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Showing posts from 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I will not be a round for a couple of weeks.  The holidays are here and I need to spend them with my family and friends.  I do hope you all have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Keep writing and we will be published in 2013 I have already started on Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies Talk you next year All E-Books are 99 Cents    Pick up a copy and enjoy the holidays

Like MY Cover Or Not????

What do you think of this Cover???  I like it.  first Episode of the Series????
Tell me which one you like the best

Staying on Deadline

I finished the rough draft of the 2nd Episode of Me VS Zombies  I am ahead on my schedule for writing in 2013.  I started a early, but I need to keep up the writing pace in order to reach my goals at the end of the year of 2013. I may not publish all the episodes in 2013, but they will be finished.  Working with an Editor is going to slow down the publishing process, but it is worth it.  That doesn't mean that I am not writing.  One manuscript at the Editor, I am then working on the next Episode.  Plotting the next Episode.  I am totally focused on this series and am thinking about it all the time, even when I am not writing. Holidays are here.  I am trying to get ahead of my writing, since I know that I will not be on the computer for a few days.  I have my notebook and will be writing long hand. Don't make excuses.  Write everyday, even if  it is one word or 5,000 words. If you are not thinking big, then you are not...

Mock Cover

I recieved three mock covers to look at.  I am so excited.  I liked all three of them and decided on the one that I liked the best. I think it is important to have the cover before you book is written, or have someone working on it while you are writing.  That way, you have a deadline.  You are excited about the cover and want to finish the story so you can post the cover.  It is your cover.  Have it the way you want it.  If your story is finished and you don't have a cover, that will slow you down in publishing.  I had one of my Zombie stories without a cover.  I haven't sold that many copies and I feel that it is because of the cover.  Having a good cover is important.  So look around and find someone to do your cover before you book is finished. I should have the manuscript back from the editor sometime this week.  By the end of the week I should have the cover and the manuscript from the Editor. I have 9,000 words o...

Up Date On My Progress

Christmas is just around the corner.  That is not a reason not to write. Holidays is not an excuse.  Here is my update.  1.  Still waiting to hear from my Editor.  She is editing my manuscript Me VS Zombies 2.  Wrote 7,000 words so far on Episode 2 of Me VS Zombies 3.  Plotted out Episode 3 of Me VS Zombies 4.  Finished writing the rough draft of Undead Hunters with Stephen Ormsby 5.  Still waiting to see my cover for Me VS Zombies. Keep writing.  The new year is upon us and this is the year to write and get published  

Notebook In Hand

After I finished writing the other day. I was not sure what was going to happen next.  I took a notebook and curled up in a chair, in slilence.  No tv, no radio.  The computer was off.  I just sat there with pen in hand and a notebook on my lap.  I started to write and the words flow and then I knew what direction to take next. I am usually a plotter but this time for some reason, I am just letting the story take me.  Sometimes I have to sit in silence and listen to my characters.  They know what they want to do and where they want to go. I am going to have to do this more oftern.  Right now I am sitting in siloence.  all I can hear is the furnace running, to keep me warm.  I am a lone with my thoughts and characters.  Sometimes that is all I need to get the story finished. I am writing my second episode of Me VS Zombies First episode is with the Editor. I had 7,000 words on the second episode, but I deleted 2,000 words ...

Heard From My Editor

I heard from my editor.  I was very nervous about seeing what she had to say.  To my surprise, she liked my story.  Yes she did edit it, but she didn't rip it apart. I urge everyone to find an editor to get a fresh look at you story.  She sent me a few pages to see if I liked what she was doing.  So it will be a few days tilll I recieve it back. I am contiuing to work on Episode 2 of Me VS Zombies.  This is the first time that I am not plotting it out.  I am writing to see where the story takes me.  I am just letting the words flow.  I have wrote 1,000 words today.   I am not counting the words that I blog, just on my story.  I wanted to write more, but I still have a few hours to go.  Make 2013 your year to get published.

Word Count

I have just wrote 2,000 pages in one sitting.  My butt is sore.  I have the first episode of Me VS Zombies at the Editors.  I am waiting on pins and needles to see what she has to say.  She is also working on my book cover.  Waiting to see what she comes up with.  I am very excited.  I have today and tomorrow off and I plan on writing and nothing else.  I plan to have the rough draft of the second episode of Me VS Zombies done by the time my days become a memory. I do hope I can keep up this writing pace for a year.  I think it will make me a faster and more displine writer. I have talked to other people who say they want to write, but they are busy or are not in the mood.  I am doing this.  2013 is my year and no one is going to tell me other wise.  I write at home.  I write and work.  I write in the car.  There is no excuse not to write, though I may regret saying that, but that is my way of thinking at t...

Write 10 E-Books In One Year

                                                       GOAL FOR 2013                                                           ME VS ZOMBIES    Jan:  Publish Episode 1 Of Me VS Zombies....Write Episode 2 Feb:  Edit Episode 2...Write Episode 3 March:  Publish Episode 2....Edit Episode 3 April Publish Episode 3....Write Episode 4 May:  Edit Episode 4...Episode 5 June:  Publish Episode 4...E...

My New Slogan

I have a new slogan: IF YOU ARE NOT THINKING BIG   YOU ARE NOT THINKING I heard this on a talk show and I loved it.  This is my new slogan. Think Big....OR....GO Home I have taken the limits off of me.  I am not thinking of writing 1 book....I am thinking writing 10 books. I am not thinking of selling 1,000 books I am thinking on selling a million books. Stop thinking small or just about today, Start thinking about tomorrow and beyond... The new year is around the corner.  What do you have planned for 2013?? Think Big If you are not thinking big then nothing will happen in your life What do you what to happen in 2013?????

Editing/ Rewriting

I have been editing and rewriting my first episode of Me VS Zomies.  Last night I wrote 3,000 words and I think I deleted that many words.  My word count went up and down as I was writing and rewriting.  In the end I didn't increase the word count, but the story was better and it is getting closer to send it to the editor.  I just reread it and added another 1,000 words to night.  So I guess that is the life of the writer.  It is all about putting words on paper or the screen. Look for it by February 2013 How will I survive being alone with Zombies????

