad.  You are not alone.  It is just a holiday that man created.  Read a good book or watch a movie.  Get busy writing and tell me what you are working on.... Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Write Your Thoughts Down

I was at work and came up with a great idea.  I didn't write it down.  I thought that I would remember this great idea.  I went on break and I had no idea what I was thinking an hour ago.  I lost my great idea. Has that ever happened to you?  I usually write things down, but I was busy, and now I have to move forward and face the fact that I forgot my idea.  Ever wake up in the middle of the night and have a great idea and by morning you forgot what it was.  Keep a notebook, pen and paper by your bed or with you at all times.  Something to think about.  Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today  

Page Quota

Yesterday I wrote ten pages. I am also working on a short story, not sure of the word count yet, that I will post on my website and you will be able to download it free.  I just started it, so not sure how long it will take.  I am working on my manuscript and then working on the short story.  So I am writing everyday and thinking while I am at work.  So all I can say is keep working.  It will all work out in the long run. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Didn't Write Monday

I didn't write Monday.  I feel that something was missing all day.  I had to do family things, and I guess family should come first.  I am going to make it up today.  People don't reaize that I have to write.  So I will write double today and while I am at work.  I posted another segment of the story....Let me know what you think and where you want the story to go.  Hope you have a great day!!! Check out my other blog:    Write SomethingToday


Someone is following us.  Missy said. "Ya think?"  Karen asked.  "Which way, Miss photgraphic memory?"  "You're just jealous cause I have a talent and you don't."  Missy said. "Just tell me what way to go."  Karen yelled.      "Left.  Go left!"  Missy yelled.  "Wait!, no right.  Go right!"  Turning left.  "We are so going to die."  Karen said. "I said right."  Missy said.  "You never listen to me." "I'm not listening to you.  That car is following us.  I'm calling Trece when we loose this guy.  Where is Matt?"  Kaen asked. "How do I know?"  Missy asked.  "Matt and I don't have that kind of reletionship.  We never got past my name is Missy." Running a red light.  "That was six months ago."  Karen said. Before Karen could slam on the brakes, she ran another red light, crashing into a parked car. "Am I dead?" ...

Word Length

How long should your story be?  How many chapters should your story have? How many scenes should a chapter have?  This is enogh to give you a headache.  I don't think there is a correct answer to these questions.  So what you feel you need to do. is what you need to do.  I write 20 chapters...Three scenes in each chapter...I read somewhere a long time ago, that was a good formula to stick to.  I don't know it that works for today, but that is what I do. 20 pages per chapter gives me 400 pages....It is easy to plot out this way for me.  Easy for me to see if I need to add more pages. That is what I do.  What do you think????? How do you determine the word length??? Check out my other Blog:   Write Something Today   Remember that Monday I will post another part of my story. Check out Story Monday

Write/ Then Answer Your E-Mail

It is to easy check your e-mail click from website to website and the next thing you know, hours have past and you have to go to work. So you should write first, and then pay.  I don't always follow that thought.  Yesterday, I met my page quota and wanted to write more pages, then I went to check on my e-mail and there went all my extra time.  I need to get this book down, cause I want it published, but this is not an easy process.    So when I get done blogging, I will go and make my page quota. check out my other blog:    Write something Today

Self Publishing???

I am still deciding if I should self publish or find an agent.  I have to admit that I am leaning toward self publishing cause I think that is the future. Going ditigal.  I haven't decided and would like to be published by a NY Publisher, but I don't want to wait a year or two.  I want to be published now. What do you think? I made my page quota today.  Wrote 12 pages and I think that I will write a few more before I am finished. Let me know what you are writing. Monday I will post another segment of my story.. Check out my other blog:   Write Somethin Today

Winter is coming/Time to Write

There is nothing good about winter.  I know that some people love winter.  I hate winter.  It is cold, icy and snowy.  I love summer.  I can wear my flip flops and never be cold. So now that winter is coming, I plan to stay inside and write, and do what I need to do this winter to get this book published. Query letter, log line, book blurb.  I will be working on all of this this winter, so come spring I will be ready to submit my book and get it published.. No doubts this time.  I will get this published.  Either by a New York Publisher OR an E-Publisher.  I am determined and things are changing so fast that there is no reason that I can not be published if I put the work in.  That is what I am going to do this winter. Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today


