Publish A Short Story Within A Month A few years ago when I wrote the Zombie Series Me VS Zombies I wrote a short story every month and published a short story every month. I am working on a new series, and I wanted to write and publish a short story, to get my series going. Yesterday I wrote 6,000 words, It is a rough draft, but I kept writing until I got the jest of the story. The short story will be around 10,000 words when all is said and done. This book is going to be a book I will put on Amazon for FREE when the other books are published. The back matter of the book with have my Bio. I am going to write a Bio which will be the same for all the future books. Where to Find Me Page Where to Find All My Books I am thinking of this book as an Introduction To The Series. My goal is have it published in September. I am thinking of publishing other short stories between the longer books, so the readers will stay interest...
I am a writer. I have to live to write. Writing is part of me. I have over 50 E-Books and print books on Amazon. I am a self-publisher. I do it myself with out being in debt. This is my life, A Writers, Life. Welcome to my World.