Write 1 Short Story A Month

This is my goal for 2013.  I am writing a new Series  Me VS Zombies  It is going to be 12 Episodes.  I plan on writing an episode a month.  I will publish them as I go.  I have the first episode done.  Though I am still editing it and add ing scenes so far it is about 12,000 words.  I am a head of schedule.  I will write an episode a month.  That does not mean that it will be ready to publish.  I will have the rough draft done.  I am shooting .. 20,000 words per Episode.  This way, I will have a deadline to meet,  I won't be stressed over  a 100,000 word novel, and I will have something to publish every other month.  The holidays will be over in 4 weeks and then I will be able to put all my energy into my wriitng. Want to publish 5-10 E-Books in the year 2013???? This is how to do it.  Write short stories and get them on line.  My Zombie Zoo series I have 5 of them on line. Get business c...

I'm a Guest Bloggercheck out

Check out   I am guest blogging there.  Very exciting.  This is my first time being a guest blogger and I invite you to stop by.  Leave a comment and let me know what you think. I took a chance and put myself out there.  Let me know what you think


I have been sititng in front of the computer for the past 3 hours.  I have been editing my short story first of the series  Me VS Zombies.  Then I worked on my guest blog for Emerald Barnes.  Then I checked my e-mail.  So I am getting alot done today. I have made deadlines for myself.  I am going to stay on track if I can .  I do not like to edit at all.  I am going to have someone edit my short story, but I still have to edit it.   I want it complete enough so when I get the story back it will only be grammar problems to fix.  If all goes well then I will have the first episode of Me VS Zombies up in January.  I am already working on the Second Episode of Me VS Zombies and if all goes well then That will be up in February or March.   I am very excited about what my cover designer comes up with.  I will share that with you when I get it, might not be till January, cause of the holidays.  I would sugges...

Not Writing In Order

I am working on Me VS Zombies.  I then thought I needed to work on the next episode of Me VS Zombies.  Good thing I did.  I came up with some ideas that I need to include in the first episode so the second episode will make sense. So I have the rough draft of the first episode of Me VS Zombies and am working on the second episode of Me VS Zombies.  I want to get the two published back to back.  Not much time in between the two episodes, so why not start on the second one??? As long as I write I am working toward my goal.  My goal is to get 10 E-books published in the year 2013.  Not sure I will do it, but that is my goal. By January I will have 2 episodes done and will work with an editor for the final edit.  You need to love your story.  Love what you do.  I love my stories and the words just flow. So I might not  be writing in order or maybe I am just writing, but I need to get the words on paper and see where the story ...

I Am A Guest Blogger

I have great news.  I am now a regular guest blogger at I will let you know my post date.  I am so excited.  I sent her a post for December and she loved it.  This validates that I am a writer/blogger.  I always wanted to be a guest blogger.  Merry Christmas to me. Now the fear creeps in and the self doubts.  I now have to come up with a montly post.  I need to start thinking. Add to my list for 2013 Guest blogger every month All I can say is that you need to put yourself out there.  Do Not be afraid of rejection.  If I didn't put myself out there, I would not be published and I would not be a guest blogger.  write that story and get it published.  Never know where that will lead you. 2013 is a new year.  Take a step out of your comfort zone and get published. I am a guest blogger how cool is that???? ...

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Everyone has a sale going on.  I am selling all my e-books for 99 Cents  Check out my website     Hope you all have a good thanksgiving.  Me being a vegetarina I did not have turkey.  I haven't had turkey since I was about 10.  I don't miss turkey or any meat.  Why kill something to eat when you don't have to.  I don't get it.  That is okay.  I had pie for Thanksgiving. Get out there and promote your book for Black Friday/ Cyber Monday Twitter and Facebook get your name and website out there.  I am no expert on twitter.  Don't really understand twitter , but what I do know is that the more I twitter, the more I sell.  If anyone has advice on how to be a better twitter, please leave a comment and let us know.  There is a small window open to promote for the holidays, so go out and promote your book you are the only one that can

Get Published in 2013

Want to get published in 2013??? Came to the right place   I published 8 E- Books and 3 Print books withing one year.  Follow me as I publish 3 e-books the first of 2013: 1.  I have been working with Stephen Ormsby for the past couple of months We have a rough draft finish.  We have a short story to be released within the next few weeks and a short story that will be published shortly after the  book. 2.  I will have a short story published, in a new series Me VS Zombies 3.  I will have a how to do book coming out by June  How I wrote 11 Books Within One Year I have someone working on my book cover 4.  Should have 3 books published with Stephen Ormsby  2 short stories and full length novel 5.  2 of my own books  5 altogether by June.  half of the year is over 6.  Planning on having at least two more short stories for Me VS Zombies Series 7  ...

Blogging, Tweeting, Deadlines & Holidays

Who has time to do it all?  I don't.  I want to write.  I need to promote my books.  I have deadlines to meet and oh yea there is that day, Called Thanksgiving and oh yea something about Christmas shopping, people around me except me to buy a present and hand it to them on Christmas day.  What is a writer to do????  I keep writing one word at a time.  I know that the holidays are here and they will suck your time out of you.  Stay focus.  I plan on having 3 books out the first of the year. I have created deadlines for me.  I have someone doing my covers and someone editing my manuscript.  If I miss the deadline then I am messing up their schedule.  I am not going to let the holidays get to me.  I will get things done, but my writing comes first.  That and my day job (of course). Stop watching those commericials and stop surfing the net.  Focus on what is important to you.  Meeting my deadlines is imp...