Now I am thinking of getting a website.  I already  have my domain name from   I know nothing about websites.  I don't want to pay alot, but then I don't want someone to do a bad job from not paying much, plus I am not sure what to put on the website. Who knew that writing could be so stressful.  So I will be exploring this.  Seems like everyone has a website, and they make it sound so easy. By next year I will have a website good or bad. Any advice for me??? Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today

Keep Writing

No matter what you need to write, no matter what.  You will be surprised what ideas will come out as you keep writing.  That is true for me.  I am just writing and see where it goes.  I don't discuss my writing with anyone.  I just write.  No one understands me.  No one understands why I get up early to write.  No one understands me why I write.  I still write no matter what.  I don't care what others think. I have never fit into anyone.  People don't get me and I find myself alone, and that is okay, cause I have my writing. You are not alone.  Your characters are your friends.  Keep writing cause that is the only think that keeps me going. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Story Monday

"It's not my fault that I have a photographic memory."  Missy said.  "Why me?  It's not like I'm that smart.  I'm never going to put any of this information to use." "Why were you snooping in his desk?"  Karn asked. "I was just seeing if he was hiding anything and then I came across this folder and it had a much of numbers and symbols.  The next thing I knew someone was crashing through the window.  A man came out of the bathroom and shot him.  I bolted out of the room and here we are."      "Do you rember those numbers and symbols?"  Karen asked.    "Hello?  I have a photographic memory."  Missy yelled.  "We need to fine out what those numbers and symbols mean.  What did Max do?  Where is Max?" "We never got that far into our relationship, if you know what I mean."  Missy said. "Trey could find out for us."  Karen said. "You just want a reason to call him....

Page Quota

I just wrote 10 pages.  I guess the story is in my head and the words are just flowing out. So I have my good days and my bad days.  Guess this is a good day.  Today is Story Moday.  Check out the story Check out my other Blog:   Write Something Today

Computers Are a Pain

Computers are great when they are working.  When they do not work, I wonder why do I even bother.  I got up and the internet did not work. I wrote 6 pages first, and then had to turn off the computer and then turn it on again, in order for it to work.  I learned not to get upset, when it doesn't work.  Nothing I can do about it.  but it is working now. I like my story and I have the first chapter done.  I plan on writing 2 chapters a week and will have the rough draft done by January.  Then the rewrites begin. I am going to write at least one scene a day.  Not to much to ask. So what does one do when their computer doesn't work??? Let me know. Monday I will post another part of the story, Let me know what you think. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today  

Started New Story

It was a slow start, but I did meet my page quota yesterday.  I didn't want to write, yesterday.  I was sort of bored and didn't want to do anything.  I did write and now I feel like I am in the right direction. If I don't write something, I will never move forward.  So I wrote when I didn't want to.  I am still getting up early to write, and this is the only way that I will get anything written. What motavates you to write? Why do you write? I write cause that is who I am.  I am a writer. Check my other blog:    Write Something Today

Read a book

Sometimes I just need to lay in bed and read a book.  It is getting colder out and the thought of reading a good book is pulling me away from the computer and from my writing.  I will write today, but I do think I am going to read a book today.  Winter is coming and the thought of leaving the house, does not appeal to me.  So it will be a good time to catch up on my reading and writing. What are you reading ??? What comes first reading or writing??? With me it depends on my mood. Check out my other blog: Don't forget to check out Monday's Post.  I will be posting another segment of the story.. Write something today!!!!

Read The Story

Read Story Monday and let me know which direction you want the story to go.  I have no idea, I am writing this as I go.  I am writing this for you.. I will post another part, on Monday!!!!!

Plotter OR Panster????

Do you plan every thing out OR do you just write and see what happens??? I am a plotter.  I plot out every chapter and know where I am going.  Yes I do change it along the way, but when I sit down I know what to write, so I never have writer's block...  I know the last scene in the book and I write the last scene so I know where I am going. It doesn't matter which way you do it, as long as you write and get the story written.  I have started my second story and I like it already.  I have the prologue already written and the first 5 chapters plotted out. Writing the rough draft is the easy part.  Rewriting is hard for me.  I will tackle that in January. Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today


I finished my rough draft.  Done.  I am now going to start on my rewrite and start on the second book.  It is all plotted out and I am just going to write, and get it down.  It will be done, by January.  I will have two books in the works and know that I am not a one book wonder.  So I will be writing everyday.  I get up early before I go to work and write. It is a good feeling to have the rough draft finished and now I am moving along. What are you working on? Check out my other Blog: Write Something Today       

I Write For Me

No one cares if I write.  I write for myself, cause that is what I want to do.  No one cares if I finish my book.  I do.  That is why I get up early, before I go to work and write.  I don't talk about my writing to anyone, not my friends or co-workers, cause they don't care or understand my need to write.  So this is a lonely career.  I am isolated from people and I write, cause that is what I do. Why do you write??? Check out my Story Monday and tell me what you think. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today!!!