Selling Books

There is no magical formula for selling books.  I wish I had the formual.  All I know is that if I give up I will no longer sell books. I sell books every month and I recieve monthly royality checks, but I am not where I want to be.   I am not going to give up. I do a happy dance everytime I sell a book.  I do a special dance when I sell a print book.  Some days I do a lot of dancing. You can't sell your books if they are not online to sell. You can't sell your books if you quit and give up because you are having a bad month. I love being an indie writer.  I will always be publishing more books and doing more happy dances with each sale. Happy Selling

Be Thankful

Thankgiving Day is upon us.  Here in the states,  Thanksgiving Day is Thursday.  Sad it takes a holiday to be thankful.  As the holidays come upon be thankful for what you have.  Help others. I am willing to help any writer out there to get published as an indie writer.  If you post questions leave comments, I will answer any questions you may have.  If I have the answer I will answer it. If I can get published  So can you I have 8 E-BOOKS AT WWW.AMAZON.COM 3 PRINT BOOKS AT WWW.AMAZON.COM IF I CAN DO THIS SO CAN YOU LET 2013 BE THE YEAR YOU GET PUBLISH You deserve to be published Be thankful for what you have and do something for yourself.  Get Published Today

Admit That You Are A Writer

Don't be a closet writer.  When someone asks what you do, tell them you are a writer.  Whip out your business card and hand it to them.  Tell them where your books are.  You are a writer and you need to come out of the closet. I was at work.  I have waited on this customer for over a year.  We chat, Hi how are ya?  The the other day....I discovered that he is a writer.  I whipped out my business card.  He said that he was thinking of going to a vanity press, as he was leaving.  I yelled   "No don't do that.  We need to talk." I know have a writer friend.  He knows about website and computers.  I help him he will help me.  I am no longer a closet writer. I am proud that I am a writer.  I carry business cards wherever I go. has great deals on promo items.  So there is no excuse tos say you can not affrord them.  I talk about my writing to a select few and you ...

Working On A Deadline

I am now on deadline.  I have three books that I am working on.  1st book that I am co-authoring with Stephen Ormsby.  I am writing a new series Me VS Zombies also I am writing on a non-fiction book on how Iwrote 10 books in one year. I have a woman working on my covers for the Zombie book and non-fiction book. I also her editing my two books.  So it is not just me anymore.  I have someone else who is going to work with me to get these two books published. I made a deadline and if I don't make it, then it effects her life as well.  I have given myself enough time, but if I slack off, I won't make it...  I have a DEADLINE and it feels great.  I am a published writer and I am treating my writing as a job. I know the holidays are coming and there will be excuses on why I can not write.  In my world, there is no excuse not to write. So join me on this jourgney as I get these books published and meet my deadline. I might not pub...

Writing 12 Hours A Day

I had my two days off.  I wrote 12 hours on both days.  I can not wait till I can stay home and write everyday.  I accomplished a lot in the last two days.  But as usual, I have to go back to my job that pays my bills. I know that we are all in the same boat.  Finding time to write. I find that right when I get up is the best time for me to write.  I don't do anything else.  I get up grab something to drink, which is a soda....I know it is not healthy, but it wakes me up.  Turn the computer on and start writing. I get up a bit early to write before I go to work.  I while I am on my breaks.  I carry my notebook with me everywhere I go.  I don't care what others think.  I am a writer and I am going to write whenever and wherever. How can I write 12 hours on my day off?  I treat is as a job.  I do it, whether I feel like it or not.  I make a list of what I need to do before my days off so when I get up, I kn...

Let Nothing Get In Your Way

Yesterday I wrote 3,000  words. Today I wrote 2,000 words. I use my days off to write.  I write in long hand during the week.  Make notes and have a list of what to work on when I am off work.  I get up and I grab something to drink and start writing.  I do nothing else first thing that will distract me from writing. If I start doing something else, I will not write.  I learned it is the best time for me to write...Write when I first wake up.  So that is what I do. Yesterday I got up at nine at night. and wrote till five in the morning.  I wrote 3,000 words, I blogged I promoted my book on line.   Tonight I got up at eight at night and have been writing for the past four hours.  Time goes quickly for me when I write. You might say that you have a family, children, older parents and you can not do that.  That is fine.  You need to find out what works for you.  I work nights.  On my nights off I do no...

Just Write

What are you waiting for????  Have you wrote today? Why Not?? Walking starts with one step at a time Writing starts with one word at a time. Putting words on paper or on the computer screen is not that hard. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Step one.  Write one sentence.  Experience how good that feels.  Once you start writing you will want to continue to write. check out my website   See what I wrote in one year. 8 E-Books  and 3 of those books are also in print I wrote 8 E-books in one year and so can you.  I also am co-authoring a book with another author and the rough draft is finished in one month.  One month I helped write a rough draft of a book that will become a series. I work full time and write when I can.  If you want to write, get published then this is the spot to find out how to do it. Grab a notebook.  best time to stock up on spiral notebooks and...

Beta Readers

I always had a famliy member read my writing.  I never had anyone want to read my writing, till now.  Someone showed interest in my writing and agreed to read it for free.  I am very excited.  So don't be afraid to talk about your writing and let someone read it. I am gratefrul for some one's insight that is not related to me. So I thank all the Beta Readers out there, for their time and effort and honesty. I write and am thrilled that someone wants to read what I write. 

Holiday Specials


To Little Time To Write

I never have enough time to write.  My job that pays the bills get in the way.  I am working on a Zombie Story.  I am working on co-authouring a book with Stephen Ormsby.  I am working on a non-fiction book about my life struggles.  I think it will help others.  I feel that my life is a lifetime movie. I will not give up my writing.  I write in my car.  I write at work.  I write on my days off.  I write, I blog.  When I am not writing, I am thinking about writing. I know the holidays are here and there is less time to write.  I will squeeze every second out to find time to write.  That is the only way to get the story finished. We all struggle with balancing our writing with our lives.  The answer is different for everyone.  Figure out what works for you and go for it. There is a story in all of us.  Write your story.  

Write Everyday

Writing is like taking a shower.  You need to do it everyday.  Writing is like eating.  You need to do it everyday. Writing is like breathing.  You need to do it every second. Writing is like living.  It is something we do. Think about it.Think about what you do everyday, You know it needs to be done. That is how I feel about writing.  I write everyday, as if my life depends on it.  It is like eating and breathing.  It is a way of life.  Writing is what I do.  What do you do. I am a writer.  I am an Indie Writer.  I am a Zombie Writer. Welcome to Zombie Zoo Have a Happy Zombie Day

Zombiea Are Hungry

Thanksgiving is less than 3 weeks away and Zombies are waiting to be invited to dinner.  Holidays are among us and that is not an excuse not to write.  Write more and then you will not feel guilty about eating and spending time with family.  I am writing more than ever and my books are increasing and it is going to be a great holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that has been effected by Hurricane Sandy.  I have not forgotten about you. I am working on a romantic Zombie comedy and a short strory of my fishing trip when Zombies took over the boat. What is a girl to do. So I write and attempt to kill zombies.  Kill or to be killed and I don't want the Zombies to win.' So check out My Zombie Books Welcome to Zombie Zoo Have a Holdiday Speial on all Zombie Books  check out my website Happy ...

Halloween Is Here

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GET YOUR ZOMBIE ON Order any copy of my Zombie Books Today  All 99 Cents for halloween Zombie Zoo is open for vistors

Hurriccane Sandy

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that has been affected by Hurriccane Sandy.  No words can say how you must feel, but know that you are not alone.  GOD is with you.  America is with you You are not alone.  GOD BLESS


If you are a writer, then you probably heard the word Brand, tossed around.  I know that I have 3 print books out and all three are different,  One is a non fiction book  My Bible--My God one is a romance novel  Always & Forever and the last one is Welcome to Zombie Zoo a Zombie Novel I think I know what I want my brand to be  I am a Zombie Writer.  I have about 3 more Zombie books comingout  I do believe I found my brand. I enjoy writing zombie books.  I think one must enjoy what they write. Not sure how I stumbled upon this but I must confess I am a Zombie Writer What is your brand?????  

Happy Halloween

GET YOUR ZOMBIE ON All my zombie books are on my website.  It is Halloween and Zombies are out wandering around looking for you. What would you do if you saw a Zombie????  What would you do if you killed a Zombie????  Would you tell anyone???? Something to think about.  The time is here.  Zombies are looking for human flesh.  My choice of weapon is a hammer or tire iron.  That would be easy for me to handle and carry.  What is your choice of weapom? I love a good Zombie Movie and there are a lot to choose from.  Read a Zombie story watch a Zombie movie, Either way have A Happy Zombie Halloween

Be An Indie Writer

This year is almost over.  The Holidays are upon us and everyone will be busy and one will use the holidays as an excuse not to write. There are no excuses not to write.  Start making goals for next year. 1.  Publish that Book 2  Buy a Canendar to keep track of your process 3.  Get an author page on facebook 4.  Tell someone about your goal, so now you have to follow through 5.  Have faith in yourself Write everyday, weather it is one word or 5,000 words.  Write everyday.  You are a writer.  Say that to yourself and Believe it. I am a writer I am a Published Writer I am an Indie Writer I will not give up I am a bestselling writer. Be an Indie Writer  It can start today

Get Up Early/ Stay Up Late

The only way to finish a story or novel is to get up early or stay of late.  Stop watching television.  I know that watching televison is my down fall.  I start watching it and then the next thing I know my writing time is gone. Find out what is zapping your writing time.  Figure out if you write better in the morning or late at night.  I write better, right when I get up.  I get up and I write before I do anything else.  Do this for you.  don't right for fame and fortune.  Write cause you want to write.  No one cares if you are loosing sleep.  No one cares that stopped watching television.  This is your dream, your desire.  It matters to you. I write cause this is what I want to do.  I do a happy dance everytime I sell a book.  I do not do this for anyone else, cause frankly, no one really cares if I write or not.  Sure, someone might if I start making millions.  For now I get up early before I...

3 Print Books & 8 E-Books In One Year

I am not famous.  You may never of heard of me.  You found me for a reason.  I am a writer.  An Indie writer.  I write everyday and I have published 3 print books and have 8 E-Books on, in one year. My first book My Bible--My God My Second Book  Always & Forever I did that in 2011 2012 I started Zombie Zoo Series I am now almost down with the first draft of a book I am co-authoring with Stephen Ormsby.  How did I do this all in one year?? I work a full time job.  I need more sleep than 6 hours.  So I write when I can.  I am stubborn and determined to be published and sell books on Did I know what I was doing when I started, not a thing.  I had my file formatted and I had no idea what to do when I recieved the file.  So if you think you can not do this, I am here to say If I can you can.  I ...

First Draft In A Month

I am co-authoring a book with stephen Ormsby and we will have the first draft down in the end of the month.  Who would of thought.  Not me.  I went in this with no thought and we didn't even know each other.  To my surprise, it is working out.  We are on the same page and and are not afraid to tell what we are thinking. So this is a good thing for me.  The fact that we are writing so fast means that we have time to work on our own writing, plus get this book published.  It is a series and we already are plotting the next book out.  so this is very exciting. I will tell you that since I started co-authoring a book , my writing time has increased.  I am more productive.  I have some one to answer to and I am realizing that my ideas are not that crazy and some one likes my writing and ideas.  It is giving me more self esteem and the will to write more. You might want to think about co-authoring a book.  You don't have to giv...

Word Count

I wrote 5,000 words today.  Not sure what happened to me, but I can't seem to stop writing.  I have been writing and blogging for the past 12 hours. It has been a great day and am thrilled at what I have accomplished .  This does not happen very often, but I know what I want to do and I have deadlines in my head and if I don't write I will not make my deadline.  No one is making me write.  It is what I want to do. What did you do today??? How many words did you write today?

5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Co-Authoring a Book

I am co-writing a book with someone on the other side of the world.  Stephen Ormsby.  I jumped into this without much thought.  So far it is working.  We are more than half way through the first draft.  Somethings to consider before jumping into writing a book. 1.  Stay true to your Morals and Beliefs.  Make sure that the two of you are on the same page with the tone of the story, 2.  Determine a schedule.  Stephen and I do not have a schedule and that is working for us at the moment.  Do you want to work on the book everyday and neglect your other writing?? 3.  Do you like the story line?  Is a series and are you willing to commit to a series??? 4.  Is your family on board???  Are they willing to let you write guilt free, cause now you have someone to answer to , besides yourself 5.  Can you accept that your partner will rewrite your scene???