Story Monday

The Adventures of Karen & Missy Who knew the fate of the world relied on these two? "I think this is a bad idea."  Missy said. Slamming the truck.  "A little late to start thinking now."  Kelly said, walking around the car, opening the door.  "Get in."  "Where are we going?"  Missy asked. Kelly slammed the car door, when she saw the headlights coming toward them.  A black pickup pulled up.  He stepped out of the truck, wearing a black cowboy hat, black jeans and black cowboy boots. "Going somewhere?"  He asked. "Trey."  Kelly said. "Sneaking out in the middle of the night, once again.  What are the two of you up to?"  He asked. "Nothing."  Missy answered. "How'd you find us?"  Kelly asked. "Better tell Missy to stop using twitter."  Trey answered. "We have to go."  Kelly said.  "Call me when you need me."  Trey said.  Kelly watched...

One More Chapter to Write!

I just wrote 15 pages and have chapter 20 to write and then the rough draft will be finished.  It has taken me a couple of weeks longer to write,but I am still quite proud that I did this in a month and a half.  I did have one week when I didn't work, so I wrote 90 pages that week. I still finished so that is a good thing. I have a rough synopsis that needs work also, so I feel that the real work is in front of me. This year is almost over.  I am going to start another story and will have the rough draft done by the first of the year.  That way I will have two books in the work.  When an agent or editor asked..What else do you have?  I can tell them about my other book. So I need to finish the last chapter and move to the next book and will work on the rewrite. I am always writing.  Thinking. What are you working on???? Check out my other blog:' Write Somethi...

New York Publisher OR Self Publish?

Things are changing rapidly.  Should one look for an agent, and see if one can see their book in print and in book stores?  OR  Should one self publish and promote one's book on line and have total contol over the book and keep the  copy rights? This is a major decision.  One must think about. Who wouldn't want to have an agent and see their book on the shelves, but that could take years.  I think one should think global.  If you are self published, e-book form, people from other countries will have access to your book. I am going to look for an agent, but if that fails, I do believe that I may self publiush my book, cause one never knows till they try. What do you think?? Self Publish or Get an Agent???? Check out my other Blog:    Write Something Today Monday I will post the first 2 pages of my story.  Monday will now be Story Monday!!

300 Pages

I have written 300 pages....Yea!!!! It has been a long time that  have done this.  It is all in the computer and I can read it and make changes.  I have two more chapters to go and the book with be done and then I can start the rewrite.  So it has taken me longer  than I have planned but I am writing everyday.  I will be ready to submitt next year.  I have a plan and am sticking to it.  It is my plan and it may not work for everyone.  You need a plan.  What is your plan?  Check out my other Blog:   Write Something Today 

Flash Fiction

Just recieved my copy or Writer's Digest and learned something new.  It is called Flash Fiction.  It may have been around for awhile, but I never heard of it.  it is a complete story in 1,000 words or less. That is a challenge in itself.  Something to think about and try.  There are sites on line that will publish them. So I am going to try it, and when I do come up with something I will post it here. Why not try it yourself. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today

Write! No Excuses

There are a lot of reasons not to write.  There are a thousands of excuses.  I write every day, even if it is one word or a thousand words..  The internet can take a lot of time away from the writing process.  Tv will also take your time away. So I get up early to write before I go to work.  It is not always easy.  My goal is to write 5-8 pages a day.  The only way to get it written is to write. Check out my other blog:   Write Something Today  

Ideas Are Everywhere

Ever wonder where writer's get their ideas.  They are everywhere.  I can sit and watch people, and come up with a story about them.  Read the paper.  Look around, people, a building, a garden can always spark an idea. Ideas are every where. Speaking of ideas I have one.  Starting Monday I will be posting 2-3 pages of a story, Every Monday. The Adventures of Missy & Kelly Who knew that the fate of the world rested in their hands. What do you think????? Let me know, and tell me where you want the story to go.  Do you want it to be a romance, vampires, sci fi??? I am open this story is for you  I am writing this story for you Let me know....... Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today

3 Chapters to Go

Have written 5 pages today and working on Chapter 18.  I am closing in on the end.  I am very excited. I have it all in the computer and will be ready to start the rewrite.  It is not easy to write everyday, or blog everyday.  This is what I want to do, so that is what I am going to do.  I need to get ready for work to pay the bills. I am going to start a short story and will post it here, when I get it started.  I will let you know when I am ready to put it up.  I feel that I am a fast writer and have some good ideas.  Do you have any ideas??  Put them on paper and see where it takes you.  Writing is the best medicine ever. Check out my other Blog"   Write Something Today

Page Quota

I wrote 10 pages and feel that I need to take a break and think.    Thinking is always a good thing.  Writing is a lonely business.  Though I do find joy in writing.  Let me know what you are working on.   How do you handle the isolation of being a writer? Check out my other blog: Write Something Today

Posting a Story

I was thinking....I was thinking that I would start a story and post 3-5 pages every Monday?  What do you think?  Would you be interesting in reading it???????? I haven't thought up a story line yet, but I will let you know.  Let me know if you want to read what I write. Leave a comment and I will respond. I already wrote  my 5 page goal, but I am going to increase it to 8 pages a day.  Wish me luck Check out my other blog:    Write Something Today    

Taking A Day Off

I am sorry to say that I didn't make my 100 page quota.  I made it to 75 pages so that is not bad.  I wrote the rough draft synopsis, and that is good and I also entered the Writer's Digest contest.   So I think I did pretty good this week. I have 100 more pages to write and the rough draft will be finished.  It took me about a month and two weeks.  that is writing everyday, no matter what.  I am taking today off to do family things.  So if I write anything, it will be in longhand, but I did get up early to blog. What are your goals this coming week????? Let me know.... Check out my other Blog:        Write something today

Writing Synopsis

I spent my time at the computer, writing my synopsis.  It was only two pages long and I know that I need to rewrite, but I have the basics down and that is a start.  I also wrote a two page synopsis on the next book I am going to write. I think it is good to have a beginning and end.  So I won't go off track. I know that this might not make sense to anyone, but I have about 100 more pages to write and then the rough draft will be done, then I am going to write the next one.  By January 2011 I will have two, rough drafts complete and will start the rewrite.  The reason I am doing this, is beacause I want to be able to have two books to sell.  If an editor or agent says  what else do you have, I can say, let me show you. Both of them are contemporary and I think they are starting to sell. I am raising the bar and plan on writing till I can't write anymore. What are your goals???  Think Big..... Check my other blog: http://iam...

Enter a Contest

I have just finished my entry to a writing contest.  I just have to mail it. I am entering Writer's Digest Short Short Story. Deadline December 1,2010 I also just wrote 15 pages. I am moving along and on schedule Check out my other blog: Write Something today

Time Passing

It is Thursday and I have written 60 pages this week so far.  My goal is 100.  I have written 10 pages this morning and wrote 5 pages yesterday.  I did clean yesterday, so I got that out of my system and plan on writing 20 more pages this morning.  The days are passing quickly and I see the finish line. How is your page quota going? I have never written this much in a short time, so if I can do it, so can you. I have 244 pages in the computer. Check out my other blog: Write Something Today  

Writing Time

I got up and wasn't as perky as I was yesterday.  When I am writing, the time flies by.  Why is that?  When I am at work, seconds seem like minutes.  Why is that? I wrote 5 pages before I came on line and don't think I will make my page quota today, but I am going to try.  Can't be productive everyday, but I did write my 5 pages. What do you do when you don't feel like writing? I took a break and blogged and will go back to writing, that is the only way it will get done. check my other blog: Write something today

Still Writing Ten Hours Later

I wrote 27 pages today.  I took a few breaks, drank to much pepsi, but I wrote more than one chapter today.  I took a break and started to watch a movie, but the computer was staring at me.  I took another pepsi out of the frig and started writing again.  I have 227 pages written and 57,000 Words written.  I have never gotten this far, least not having it in the computer. I am telling you, if I can do this, so can you.  It does take a commitment and a bit determation.  I have that and I am surprised how the new ideas are coming to me and can not wait till the end. We can do this together.  Decide that you will right everyday, no matter what, even if it is only one word and then you will want to write more each day. Take  the first step and lets finish the book together. After the rough draft is written, there is a lot more work to do.  Revision, query letter, don't leave me now, cause I have a lot more to say. Ch...