Get Your Zombie On

Halloween is here and what better time than to get in the mood. Get your Zombie On.  Zombie Zoo Zombie Zoo Episode 2 Zombie Zoo No Rules/No Laws Zombie Zoo A New Breed of Zombies Zombie Zoo  Frozen Zombies Welcome to Zombie Zoo GET YOUR ZOMBIE ON. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL   All E-BOOKS  99 CENTS Welcome To Zombie Zoo also in Print form  HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Writing Dreams Coming True

My writing career is moving right along.  Faster than I thought it would.  I am co-authoring a book with Stephen Ormsby.  We now have Beta Readers who are willing to read our work in their spare time.  How cool is that??? Never give up on your dream.  Don't be afraid to take chances.  I have never co-authored a book before, but so far it is working on.  We seem to think alike.  If you give up you will never know what might of happened. So I write everyday, I look to GOD and ask him to guide me. One word at a time.

What Are You Waiting For?

I have waited all my life to be published.  I am now a published writer.  I am an indie writer and I have seen my dream come true. What are you waiting for.  Get published today.  If I can do it, you can do it.  I will answer any questions that you may have, if I have the answer.  I write everyday.  No matter what.  No matter how I feel.  It might be 20 words or it might be 3,000 words, but I write something everyday.  Allyou have to do is write and you are a writer.  Set up a face book page, to join the social media Set up a twitter account step up a blog here on blogspot and you are now on social media. It is that easy. You will have to give up somethings to fit your writing schedule into your daily schedule and when you see the pages add up, you will want to write more to finish the story. What are you waiting for??? twitter @dogbone61

Holiday Books

Holidays are coming.  Buy a book for someone.  I have three books in print form Always And Forever   Paranormal Romance My Bible--My God    How the Bible saved my life Welcome To Zombie Zoo These 3 books are in PRINT FORM AND E-BOOK FORM   E-Books only 99 Cents each Check out all my E-Books and print books at Get ready for the Holidays order your copy today HAPPY READING twitter @dogbone61 

Stories Unfinished

How many stories do you have that are not finished??? I have to many to count.  I have a notebook of ideas. I have good ideas, but are they worth writing about??? I believe they are worth writing. I plan on writing my stories till I die.  I will not stop writing. Are yor writing to get rich or writing to live??? I am writing cause that is what I do. I will continue to write stories that I may not finish. I will write stories and publish them. That is what writers do.  We write.  If you write, then you are a writer. Welcome to Zombie Zoo Twitter @dogbone61

Writing When Sick

I have been sick this week.  Cold, stuffy nose and all the fun things that go along with that.  I still went to work and I still wrote.  My mind was fuzzy and it was hard to focus, but I did struggle on. I wrote in long hand ever chance I had.  I didn't sit in front of the computer was way to tired.  Bit I could lean back on the pillows and write in long hand.  I wrote at work while I was at lunch and on my breaks. So I was still writing and it kept my mind off on how terrible I felt. Then when I did feel better I just typed my notes into the computer and kept on writing.  We all get sick.  The cold and flu season is here, but we can write through it.  the story must be written and I am not going to let the cold get the best of me. Welcome to Zombie Zoo Twitter @dogbone61

Co-Authoring A Book

Would you write a book with someone you don't know, never met and just met on the internet? Think about that.  Would you co-author a book with a total stranger? That is what I am doing.  I have put my other book aside to work on a new story with another author.  We are 5,000 words into the book and plan on finishing the book by the end of the year.  That is a lot of writing to do for the next three months. I will keep you posted on the progress.  I will keep you posted on the ups and downs and if we meet our deadline Welcome To Zombie Zoo Always & Forever My Bible--My God

One Word At A Time

Writing is just like walking.  One step at a time.  You will get to your destination.  One word at a time, you willl get to the end of the story and that is all that matters.  Doesn't matter how long it takes. I know that some writers write 10,000 words a day and others write less some write more.  The important thing to do is to write no matter what. I write ever day.  I might write 50 words or I might write 3,000 words, but the important thing is that I am writing and that is fine with me.  Some days the words flow and others they don't .  Not sure why, but that is life.  So I continue to write till the story is finished.  I have 5 short stories up and 3 books within two years.  I think that is good.   I don't compare myself to others or their progress.  I go at the pace that works for me.  I am working on two different stories and will have them up next year.  S...

Writing As You Go

I have working on a new story.  I like it and things were going good, then the ideas stopped and I need to figure out what to do next.  I know how the story will end, but now I have to fill in the middle.  So I need to outline and plot out the rest of the story. I love the process of writing.  I love what I write.  So this is what I do. How do you create your stories????? Have any questions let me know and maybe I can help you get that story written. Welcome to Zombie Zoo

10 Things I Do Before Writing A Story

1.  Figure out the word count.  short story?  Full length novel? 2.  Plot Points,  Major events that change the course of the story. 3.  Character Charts. 4.  I write the first and last scene. 5.  Find the tone of the story.  Light and funny or dark and scary? 6.  Have the book cover in my head to match the tone of the story.  I already have someone working on the cover even though it might be 5 months before the book is finished 7.  Set up writing schedule, so I know when the book will be finished.  Helps keep me on track. 8.  I don't talk about my story to anyone.  I write the story first 9.  Plot out the book.  Break it down into chapters and then scene by scene. That way, I know where I am going and won't get stuck 10.  Beleive in your story.  If I don't believe in my story, no one else will Welcome to...