Keep Writing

Yesterday I wrote 15 pages and today I wrote 20.  This is the first time I am not writing in longhand.  I keep writing and I am surprised that ideas come to me.  Sometimes I take a break to think. The thing that I am finding that if I just keep writing I write through what ever I am stuck on.  I am now on page 220 and on Chapter 13.  By Sunday I will have Chapter 15 done.  I am doing my best to write and get the rough draft done.  I guess it is just a personal goal.  If I want to be a writer, I need to write and that is what I am doing. Co-Workers are always asking me how my day off was, what I did.  I just answer the usual. I don't tell them that I am writing every chance I get, because I know that I am wasting my time, cause they really don't care and don't get it. I keep writing and I won't stop this is what I do and who I am. Check out my other blog:   What are your writing habits?...


I have been up for four hours and have written to pages.  i am going to make my page quota. I plan to write 20 pages.  I have ten more to go. Do you have goals for each day? Do you wake up and know what your goals are for the day? I do.  I write down my goals on paper to make it more real.  That seems to work.  I go to sleep, thinking what I am going to write when I wake up. You need to make goals, make lists and see if that helps you. Most of all you have to sit down and write no matter what. What are your goals for today? Check out my other blog:    Leave a comment and I will answer

Wrist Pain

I have been writing a lot this past month, and now I have writst pain.  I do wear a wrist thing, but I do not do it on a regular basis, so now I am.  I think I need a better support system for my arms, wrists and back.  I put some ice hot  on my writst when I went to bed, so see how I do today at work. What do you do to help yourself while you are writing. My fingers ache and my there is a pain in my writst. Let me know, before my pain becomes worse. Check out my other blog:   Please leave a comment and I will respond....Thanks

Have an Agent Or Not Have an Agent?

A few years ago, I wrote a book and mailed it to about 25 publishers.  Naturally, it was rejected.   I didn't know why then, but now I know, It had no Conflict. I sent it out directly to the publishers.  This time around, I am going to finish this book, that I am working on and I am going to see if I can find an agent first.  I do believe in this book.  I want a multibook contract, and the only way I am going to get one is with an agent. So what do you think?  Agent?  Or No Agent? Check out my other Blog:   

One Month/ Half Way There

I just wrote 10 pages.  I now have 180 pages into the computer and 45,000 words. Half way there.  I think that I am a bit behind my page quota but my goal for next week will be 100 pages.  I will be writing no matter what and I will keep you posted each day on my progress.  I need to get this written, and get it published. What is your page quota  for the day??? Check out my other blog:    Write Today No Matter What

Clean Or Write?

I got up and I started to move things around, clean up a little bit, but I knew I had to write.  Where does all that dust come from?? So should I clean or should I turn the computer on and write??? Thank goodness I turned on the computer and stopped cleaning. There are always distracttions.  But I need to stay focus and write everyday.  So I need to get off here and write. How do you deal with distractions???? Check out my other blog:   

Social Media

I know nothing about this new Social Media....Face Book...Twitter......Website.....Blog............ It is enough to give me a headache..........I don't even know how to put pictures on my blog or send them through e-mails. So how much time should you give to this social media??  I need to write.....I need to get this book done, not to mention the query letter and the synopsis and then the research of finding the right agent and editor.... How does one find time to do all of this and still work to pay the bills.. I need heldp!!1 Please let me know how you do all this.... Check out my other blog:    

Is Page Quota Enough?

I am meeting my page quota and I wonder if that is enough, just to write 5-10 pages a day.  What about the query letter?  The Synopsis?  I realize that I have to rewrite, put more emotion on the page, so though I am happy that I am writing everyday.  Is that enough???? I am not sure that it is.  But for now I am going to stick to my page quota.  That is the only way the book will get done. How do you mange to get the book written???/ I could use all the help I can get. check out my blog:   

Sagging Middles

I am working on Chapter 10.  This is where I usually wonder off to the next project.  I am not doing this.  I am going to write through and will not stop till the end. The first half of the book is done, rough draft that is.  I like the first 10 chapters.  I think that I have enough conflict, and I do like it.  I know where I am going in the last half. I have 165 pages into the computer and that took me 4 weeks, so that is pretty good  for me. The only way I am going to finish this, is to keep writing no matter what. No Sagging Middles for me???? How do you handle the Sagging Middles?? Check out my blog

Word count

34,357 words and 163 pages. I wrote ten pages this morning.  I have been sitting if front of the computer for the past four hours. I do hope that you are able to meet your word count or page quota. Have a great day. check out my other blog:   

I'm a Plotter

Do you plot?  Are you a list maker or are you a panster?  I am a plotter.  I plot out most  of the book, though I do make changes along the way.  I do know the first scene and the last scene.  Sometimes I write the first scene and the last scene, so I know where I am going. Which ever you do, you need to do it.  Don't worry how others are doing it.  Your way is best for you. Let me know how you write?

Writers Write

Published or unpublished, doesn't matter.  If you don't write, you are not a writer.  I read Scott Eagan's Blog every day.   He is running a contest this month.  What struck me was the fact that when he announced the contest, he already had  three entries that he posted. People are out there writing, no matter what.  What are you doing?  I know that it is not easy and would be easier to eat a bag of chips and watch a movie, but if you have the desire to see your name in print, your book at the bookstore, you need to write. So as I am writing this blog, someone is working on their book.  While I am clicking from website  to website, some one is sending out a query letter.  So this is just something to think about, when you don't want to write.  I am still getting up early to write.  This is what I want to do. Are you writing?  Let me know.  We are in this ...


I wrote 5 pages and for some reason the words are just flowing, for now.  I will have this rough draft done by November, then I am going to write another rough draft on a completely different novel, so by January 1st, I will have 2 novels done, rough draft. I realize that most people wouldn't do it this way, But by the time I am 50 I will have 2 novels complete, no matter what.  I do have a problem connecting with people and I have different ways of thinking, so this is what I am doing, right or wrong. What are your goals from now till the end of the year?  What are your goals for the year 2011.  It will be here before you know it.  Start planning now.  2011 is our year. Check out my other blog:    Buy a new 2011 calendar and start making goals for the new year!

Made Quota

I wrote 15 pages this morning.  I have 151 pages in the computer 31,978 words. I have been sitting in front of the computer from 11:30pm till 5:00am. So I am on track. Have you reached your goal today??? Let me know


I am a firm believer in vitamins.  I know working full time and writing before going to work, makes me tired.  Now the weather is changing and I am taking extra vitamin C .  I woke up and my throat is swollen and I am all stuffy.  I do hope it is not a cold, it could be sinus.  So I am a firm beleiver in vitamins.  ansnd taking extra vitaminC.  I do not feel like writing at all.  Project Runway is on and I want to curl up on the couch and do nothing, but that will not get my book written.  So I am blogging first and then going to write. Yesterday I was tired when I got up, I looked at my calendar and thought, I must of been getting up early for at least a month, it has only been three weeks, and I am already tired and feeling sick.  This is not an excuse, but I do believe that we all go through this, the struggle to write when we don't feel good, so take extra vitamins and take care of yourself, cause we need to follow our dream no mat...

Positive Thinking

Failure is not an option.  I have to make myself think positive.  I have to make myself turn the computer on and write.  I am only on week three of getting up early and write.  It is already becoming an effort to get up.  Once I am up, it is an effort to turn the computer on and write.  I do it anyway.  I want to be a writer, it is all up to me.  Not sure how other writer's do it.  This past week, I haven't met my page quota, but I have been writing everyday.  That is what is important.  While I am at work, I repeat. I am a writer.  I have an agent.  I am published.  If I do not do that, then I start doubting myself and that gets me nowhere.  So I have to stay postive and it is all in my thought process. So kick those doubts out of your mind and start replacing them with positive thoughts. Check out my other blog:          


I have to admit that I didn't make my word quota or page quota today.  I made the mistake to blog first and ended up on line for 2 hours. The time I could of used for writing. Oh well, I will make it up.  Have to get ready for work. I will be honest with you, as I go through this writing process.  Check my other blog:      Did you meet you goals today???