Staring At A Blank Screen

Has that ever happened to you?  Staring at the computer screen and the blinking curser, that is mocking you. You have no idea what is going to happen next to your character.  You want to stop writing, but you don't.  Something is driving you to finish the strory.  You are a writer.  That is what you do.  You do not give up.  That is what Writer's do. So I am sitting alone at my computer, thinking of what will happen next in my story.  I will not quit.  I am not going to give up.  Whether I sell a book or not, is not why I write.  I write cause I am a writer. Why do you write???? So the next time you are staring at a blank computer screen and the blinking curser is mocking you, just smile, knowing you are not a lone.  Writers stare at the blank screen, till we fill the screen with words. Welcome To Zombie Zoo ...

Write What Are You Waiting For?

Do you want to write?  Have a book idea?  Don't know where to start?????? Put words on paper.  There is no right or wrong way to write a book, short story.  I think there are a few questions to ask yourself before you start a story. 1.  How long is the story?  1,000 words or 100,000 words.  2.  Do you know how it starts and ends???  That way you won't write yourself in a corner.  Your story will have some direction 3.  Who is the Hero and Herione? 4.  Setting.  Where is the story taking place and time 5.  Story Goal. Something to think about. There is better time to be a writer, than now.  What are you waiting for Welcome to Zombie Zoo Twitter @dogbone61 

My Characters Are Real People

I feel that my characters are real people.  They have to be, cause they talk to me all day.  Tell me what to write.  Tell me how to get them out of a situation.  Does your characters talk to you?????? They are screaming for their story to be told.  I have to write their story or they will never leave me alone.  I need more time to write, cause my characters want more time with me to tell their story.  The only way I will have more time to write is to quit my day job and at this point that is not an option, but I will say in a year or so, it will be an option so until then I will just have to let my characters talk and scream at me till their story is written. I love my chararcters.  I love characters in film and in books so to me Characters are alive in real, if we let them be. Welcome to Zombie Zoo twitter@dogbone61

Co-Authoring A Book

I am not sure how this happened, but I think I am co-authoring a book with a fellow writer.  I have never done this before, so I have no idea what it will be like or how it will work. What I can tell you, it that I will keep you posted on how it goes and the process that we use to get the story written.  I am all for new ideas and ways to get my work out to the public.  One never knows what book will get the readers attention. I am still going to write and publish the next two stories that I am working on, plus this book.  Has any of you been asked to co-author a book???? I am not worried about whose name will be first or how to split the royalities, I think that will all find its own way.  first we have to get the book written.  I will keep you posted.  When I have my two days off, I will be typing my hand written pages into the computer  So leave a comment and let me know what you are working on http:/...

Writing Wher Ever /When Ever

I don't care where I write, as long as I am writing.  I write in longhand a lot lately and then on my days off I type them into my computer.  May take longer, but least I am writing and getting the story written.  I am very excited about the 2 stories I am working on.  I am thinking of my characters all day and every time I have time to have to jot some ideas down, I take advantage of it. In January I will have another book on line.  Then shortly after that, in a few months I will have another book on line.  It is a process.  One word at a time. So jot down ideas, when ever where every where.  One word leads to another.  Before you know it, your story is written. Twitter @dogbone61

Plotting As a Go

On my two days from my bill paying job, I started a new story. I just started writing to see where the story went.  I didn't plot, I just wrote.  I wrote 6,000 words in two days.  For me that is good.  I like where the story went and I am going to finish the story.  I feel that I need to get another story up on line, so I am busy writing a 400 page Novel and working on a short story to get up in a couple of months.  There is no right or wrong in writing.  I have to go with my gut and how I want to do it.  So I am busy writing and right now that is the most important thing to me. Do you plot or just write?? Twitter @dogbone61

A Good Day To Be A Writer

I think everyday is a good day to be a writer.  People who fish always says that a bad day of fishing is better than a day of work. I think everyday is a good day to be a writer.  Yesterday I wrote 3,000 words and today I wrote 2,000 words today.  I need to keep my word count up every day in order to keep publishing books.  I feel alone in this process sometimes, since I sit in front of the computer alone with my thoughts and words.  It is not that I don't have the ideas and words it is time finding the time, being in the mood to write. I have to commit to my writing and my time.  Work that pays the bills zap my writing time.  I am not complaining it is just a fact.  I get up early to write, before going to work and stay up later and miss some sleep.  If that is what I have to do then so be it.  I am a writer first.  Says so on my tax return.  I recieve royality checks form amazon,com So today is a good day to be a writ...

Word Count

I just wrote 3,000 words this morning and I am not finished yet.  I woke up, knowing that I wanted to write.  I just started writing and can't seem to stop. It is a good day to be a writer. I have 3 books up on My Bible--My GOD Always & Forever Welcome To Zombie Zoo I know that I need to get another book online, soon.  My book sales are good, but I want them to continue to increase.  So I am going to increase my word count so my January I can get another book up.  It is now or never.  So I am going to do my best to increase my word count. The editing process is the hardest part for me and takes the longest.  So I need to make time for that.  What is your word count?

Word Count Page Count

Do you set a writing goal every day??  Do you reach your goal?  Do you beat yourself up when you don't reach your goal? I set a goal and I don't reach the goal everyday.  The main thing is that you are thinking about your writing and you are writing somewthing.  I was at work yesterday.  I had a thought. I just published Welcome to Zombie Zoo or I am now working on the next book.  I like the story but it is going to take longer than I thought to finish it.  So I am going to write a short story, and get it published while I am still working on my book. You might think, how can I do that when I don't always reach my daily writing goals.  The answer is simple.  I am going to write.  It is that simple.  I am not going to worry about page count or word count.  I am going to write till the story is finished. Everyone talks about word count, page count....We ...

Get Excited About Your Writing

If you are not excited about your writing, who will be????? I am working on my next book and I look forward to writing each scene, and excited to do the rewrite.  If you are not excited about the story, something maybe missing in the story. I write at work on my breaks and lunch, and I don't care who sees me writing.  I have ideas that I need to jot down so I won't forget and then sometimes an idea will come to me on break.  If I didn't have my notebook, I would of missed that idea.  If you are writing a love scene, and are not feeling anything, your readers are not going to feel anything.  So get excited about what you are writing.  If it is a short story or a novel. but everything you have in each word and your reader will feel it right along with you. I am excited about the next book, and there doesn't seem enough time to work on it.  I am not giving up, but taking notes when I can and think about my story all the time.  I am excited ab...