Working On More Than One Project

I don't know about you, but I work on more than one project.  I am working hard to finish this rough draft, but I am also working on an entry to a contest and have another book lined up to start when the first one is finished. There is alot of stuff in my head, and I need to get it on paper.  I do not know if this is a good idea, but this is what I do, cause I have voices in my head that want to get out.  I think as long as you write everyday, there is nothing wrong with it, how else does people write four books a year, if they are not  at least taking notes. How many projects are you working on? Check out my other blog:  

Backaches & Sitting Wrong

Yesterday I sat in front of my computer for about 6 hours.  I got up early before I have to go to work and have been at the computer for about 2 hours, and now my back aches.  I know that I don't have a good writing area.  I have a lap top and when I do sit in my office chair, I have the laptop on my lap, and now I have my laptop on  a small table and sitting with no back support.  Now my back hurts. I realize that it is my fault.  Do you have the same problem?  I did write 5 pages this morning, so I met my page quota Check out my other blog   Let me know what you are working on and what your daily quata is.....

Increase Page Count

I feel that I am slacking this week.  So I am planning on increasing my page count.  I have two weeks till I go on vacation and I want to finish the rough draft while I am on vacation.  I need to step it up if I want to finish. I decided to enter Writer's Digest Contest:  11th Annual Writer's Digest Short Story Competition Deadline December 1st   I already have an idea.  The word could is 1,500 words or less, so I can do that. I will work on that also when I am on vacation.  My vacation will be a writing vacation. I am going to write more, and meet my deadline. Check out my other blog   Keep focus......Keep Writing   

Didn't Meet Quota

I only wrote 2 pages when I got up.  I am tired.  I can't think and Project Runway is coming on in 30 minutes.  So I quit at 2 pages.  Somedays are like that and I am not going to beat myself up.  This is just life.I will probable make some notes while watching Project Runway. So if you don't meet your quota, just move on and push yourself harder the next time. Check out my other blog

Rainy Day

Rained here today.  it was a good day to sleep, but I did reach my quota.  I now have 120 pages into the computer and 25,288 words.  I am moving right along. I haven't watched tv or the news so I do not know what is going on, but my writing is going well and that is what is important to me.  Writing is a job.  You have to show up and produce, just like any job.  some days it is fun and the time flies by and other days, it is not so fun and the words do not come.  I am doing my best and that is all I can ask of myself.  I don't beat myself up if I don't meet my quota, cause life does get in the way. Do you think your wititng is a job???/ Let me know Check out my other blog

Following Your Dream

We all want to do something.  Whether it is writing a book, making a quilt, or gardening.  What ever your dream is, it is up to you to prusue it.  No one cares if you follow your dream, except you. No one cares that I get up early to write, before I go to work , except me.  i care.  That is what drives me, and the fact that I will be turning 50 in 6 months.  Hard to believe that I will be 50 and there are certain things I want to do, before I turn 50.  I will have 2 manuscripts complete in 6 months and that is all up to me.  No one else.  If I fail to write, life will go on, but it will be me that will care.  So I don't really talk about I write or do, except here.  People want you to fail.  So be careful who you tell, cause people don't want to suceed.  For example if you are loosing weight there are people who will sabatoge you.  So follow your dream, but protect it and show to everyone that you can do succeed ....

Chapter Seven

I am now on Chapter Seven.   I only wrote about 4 pages before I went to work and when I got home I wrote three more.  So I am moving along.  Over 22,000 words.  i am excited, but I know that I have a lot of rewriting to do and not to mention the synposis.  What is your word count????/

22,000 Words

Two weeks, I have written 22,000 words.  104 pages.  Who knew I could go this? Yes I have a headache.  Yes I am tired.  Yes I have to go to work in a few hours.  What is more important?  Sleep or Writing? That is a good question.  I do like my sleep, but I need to write.  So I say writing. When I get off work this morning I will write 5 more pages.  It is baby steps.  One page at a time.  It all adds up. Keep Writing Check out my other blog

Up Early

I got up at 8:00pm.  I did and with in an hour, I wrote 6 pages and am now blogging.  That is a good thing.  I am on chapter 6 and have 100 pages into the computer and 21,055 words. Yea!!!!! I have printed out the first chapter that I will take to work, and reread and start on my rewriting.  I am consumed with this story.  While I am at work, I am thinking about the story and make notes on my breaks. Am I tired?  Yes I am, but Editors and Agents are looking for contemporary romances so it is now or never I feel.  I know that I have a lot to do, but this is my time. Is this your time?  Is it now or never??? Let me know

Sleep Overated

I slept for a few hours and got up, and just wrote 6 more pages.  I have 94 pages into the computer with 19,769 words I will go back to bed so I can work tonight. Maybe this writing is consuming me.  I do hope so cause that is the only way I will be able to get it writtem. As usual, another story is creeping into my thoughts.  This happens all the time, I get into the story and another story pops in my head and then I start on that story.  Not this time.  I am going to write till this rough draft is done.  do I have a social life?  No?  Do I go out?  No  Do I have friends?  Not many.  Do I want to be a writer?  More than anything, so I will sleep alittle and write a lot and finish this story.  This is what I want.  I am going for it. Follow me on this path to publication.

Didn't Make Page Quota

I wrote 10 pages this morning.  I was shooting for 20.....I will still have this evening when I get up before work.  I have 90 pages into the computer.  I need a better chair and set up cause my neck and back hurts. Hope you meet your quota today.  Let me know


I am on the internet before I met my page quota.  I needed to check my e-mail, so I decided to get that out of the way, before I start writing. My goal this morning is 20 pages.  It will e an effort, so wish me luck.  I will let you know  how I do.

Struggling to Meet Page Quota

An hour and a half to write five pages.  I got up early.  But it was not easy but I made my quota and that is all that matters. 80 pages  16,766  Working on chapter 5 I need to keep going and see this through, even though I do not want to get up or write for that matter. I will finish this by November, no matter what.  Project Runway is on so I did my writing and now do not feel guilty watching Project Runway cause I met my quota. Reward yourself when you meet your quota Check out my other blog

Start Blogging

If you want to write, meet deadlines, and have people read what you write.  Get a blog.  It makes you turn on the computer and write something and you will have someone reading your work.  You will be meeting your own deadlines.  It is good practice. You can also guest blog on other people's blog.  So think about it.  Write everdyay.  Give yourself a reason  to write. No more excuses.

Word Count

I got up at 8:30pm and did not want to get up,  I did, and I turned on my computer and did my five pages.  Took me an hour, but I do feel better that I made my quota and didn't just lay on the couch and flip channels.  I think I will have 400 pages by November or sooner.  This story is consumming me.  I have to get ready to go to work i a bit, but I am still thinking about it while I am at work.  I have plotted out the next five chapters, so I won't have to stop and plot, I can just keep wriitng.  I am a plotter and not a pantster.   I have written 75 pages since September 9th and have written 15,928 words.  that is good for me. I welcome all of you who are visiting my blog.  Let me know what you think or what you would like to know about writing.  We are on this jourgney together. Join me. Check out my other blog:

Keep Writing

I made my quota this morning.  I wrote 12 pages in total this morning.  70 pages in 9 days.  If I can do this.  You can.  Just put a couple of hours in each day.  Think of it as a part time job.  Get up early or stay up late.  Write on your break, lunch hour, or waiting for the kids.  Turn the television off and stop surfing the net till you make your word or page quota.  I am not saying that this is easy but if you want to be a writer, this is what we have to do.  Let me know how what you do to make time to write.

Struggling to Write.

Took me over an hour to write 5 pages.  It is getting harder and longer to write my pages.  I did make my quota and plan to go back and write 5 more pages, since I am off this morning.  I got up to early, but I was laying in bed, thinking I should get up and get writing.  This is not an easy process.  I struggle with this, and wonder how others can write 3 or 4 books a year when I am struggling to just finish one.  I am still on course, but it is something that I think about all day. Are you struggling?  Let me know.  I know that I can not be alone in this. Check out my other blog:

Staying the Course

I didn't want to get up early tonight.  I laid in bed and could of slept for another hour, but I rolled over and got up.  Wrote my five pages and I do believe that my writing is better.  I now have threee chapters into the computer 58 pages.  That is pretty good for me.  So it just wants me to write more.  The story is in my head, I just have to get it out.  So I am staying in course and I know that I will stray, but I am going to do my best to finish this book, write the synopsis and start looking for an agent. I do hope you will join me on the journey.  I hope that what I am doing will inspire you to write that book that you always wanted to.  If I can write 58 pages in a week.....You can also.  5 pages a day....A few extra pages on your day off.  Let me know how you are doing.