Putting Your Characters In Danger

All Annie wanted was to marry Mitchell and be his wife.  Was that to much to ask???  Wasn't it enough that her small town had a virus that turned everyone to a Zombie and she had to kill her neighbors to get out of town. Wasn't it enough when the preacher that married Annie and Mitchell turned into a Zombie and they had to kill the preacher after the cermony?  Wasn't it enough that her best friend is now a Zombie locked in a shed. Wasn't it enough that she came upon 4 children and was going to take them back home with her, except the Zombies followed the kids and now the kids are being eaten and she had to jump off the bridge. Wasn't it enough that a storm is pounding on her and is being swept out to sea. My poor herione is driftingout to sea.....What else can I do to her????????????? I have plans for her.  She just doesn't know it yet. What kind of danger are you putting your character through.  Are they happy sitting on a beach waiting for their tr...


I was at work, on break and working on my book, when my whole plot changed course. I hope for the better. I had my characters on a bridge surrounded by Zombies.  Was not sure what to do, I had them jump off the bridge.  I loved that idea and had no idea where it came from.  So now I have to replot the next chapter and I am so excited, cause it makes for a better story.  Not much was happening.  I had them at the house, most of the time, now they are really out of their element and I am excited about writing the scene and see what is going to happen next. Just because you plot out your novel does not mean that you can not change the outline as you go.  It is just a guide line.  so I am very excited about the next half of the book.  The characters are stronger  and more determined.  Their love is stronger and will do what they have to do to survive.  I love to plot, but I also love it when something happens that I don't see co...

Book Sales Increasing

NEVER GIVE UP  That is all I have to say.  One never knows what the day will bring.  One never knows what tomorrow will bring.  I have to admit that my sales are nothing to brag about, but I am thrilled everytime I sell a book and do a happy dance. I have sold books in Italy, UK and the USA  I am very proud of that and no one can take that away from me.  I am selling books and that is what I want to do. Quitting is not an option for me.  I don't care what anyone says. I blog everyday, I tweet everyday and my book sales are increasing. So if you are a bit discouraged about your writing, or book sales.  Keep writing.  That is all one can do  

Book Promo

I discovered a new website. .  You can list your books for free and he will promote them.  I just listed my three books.  I have no idea if it will help the sales of my books, but I am giving it a try.  It was easy to do and didn't take long.  So check out his website.  I have his link listed under Check Out These Sites. I am not getting anything for telling you about this site.  I am just passing the info along.  I will keep you posted on how it works for me.

Time To Write

How do you find time to write?  I am not so sure that I am doing a good job as to using my time wisely.  I write, but not to organized.  Sometimes I feel that I am on a tread mill and not getting anywhere. I said that I will blog tweet and write for 100 days and I have 95 days left.  I think I am doing okay.  I have picked up a couple new followers on twitter.  Book sales are increasing and I think it is good discipline.  So join me.  Set a goal and see what happens along the way reaching your goal. I am tweeting a story.  Follow me @dogbone61 Welcome To Zombie Zoo    Halloween Special  99Cent E-Book

I Am Being Interviewed

Check out    He has interviewed me for Saturday the 15th.  How exciting is that! One never knows when things will happen, so you always have to be prepared.  I put myself out there and you have to do the same if you want to sell books.  I am enjoying being an indie writer and am thrilled when I sell a book. I have sold books in Italy, UK and the USA  I am selling global and there is nothing cooler than that.  I am very excited about selling books throughout the world. The world is getting smaller, and one needs to stop looking at just their own country, but Global. I hope you stop by and leave a comment at    Let me know what you think


I blog everyday I tweet everyday I write everyday It is not always easy.  I do miss a day here and there.  Life does get in the way.  I have decided to keep up with it for the next 100 days.  Then it will be Christmas and New Year's and I will need a break.  Join me for the next 100 days of writing.  I will be posting my progress on blogging, tweeting and writng the next book.  You can list your writing progress in the commet section and we can do this together. I have another blog. Tweet me  @dogbone61  I am tweeting a story also on twitter, which I will post on weekends at   I have blogged and now I will tweet and then work on my book before I go to my job that pays the bills. Write something to day and let me know.

Tweeting A Story

I am tweeting a story on Twitter   @dogbone61 I will tweet a few times during the day and on the weekends I will post my tweets on a new blog I will set up this weekend.  I think it will be fun.  The fun part is that you can tell me what you want to happen next.  I am open to suggestions on what direction the story will go. The Title of the Story is Me VS Zombies. I will be trying to survive the Zombie Outbreak with my ex-boyfriend, Ax who just escaped from jail, since the Zombies ate the guards and my faithful Dog, Roxie.  The three of us will have to decide what to do and where to go.  Follow me on Twitter and help me survive living with Zombies Leave suggestions here and tell me what you would do.  This is going to be fun. I am on twitter  @dogbone61 Have a Great Zombie Day Welcome To Zombie Zoo

Tweeting a Story

I am tweeting a Zombie story on twitter.  Follow me on Twitter @dogbone61 I am alone in my house, in a saferoom and have to figure out what to do next.  Zombies are outside of the house.  I only have a flashlight and a hammer and no other supplies.  I am on my own. Join me on twitter as I survive the Zombie Outbreak. Welcome to Zombie Zoo

Finding Your Nitch

What type of books do you write?  Do you even know.  I knew I was a romance writer.  I considered myself a romance writer.  There are different romance writers.  Contemporary romance, Suspense Romance, Chick lit, Urban, Paranormal Romance, Christian Romance.  It is enough to give one a headache.  It took me to find my niche and not even sure if I can put myself in one niche. I consider myself a Paranormal Romace Writer.  I have spirits in my books.  I have romance in my books and I have Zombies in my books.  I am a Christain and am committed to GOD.  That doesn't mean that I don't like things that go bump in the night.  I have a series The Legend of Jessica.  The first book in the series is Always & Forever.  I consider it a Christian Romance in a small town of Lake Sherry love abounds, but there is the Spirit of Jessica that roams the woods looking for her lost love. ...

Halloween Special

Now that summer is over, Halloween is just around the corner.  Weclome to Zombie Zoo is now out in E-Book and Print Version I have just lowered the price of Welcome to Zombie Zoo from 3.99 to 99 Cents for the E-Book  I think it will get you in the mood for Halloween and make you want to be a Zombie for Halloween.     or check out my website for all my books. Remember that Zombies are here.  So when you are planning your Halloween Party, and you see a Zombie, just ask yourself if that is someone dressed as a Zombie or is it a Zombie.  Don't get eaten by a Zombie on Halloween Night.

Writing The Next Book

No one has the perfect formula to become a bestselling writer.  They all say Write the next Book.  Easier said than done. 1. First book is finished. 2.  Need to Market Book.  Facebok, Twitter, Blog 3.  Spend Money I don't have.  Buy copies of print book, bookmarks 4.  Webpage.  have to pay someone for that. 5.  Running out of money 6.  Have to go to day job to pay bills.  Zaps time from my writing 7.  Gave up on every having a clean house again 8.  Have no social life, work and writing is all I have. 9.  Husband appears after kidnapping my computer and demands his wife back 10.  I negotiate to get my computer back, explaining that I have to write the next book. Have to go and write my next book


Storms and storms.  I wish people would stop wishing and praying for rain.  Now it is raining and strong storms and large hail.  Hope they are happy.  I had a hard time getting online cause of the storms.  Anyway, I was writing in long hand today and I wanted to turn a main character into a Zombie, then I changed my mind as I wrote and I love the scene.  I come up with better ideas when I write longhand.  so I am very excited about writing this scene.  Blood, shock and watching a character turn is truly amazing. Check out my website at My other blog

Not Enough Hours In The Day

I have a day job to pay the bills.  I write everyday.  I need to get my word count up.  I need to promote my 3 print books and 8 E-Books.  I have to blog, facebook and twitter.  I don't seem to have enough time.  Do you? I am not going to stress over what I don't get done each day.  I can only do what I can do.  Life does get in the way and headaches always pop up.  So I struggle on. I haven't been blogging regularly and that is going to change.  I will start blogging more.  Maybe I just got lazy but I am back.  I am working on my next Zombie Novel, it is going slow, but I am going to step up my work count and get it written How do you juggle the daliy life of a writer??? Check out my website   Welcome To Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo Now Open!

Zombie Zoo is now open to vistors:

Love Those Zombies

I am busy writing on my Next Zombie Novel.  If you like Zombies check out my Newest book  Welcome to Zombie Zoo.    A hundred years after the first outbreak of Zombies.  Humans are still deciding to save the Zombieis till there is a cure or just kill them. I have been writing about 4 pages a day.  The book is slowly being written but I am upping my word count.  I should have the next book out by the first of the year. I already have someone working on the book cover.  Summer is over and soon the holidays will be upon us.  So I am getting busy writing.  If you are thinking of writing a book.  Now is the time.  Sit at that computer.  Pick up that pen and paper and get writing.  Now is the time. Zombies are here.  We have to adjust with life living with Zombies.  Some say that we are living in the end of times, Zombies  could be the end of Humans.  Protect yo...

Word Count

I have had two days off of work and I have wrote 5,000 words.  I am very excited about that.  I know that I will have to rewrite once the rough draft is done, but I need to get the story on paper.  I know that it is hard to sit in front of the computer for hours on end, but when the word count adds up, it is all worth it.  I like the story that I am working on and look forward to every minute I can spend working on it. Are you excited about what you are working on???? Welcome To Zombie Zoo is avaliable at Check out my website at
I am thrilled about the sales of my book.  I hope you all go to or check out my other books at I am busy working on the next Zombie Book.  A romantic comedy where Zombies are complicating the life of a newly married couple.  Looking forward to hearing from you and let me know what you think The Zombie Zoo series is still avaliable for 99 cents as E-books. What is there not to love about Zombies????

Writing In Long Hand

After writing the last scene of the book the rest of the book just came to me.  I have been writing in longhand,  and have plotted out the rest of the book.  So I am very excited about the next book. It is hard to be at work when I am thinking of my book.  I just want to write.  In the mean time you can buy my book  Welcome to Zombie Zoo Twitter @Dogbone61

Welcome India has just added India to there store.  We now can sell in India.  I get excited when I sell in other countries.  That makes me selling world wide.  How cool is that????  So I say welcome India.  Check out my books. Writers don't forget the other countries, you might be popular out there and don't even know it.  I welcome readers and other writers from other countries.  Leave a comment and say Hi Wlecome to Zombie Zoo

Writing Last Scene First

I have written the last scene first.  I now know how the book will end and I will know where I am going as I write.  Took me a couple of weeks to figure out the ending.  I kept changing the ending.  I decided on the ending and am pleased with it. I then wrote the first scene, which is better than what I had before.  The tone is set and I like the feel of the book.  This is the second Zombie Book.  The first one is Welcome to Zombie Zoo   It is avalable in Print form and E-Book Follow me on Twitter @dogbone61

Follow Your Dreams

The Zombie Zoo series is now all in one book.  Welcome to Zombie Zoo.  I love the cover and am very proud of this book.  I have it at and have the book in a local book store.  I have followed my dream and am now a published writer.  No matter what anyone says. What about you?  Are you following your dreams?  Are you following your passion?  What are you waiting for?    Order your copy
WELCOME TO ZOMBIE ZOO NOW AVAILABLE AS E-BOOK AND PRINT FORM A hundred years after the first outbreak, there is still no cure.  This is Connor's story, who keeps watch over the Zombies till there is a cure.  Connor was content with his life till Amber broke into the zoo and changed the course of the virus and Connor's life. 5 short stories into one book, plus a bounus story. Order your copy today